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Services Portfolio

Services Portfolio. Services Portfolio. Large Companies. SENA. Small and Midsize Business. New Foreign Investors. ¿ What is SENA?. International Allies. ¿ What does SENA do?. Foundations and NGO’s. SENA’s administrative structure. Public Institutions.

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Services Portfolio

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  1. Services Portfolio

  2. Services Portfolio LargeCompanies SENA Small and Midsize Business New ForeignInvestors ¿Whatis SENA? International Allies ¿Whatdoes SENA do? Foundations and NGO’s SENA’sadministrativestructure PublicInstitutions SENA’spresence in Colombia Community ColombiansAbroad

  3. Services Portfolio ¿Whatis SENA? It is a public institution which takes over the State’s responsibility of invest in the social and technical development of Colombians by offering and carrying out free professional training, for the incorporation and development of nationals in productive activities that will contribute to the social, economic and technological development of the country.

  4. Services Portfolio ¿Whatdoes SENA do? 1. It contributes to increase the productivity and competitiveness of Colombian companies through the anticipation of their needs. 2. It leads to the construction of Social Capital.

  5. Services Portfolio SENA’sAdministrativeStructure Click on the chart to see the institutions that compose the SENA’s Directorial Council.

  6. Services Portfolio SENA’sNationalDirectorial CouncilItiscomposedbythefollowinginstitutions: CAMPESINOS DE COLOMBIA

  7. Services Portfolio SENA in Colombia SENA has 33 regional centers, which are divided in 116 training centers nationwide. In addition, SENA reach places where institutional centers and buildings does not exist through Mobile Classrooms. The institution currently has 287 of these environments rolling across the country. SENA’s virtual training is free to all Colombians via the Internet, achieving a coverage of 100% of the territory. • Click on the points to access information for each Regional

  8. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Amazonas The training center Centro para la Biodiversidad y el Turismo del Amazonasislocated in themiddle of the Regional Amazonas . For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  9. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Antioquia The Regional Antioquia has thefollowing training centers: Centro de los recursos naturales renovables - la salada Centro de diseño y manufactura de cuero Centro de formación en diseño, confección y moda Centro para el desarrollo del hábitat y la construcción Centro de tecnología de la manufactura avanzada Centro tecnológico del mobiliario Centro nacional textil Centro de comercio Centro de servicios de salud Centro de servicios y gestión empresarial Complejo tecnológico para la gestión agro empresarial Complejo tecnológico minero agro empresarial Centro de la innovación, la agroindustria y el turismo Complejo tecnológico agroindustrial, pecuario y turístico For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  10. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Arauca The Regional Arauca has theCentro de gestión y desarrollo agroindustrial de Arauca For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  11. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Atlantico The Training Centers located in the Regional Atlantico are: • Centro para el desarrollo agroecológico y agroindustrial • Centro nacional colombo alemán • Centro industrial y de aviacion • Centro de comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more. .

  12. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Bolivar The Regional Bolivar has thefollowing training centers: • Centro agro empresarial y minero • Centro náutico acuícola y pesquero • Centro para la industria petroquímica • Centro de comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more. .

  13. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Boyaca Thefollowing training centers are located in the Regional Boyaca : • Centro de desarrollo agropecuario y agroindustrial • Centro minero • Centro de gestion administrativa y fortalecimiento empresarial • Centro industrial de mantenimiento y manufactura For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  14. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Caldas The Regional Caldas has thenexttraining centers: • Centro para la formación  cafetera • Centro de automatización industrial • Centro de procesos industriales • Centro pecuario y agro empresarial • Centro de comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  15. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Caqueta TheCentro tecnológico de la amazonia islocated in the Regional Caqueta. Para mayor información, haga click sobre el nombre del Centro de Formación que desea conocer.

