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Lezione XIII

Lezione XIII. Il format del ’29. Indice. dati e cronologia antefatti possibili cause del crollo effettive conseguenze la questione della liquidità il sistema monetario internazionale e la natura dell’equilibrio. DJIA 1920-29. DJIA 1930-39. Crescita degli anni ’20.

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Lezione XIII

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  1. Lezione XIII Il format del ’29

  2. Indice • dati e cronologia • antefatti • possibili cause del crollo • effettive conseguenze • la questione della liquidità • il sistema monetario internazionale e la natura dell’equilibrio

  3. DJIA 1920-29

  4. DJIA 1930-39

  5. Crescita degli anni ’20 • reddito nazionale reale: +3,4% annuo (1923-29) • produzione industriale: +3,1% annuo (1921-29) • produttività industriale: +5,3% annuo (1919-29) • profitti delle imprese: +14% (1928-29) • P/E ratio dei titoli industriali: 10-15 • quotazioni azionarie DJIA: +18,0% annuo (1922-29)

  6. Possibili cause del crollo • frode o illegalità • bolla: sopravvalutazione dei titoli a settembre ’29 • sopravvalutazione degli investment trusts • sopravvalutazione delle public utilities • overtrading: broker loans • speculazione al ribasso • errori di politica monetaria (eccessivamente restrittiva) • anticipazione di misure protezionistiche • proclami pubblici contro la speculazione

  7. Conseguenze del crollo • contrazione del credito • contrazione della domanda di titoli • contrazione della domanda di importazioni • contrazione della domanda di beni durevoli • deflazione • misure protezionistiche • conversione di riserve valutarie in oro • pressioni al ribasso sui cambi di £ e $ • restrizione fiscale e monetaria (US e UK)

  8. La trappola della liquidità Keynes: Le cause immediate del panico finanziario sono evidenti: una caduta catastrofica nel valore monetario, non solo dei beni, ma praticamente di ogni genere di attività - una caduta giunta al punto che gli attivi, detenuti a fronte di debiti monetari, non hanno più un valore di realizzo pari al valore del debito. Il rischio di detenere attività con denaro preso a prestito è tale da indurre un panico concorrenziale per la liquidità. E ogni individuo, a cui riesce di incrementare la propria liquidità, contribuisce in tal modo a deprimere ulteriormente il prezzo dei beni, riducendo di conseguenza i margini di altri soggetti e abbattendone la fiducia. E così il processo continua… Questa lotta concorrenziale per la liquidità si è ora estesa ben oltre gli individui, coinvolgendo anche le istituzioni, le nazioni e i governi. (The Economic Prospects 1932, CW XXI, 39)

  9. Speculazione vs. impresa • If I may be allowed to appropriate the term speculation for the activity of forecasting the psychology of the market, and the term enterprise for the activity of forecasting the prospective yield of assets over their whole life, it is by no means always the case that speculation predominates over enterprise. … Speculators may do no harm as bubbles on a steady stream of enterprise. But the position is serious when enterprise becomes the bubble on a whirlpool of speculation. When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done. The measure of success attained by Wall Street, regarded as an institution of which the proper social purpose is to direct new investment into the most profitable channels in terms of future yield, cannot be claimed as one of the outstanding triumphs of laissez-faire capitalism — which is not surprising, if I am right in thinking that the best brains of Wall Street have been in fact directed towards a different object. • (cont.)

  10. Arginare la speculazione • These tendencies are a scarcely avoidable outcome of our having successfully organised “liquid” investment markets. It is usually agreed that casinos should, in the public interest, be inaccessible and expensive. … The introduction of a substantial Government transfer tax on all transactions might prove the most serviceable reform available, with a view to mitigating the predominance of speculation over enterprise in the United States…. • The spectacle of modern investment markets has sometimes moved me towards the conclusion that to make the purchase of an investment permanent and indissoluble, like marriage, except by reason of death or other grave cause, might be a useful remedy for our contemporary evils. For this would force the investor to direct his mind to the long-term prospects and to those only. • (cont.)

  11. Vantaggi della liquidità • But a little consideration of this expedient brings us up against a dilemma, and shows us how the liquidity of investment markets often facilitates, though it sometimes impedes, the course of new investment. For the fact that each individual investor flatters himself that his commitment is “liquid” (though this cannot be true for all investors collectively) calms his nerves and makes him much more willing to run a risk. If individual purchases of investments were rendered illiquid, this might seriously impede new investment, so long as alternative ways in which to hold his savings are available to the individual. This is the dilemma. So long as it is open to the individual to employ his wealth in hoarding or lending money, the alternative of purchasing actual capital assets cannot be rendered sufficiently attractive (especially to the man who does not manage the capital assets and knows very little about them), except by organising markets wherein these assets can be easily realised for money. • (cont.)

  12. Y = C + I • The only radical cure for the crises of confidence which afflict the economic life of the modern world would be to allow the individual no choice between consuming his income and ordering the production of the specific capital-asset which, even though it be on precarious evidence, impresses him as the most promising investment available to him. It might be that, at times when he was more than usually assailed by doubts concerning the future, he would turn in his perplexity towards more consumption and less new investment. But that would avoid the disastrous, cumulative and far-reaching repercussions of its being open to him, when thus assailed by doubts, to spend his income neither on the one nor on the other. • (Keynes, General Theory, ch. 12 “The State of Long-Term Expectation”)

  13. Indicazioni bibliografiche • http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/obrien.hawley-smoot.tariff • http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/Bierman.Crash • http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/parker.depression • http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/economics/keynes/general-theory/ch12.htm

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