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Ljubljana, 8 June 2007 Éva Birinyi – EAC Executive Agency

Vocational education and training – Continuity and changes in the new Lifelong Learning Programme. Ljubljana, 8 June 2007 Éva Birinyi – EAC Executive Agency. LLP – Priority and structure LLP – Call for proposals 2007 Sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci Target groups Priorities Objectives

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Ljubljana, 8 June 2007 Éva Birinyi – EAC Executive Agency

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  1. Vocational education and training – Continuity and changes in the new Lifelong Learning Programme Ljubljana, 8 June 2007Éva Birinyi – EAC Executive Agency

  2. LLP – Priority and structure LLP – Call for proposals 2007 Sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci Target groups Priorities Objectives Transversal Programme Key Activities Key Activity 1 – EQF Continuity and changes Structure

  3. The contribution to achieving the Lisbon goal: ”making the EU the most competitive knowledge-based economy, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs, and greater social cohesion” The overall priority of the Lifelong Learning Programme

  4. LLP: integrated programme 2007-2013, with: 4 sectoral programmes: Erasmus (school education) Comenius (higher education) Leonardo da Vinci (vocational education and training) Grundtvig (adult education) One transversal programme with 4 key activities: Policy cooperation; Languages; ICT; Valorisation Jean Monnet programme Programme Decision: No.1720/2006/EC, published on OJ L 327, 24.11.2006 Lifelong Learning Programme

  5. LLP Call for proposals: EAC/61/2006 Announcement published on 20.12.2006 in the EU Official Journal Full text on Europa.eu (DG EAC) website: http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/newprog/index_en.html Guide for applicant: http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/llp/index_en.html Documents for application on EACEA website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/llp/index_en.htm LLP Call for proposals 2007

  6. Sectoral programmes’ actions: 1. Mobility (NAs) 2. Partnerships (NAs) 3. Multilateral projects (EA and NAs) 4. Networks (EA) 5. Accompanying Measures (EA) LLP Call for proposals 2007

  7. 2007 Sectoral programme Leonardo da Vinci

  8. VET institutions or organisations VET associations and representatives Enterprises, social partners and others Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services Bodies responsible for systems and policies Higher education institutions and research centres Non-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, NGOs Target groups

  9. 1. Developing the quality of VET systems and practices 2. Continuous training of teachers and trainers 3. Developing relevant and innovative e-learning content 4. European credit transfer for VET 5. Validation of non-formal and informal learning Priorities for LdV projects – Call 2007

  10. 1. Quality of VET systems and practices The Common Quality Assurance Framework: Developing and testing quality assurance procedures Developing quality indicators for assessment Developing partnership and cooperation between stakeholders

  11. Identifying quality criteria for qualifications and development of VET teachers Defining and exploring core criteria and methods for identifying the learning needs of VET teachers Identifying and/or developing measures, practices or tools for continuous adaptation of education and training curricula for VET teachers (new job requirements in companies, etc.) 2. Teachers and Trainers in VET

  12. Identifying new skills and competences for VET teachers in the lifelong learning context Identifying and exploring new forms of cooperation (VET teachers in schools and trainers in companies) Developing innovative training offers for VET teachers and trainers, e.g.. multilingual comprehension and/or Content Integrated Language Learning

  13. ICT- supported learning, combination of ICT- based learning with other learning modes (eg. learning groups, family learning) Appropriate training / learning materials Developing e-learning tools for training quality management in VET 3. Innovative e-learning content

  14. Application of credit transfer systems based on ECVET principles and development of new approaches Development of processes for assessment, validation, transfer and recognition of learning outcomes for VET qualifications linked to effective implementation of a credit transfer system 4. European Credit Transfer for VET (ECVET)

  15. 5. Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Exchanges of experience and good practice on identification, assessment and recognition of informal and non-formal learning Development of high-quality, cost-efficient validation methodologies to be used at European, national and sector level Development and improvement of standards for validation Improvement of guidance and counseling on validation

  16. 1) To support participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and participation in the European labour market; 2) To support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices; 3) To enhance the attractiveness of vocational education and training and mobility for employers and individuals and to facilitate the mobility of working trainees. Specific Objectives of Leonardo da Vinci

  17. to improve the quality and to increase the volume of the mobility of people involved in initial vocational education and training and in continuing training throughout Europe; (b) to improve the quality and to increase the volume of cooperation between institutions or organisations providing learning opportunities, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies throughout Europe; (c) to facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of vocational education and training other than at tertiary level, and their transfer, including from one participating country to others; Operational Objectives of Leonardo da Vinci (1)

  18. (d) to improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, including those acquired through non-formal and informal learning; (e) to encourage the learning of modern foreign languages; (f) to support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning. Operational Objectives of Leonardo da Vinci (2)

  19. 1) Multilateral Projects: Development and Transfer of Innovation Thematic Networks Accompanying Measures Types of Projects

  20. Transversal Programme 4 Key Activities

  21. Key Activity 1: Policy cooperation - Studies and comparative research Student access and retention in HE Adult learning: organisation, management, funding Acquisition on key competences in preschools and compulsory education Governance of VET and links VET/HE/work Key Actitivity 2 : Languages Primary and pre-primary language learning Intercultural understanding and languages for competitiveness and attractiveness Motivation Regional and minority languages Transversal programmePriorities (1)

  22. Key Activity 3: ICT Assessment of impact of ICT on education Connecting learning communities, knowledge sharing Stakeholder partnerships Key Activity 4: Dissemination / exploitation of results Infrastructure (analysis, mechanisms, methodologies, practical tools) Transversal action at European level (sector, theme, user group) Dissemination/exploitation in existing networks Transversal programmePriorities (2)

  23. Other initiatives in 2007: European Qualification Framework Indicators (tenders) Key Activity 1 – Policy cooperation and innovation

  24. Increase transparency and portability of qualifications Create common reference framework as translation device between qualification systems and levels Cover all levels and forms of learning Look at learning outcomes European Qualifications Framework

  25. EQF Level 8 Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 7 NQF/ NQS Q EQF Level 6 Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 5 NQF/ NQS Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 4 Q EQF Level 3 Q NQF/NQS Q NQF/ NQS EQF Level 2 EQF Level 1 Country A Country B

  26. EQF Call for proposals : DG EAC/20/07 (published on 25 May 2007) Deadline: 31August 2007 Further information on EACEA websitehttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/llp/eqf/index_en.htm European Qualification Framework

  27. Continuity and changes in the new Lifelong Learning Programme

  28. Leonardo da Vinci Programme  Sectoral programme Leonardo da Vinci with 3 types of project: Multilateral Projects: Development and transfer of Innovation Thematic Networks Accompanying Measures Continuity (1)

  29. and Transversal Programme Key Activity 1 - Studies and comparative research (One priority linked to Vocational education and training) Key Activity 4 – Dissemination and exploitation of results (open for all sub-programmes, no programme - specific priority) Continuity (2)

  30. Leonardo da Vinci multilateral projects only for Development of Innovation at European level (Transfer of Innovation  at national level) LdV – Reference Materiel (studies, research)  Transversal Programme - Key Activity 1: Studies and comparative research (Priority 4) + EQF Changes

  31. 3 Infodays were organised in January and February 2007 in Brussels Information about the whole Lifelong Learning Programme For more details: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/llp/infodays_en.htm For further information

  32. Thank you for your attention !

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