  16. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Casanare The Regional Casanare developsits training activitiesthroughtheCentro agroindustrial y fortalecimiento empresarial de Casanare For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  17. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Cauca The Regional Cauca ownsthenext 3 training centers: • Centro agropecuario • Centro de teleinformática y producción industrial • Centro de comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  18. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Cesar The Regional Cesar carriesoutits training activitiesthroughthefollowing training centers: • Centro biotecnológico del Caribe • Centro agro empresarial • Centro de operación y mantenimiento minero For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  19. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Choco The Regional Choco has theCentro de recursos naturales, industria y biodiversidad For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  20. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Cordoba The Regional CordobaiscomposedbytheCentro agropecuario y de biotecnología el porvenirand theCentro de comercio, industria y turismo de Córdoba For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  21. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Cundinamarca The Regional Cundinamarca isone of thebiggestSENA’s Regional in the country, withthefollowing training centers: • Centro de desarrollo agroindustrial y empresarial • Centro agroecológico y empresarial • Centro de la tecnología del diseño y la productividad empresarial • Centro de biotecnología agropecuaria • Centro de desarrollo agro empresarial • Centro industrial y desarrollo empresarial de Soacha For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  22. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Distrito Capital The Regional Distrito Capital has a bigvariety of training specialties: • Centro de tecnologías para la construcción y la madera • Centro de electricidad electrónica y telecomunicaciones • Centro de gestión industrial • Centro de manufacturas en textiles y cueros • Centro de tecnologías del transporte • Centro metalmecánico • Centro de materiales y ensayos • Centro de diseño y metrología • Centro para la industria de la comunicación grafica • Centro de gestión de mercados, logística y tecn. Inform. • Centro de formación de talento humano en salud • Centro de gestión administrativa • Centro de servicios financieros • Centro nacional de hotelería, turismo y alimentos • Centro de gestión y fortalecimiento socio empresarial For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  23. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Guainia The Regional Guainiaprovides training throughtheCentro ambiental y eco turístico del nororiente amazónico • Regional Guainia’sPhotographs For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  24. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Guajira The Regional Guajira has theCentro industrial y de energías alternativasy el Centro agro empresarial y acuícola For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  25. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Guaviare TheCentro de desarrollo agroindustrial, turístico y tecnológico del Guaviareprovidesthe training environmentsforthe Regional Guaviare. For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  26. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Huila The Regional Huila has the 5 following training centers: • Centro de formación agroindustrial • Centro agro empresarial y desarrollo pecuario del Huila • Centro de desarrollo agro empresarial y turístico del Huila • Centro de la industria, la empresa y los servicios • Centro de gestión y desarrollo sostenible sur colombiano For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  27. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Magdalena The Regional Magdalena has 2 training centers, which are theCentro acuícola  y agroindustrial de Gairaand theCentro de logística y promoción eco turística del Magdalena For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  28. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Meta The Regional Meta trainstheirapprenticesthroughtheCentro agroindustrialand theCentro de industria y servicios. For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  29. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Nariño Thefollowing training centers are the ones located at the Regional Nariño: • Centro sur colombiano de logística internacional • Centro agroindustrial y pesquero de la costa pacifica • Centro internacional de producción limpia - lope For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  30. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Norte De Santander The Regional Norte De Santander has thefollowing training centers: • Centro atención sector agropecuario • Centro de la industria, la empresa y los servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  31. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Putumayo TheCentro agroforestal y acuícola arapaimaislocated in the Regional Putumayo For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  32. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Quindio The Regional Quindío covers 3 training centers: • Centro agroindustrial • Centro para el desarrollo tecnológico de la construcción • Centro de comercio y turismo For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  33. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Risaralda The Regional Risaralda meets 3 training centers: • Centro atención sector agropecuario • Centro de diseño e innovación tecnológica industrial • Centro comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  34. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional San Andres The Regional San Andres hosts thecaribbean training center calledCentro de formación turística, gente de mar y de servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  35. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Santander The Regional Santander hosts a differentvariety of training centers: • Centro atención sector agropecuario • Centro industrial de mantenimiento integral • Centro industrial de diseño y la manufactura • Centro de servicios empresariales y turísticos • Centro industrial y del desarrollo tecnológico • Centro agro turístico • Centro agro empresarial y turístico de los andes • Centro de gestión agro empresarial del oriente For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  36. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Sucre TheCentro de la innovación, la tecnología y los serviciosprovidesthe training environmentforthe Regional Sucre. For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  37. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Tolima In Regional Tolima are locatedthefollowing training centers: • Centro agropecuario la granja • Centro de industria y construcción • Centro de comercio y servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  38. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Valle The Regional Valle hosts thefollowing training centers: • Centro agropecuario de Buga • Centro latinoamericano de  especies menores • Centro náutico pesquero de buenaventura • Centro de electricidad y automatización industrial • Centro de la construcción • Centro de diseño tecnológico industrial • Centro nacional de asistencia técnica a la industria-ASTIN • Centro de gestión tecnológica de servicios • Centro de tecnologías agroindustriales • Centro de biotecnología industrial For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  39. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Vaupes The Regional Vaupés imparts training throughtheCentro de la innovación, la tecnología y los servicios For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  40. Services Portfolio SENA’sPresence in ColombiaRegional Vichada TheCentro de producción y transformación agroindustrial de la Orinoquiaisthe training environmentfortheapprentices in the Regional Vichada. For more information about the Training Centers, click on the name of the Training Center you'll like to find out more.

