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Comodo cWatch - the Website Security service provider

Web security is much needed for business websites. The best web security service provider like comodo cwatch offers best package like $9.90 per month 24/7 support and 365 days. For more information find here.. https://www.rewardexpert.com/blog/with-comodos-cwatch-small-businesses-can-keep-their-websites-squeaky-clean/?af=9557

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Comodo cWatch - the Website Security service provider

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Presentation Transcript

  1. C O M O D O C W A T C H , T H E C O M P R E H E N S I V E W E B S I T E S E C U R I T Y S E R V I C E F O R S M A L L B U S I N E S S E S

  2. INTRODUCTION Today’sinternetisfraughtwithhazardous malware, ormalicioussoftware. Itcomesin manydifferentforms. Itmaylurkwithinthecode ofinfectedwebsiteswhereitwaitsfor unsuspectingvisitorstoenterpersonal information. 

  3. Asasmallbusinessowner, amalwareinfection ofyourwebsiteismorethanjustan inconvenience. Allowedtogounchecked, itcan eventuallycauseyourhostingprovidertotake downyoursite—andvaluablecustomersmaybe lostintheprocess.

  4. DESIGNED WITH SMALL BUSINESS WEBSITE SECURITY IN MIND InitsrecentGlobalMalwareReport , Comodo ThreatResearchLabsstatedthatthetopthree malwaretypesdetectedin2017weretrojans (accountingfor41percentofmalware detections), applications (24percent) and backdoors (10percent). 

  5. COMODO OFFERS WEB SECURITY SOFTWARE Comodooffersitscustomerseverythingfrom securitysoftwareforpersonaluserstoSSL certificates, endpointprotectionandenterprise securitysolutionsforlargerbusinesses, its cWatchproductwasdesignedwithsmall businesswebsitesecurityinmind.

  6. FREE WEBSITE MALWARE REMOVAL SERVICE cWatchincludesComodo’sfreewebsite malwareremovalservice, whichthecompany launchedinNovemberoflastyear. Inlessthan 30minutes, Comodo’steamofcybersecurity operationcenteranalystswillscanandremove anymalwaredetectedonyourcompany’s website. Theserviceisavailable24/7withno obligation. 

  7. CONTINUOUS WEB PROTECTION FOR $9.90 A MONTH cWatchWebplansstartatjust $9.90permonth andincludeliveassistance24hoursaday, seven daysaweek, and365daysayear. Thesoftwareis easytodeployandcanbeusedwithanywebsite orCMSplatform. Theservicewillscanyour websiteeverysixhoursandremoveanymalware found.

  8. TolearnmoreaboutcWatchplansortake advantageofComodo’sfreewebsitemalware removalservice, visitcwatch.comodo.com

  9. Thank you

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