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1413 Ver06L Sada Nirantara Hari Guna Gavo

Sada Nirantara Hari Guna Gavo Ever be eager to sing the glory and divine virtues of Lord Hari; At every step remember the greatness of the Divine.

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1413 Ver06L Sada Nirantara Hari Guna Gavo

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  1. Sada Nirantara Hari Guna GavoEver be eager to sing the glory and divine virtues of Lord Hari; At every step remember the greatness of the Divine

  2. Prema Bhakthi Sey Bhajana SunavoLet your bhajan resound with love and devotion; The Divine yields instantly when the wave of devotion rises from the bottom of the heart

  3. Sai Natha Ke Charano Mey AavoCome and surrender at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sai; Offer yourself to the Will of the Divine, without expectations or demands of any kind

  4. Mana Mandirmey Deepa JalavoIn the temple of your heart, light the lamp of Love; The Pure Divine Consciousness is a veritable lamp that dispels all darkness and ignorance

  5. Jeevana Naiya Parr LagavoIt is only the Divine, in His Grace that can give liberation; The Lord alone can take us across the Ocean of Life and Death

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