  41. Services Portfolio LargeCompanies AppliedResearchUnits Vocational Training LearningContract Complementary Training Labor CompetenciesCertificaction Englishforeverycolombian HumanResourceNationalSystem Innovation Enterprise Environments Specialized Training OtherServices

  42. Services Portfolio Vocational Training Vocational training focused on developing and strengthening human resource competencies, including training and retraining activities in specific subjects. According to this form of training, the beneficiary obtains a degree certifying that he/she is specialist in some specific field, whether a technical or technological degree. The Vocational training could be tailored to their needs, by providing it through virtual or mixed Training Centers. % www

  43. Services Portfolio Vocational Training www

  44. Services Portfolio Complementary Training Training activities that enable the updating or development of skills related to specific demands of the productive sector, in order to upgrade the human talent linked to economic activities that requires qualification of its actual performance or needs to get ready for further performances. Complementary training has the potential to be tailored to their needs through virtual, in presence or mixed training. % www

  45. Services Portfolio Complementary Training www

  46. Services Portfolio Englishforeverycolombian English language training which occur in virtual learning environments; these kind of learning processes promote collaborative work through a methodology by projects. The service English for every Colombian consists of three levels (basic, intermediate and advanced), divided into 9 courses, each one of 60 hours. October 2010: 1.072.462 training quota www

  47. Services Portfolio Innovation and TechnologicalDevelopment Establishment and strengthening of technological capabilities of key companies for the improvement of the productivity and for assimilating, using, adapting and changing existing technologies. In addition to this, ability to create new technologies and develop new products and processes. SENA will co-finance research projects, innovation and technology development inside the companies, for increasing productivity and competitiveness in the productive market. % www

  48. Services Portfolio Innovation and TechnologicalDevelopment www

  49. Services Portfolio Specialized Training Development training programstailoredtosatisfiedtheneeds of thecompanyaccordingtotheoperative (operators and managers) and strategic positions (CEO’s and Directors) of theorganization, underSENA’sservicesSena Empresa (operative positions), Alta Gerencia (Managerial positions) and Líderes para la innovación Empresarial (operators positions). All the SENA’s contributors are benefited with these programs through staff linked to them. Companies can apply individually, clustered, grouped or by the sectorial boards. www

  50. Services Portfolio AppliedResearchUnits Creation, Supporting, and Strengthening of Applied Research Units and Technological Development Programs in companies, supporting their identification of innovative issues and technological development, which limit their competitiveness, in order to seek a solution through the joint sponsorship of post - graduate studies. Through open calls, SENA sponsors postgraduate studies of high level ( including Masters and / or Ph.D.) for the execution of an applied research project on a relevant and interesting topic improving the productivity and competitiveness of the company. www

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