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亞倫的祝禱 Aaronic Blessing

亞倫的祝禱 Aaronic Blessing Y’ va-re-che-cha Adonai v’yish-mire-cha Ya-er Adonai panav elei-cha vihu-necha Yi-sah Adonai panav elei-cha V’ya-sem l’cha shalom V’ya-sem l’cha shalom. “ The Lord Bless You And Keep You ” words and music by Susanna. 願主祝福你和保護你 The Lord bless you and keep you

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亞倫的祝禱 Aaronic Blessing

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  1. 亞倫的祝禱 Aaronic Blessing Y’ va-re-che-cha Adonai v’yish-mire-chaYa-er Adonai panav elei-cha vihu-necha Yi-sah Adonai panav elei-chaV’ya-sem l’cha shalomV’ya-sem l’cha shalom “The Lord Bless You And Keep You” words and music by Susanna

  2. 願主祝福你和保護你The Lord bless you and keep you 願耶和華的臉光照你May the Lord shine His Face upon you (x2) “The Lord Bless You And Keep You” words and music by Susanna

  3. 祂賜恩給你 願主仰臉看顧你And be gracious unto youMay the Lord look upon you 賜你平安 賜你平安And give you peace, and give you peace “The Lord Bless You And Keep You” words and music by Susanna

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