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European Dictionary Portal P rototype Sur v ey

The European Dictionary Portal is a platform that provides access to high-quality scholarly and authoritative dictionaries. Improve awareness by clarifying the purpose, emphasizing quality, and collaborating with language regulators and publishers. Enhance the aesthetics, layout, and user experience for better usability. Clear representation of authoritative content and a user-friendly search facility.

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European Dictionary Portal P rototype Sur v ey

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  1. European Dictionary PortalPrototype Survey Robert Lew & Bob Boelhouwer

  2. Survey facts • items written by BB, with some input from RL • survey built by RL on the instant.ly platform • open between May 12 and June 1, 2015 • 76 surveys started (some duplicates), 26 completed, 30 were fed into the analysis • analyzed by RL and BB

  3. Is the portal likely to raise awareness of scholarly and/or authoritative dictionaries?

  4. How would you propose to improve on the awareness-raising aspect? • European Dictionary Portal vague/abstract; say clearly what it is • emphasize the quality aspect: say that it includes scholarly and authoritative dictionaries and what these are (distinguish between the two?) • place (some) logos at the top of the page; make publisher more salient • dissemination: mailing lists; via ENeL members, social media; liaise with language regulatory bodies & publishers; newsletters of EU or national gencies/associations/ organisations (e.g. European Association for Terminology) • decide on target groups (academia, laymen, language professionals, teachers, ... ?)

  5. First Impressions

  6. How would you rate the aesthetic quality of the website?

  7. Anything you would improve with regard to the aesthetic aspect? • looks very professional and clean • colours a bit bland; too many colours; avoid light grey fonts • complaints of ads carried over from specific dictionaries • simple is good! don't bore visitors with lengthy explanations • too much metadata: hide by default • don't favour particular languages (logo with stacked dictionaries) or publisher: don't list dictionaries on homepage

  8. How would you evaluate the layout of the web pages?

  9. How would you propose to improve the layout? • too much text on the home page (especially in 'Find a dictionary'; two columns may be confused) • move the dictionary portal sidebar to the left/to top position (once a query has been executed) • separate the upper section from the rest more saliently using colour • what if there are very many dictionary links?

  10. Is the website pleasant to use?

  11. How would you propose to make the user experience more pleasant? • flag subscription-based dictionaries (e.g. OED) • open search results in a new window • provide clickable query examples under the query field • reorder search options by what users want most (meaning, examples, ... , grammar, audio) • language versions of the portal • right panel should have adjustable width: the main panel gets very narrow on smaller screens

  12. What do you like about the website? • everything  • simplicity; clarity; clean look • easy to use and navigate • filters • cutting edge idea • the fact that it includes so many dictionaries • the stack of books (!)

  13. What do you dislike about the website? • nothing • font; colours; icons • ads in dictionaries • the frame concept • confusing filters

  14. Content

  15. Is the authoritative aspect of dictionaries well represented?

  16. How would you propose to improve the authoritative aspect? • state that the dictionaries have been selected by a panel of experts, based on their quality, authority, and importance • good content says it all

  17. Is it clear what the purpose of the website is?

  18. How would you propose to improve the clarity of purpose? • state the purpose (under the description section) • add a landing page with three self-explanatory options: search for a word / find a dictionary / suggest a dictionary

  19. Is it clear who is responsible for the website?

  20. Any suggestions as to how to make this clearer? • OK as is • a brief description of the background; include a mission statement • there is a relevant note at bottom; if it is a priority (but is it?), we can move it up • move logos up

  21. Is it clear who the audience for the website is?

  22. Any suggestions as to how to make this clearer? • do we really have to? (! many comments) • just state: scholars and any people with an interest in European languages • "Welcome to the European dictionary portal. This website is being developed by the European Network of e-Lexicography to help you find high-quality dictionaries online. More information..." • split dictionary selection into two: scholars vs. general users; or have different user profiles/interfaces to this effect

  23. Usefulness

  24. Is the use of the portal intuitive? Order Answer Responses Percent 1 Yes, definitely 14 58% 2 Yes, to some extent 9 38% 3 Not really 0 0% 4 Definitely not 1 4% 24 100% Total

  25. How would you propose to make it more intuitive? • do not display the metadata in the dictionary list • uniform presentation of search results, no advertisements

  26. Is it easy to navigate between parts of the portal?

  27. How would you propose to improve the navigation? • navigation is good • warn the user that clicking on a link will navigate away from the portal

  28. Are the search facilities sufficient?

  29. How would you propose to improve the search facilities? • excellent and user friendly • text under each search function very helpful • add parameters like ‘scholarly’, ‘contemporary’, ‘historical’, etc. • not all search parameters in 'Find a dictionary' are useful for general use • add an advanced search for ‘search in multiple dictionaries’ • 'Find a dictionary' shouldreport the number of dictionaries in the result set

  30. Are search results presented in a clear and useful way?

  31. How would you propose to improve the presentation of the search results? • more sorting options for the results of 'Find a dictionary' e.g. alphabetically • add post-search filtering to the results of 'Find a dictionary' • many complained about ads

  32. Do the pages load quickly enough on mobile devices?

  33. If not, can you give some details, such as the device used, internet provider, and any other relevant information? • worked well on an iPad and iPhone4 • one participant reported problems with results opening in a separate window

  34. Other Comments

  35. What could be improved to make users come back to the website? • links to social networks • interlinked dictionary content • more languages and more dictionaries • provide regularly changing content like ‘word of the day’, ‘dictionary of the week’, etc. • add descriptions to all dictionaries • enable personalization of the website by storing preferences • allow users to register for a newsletter

  36. Is any useful functionality missing? • add an option to compare a number of selected dictionaries • mark dictionaries as modern or historical • allow user feedback (e.g. contact form, a discussion forum) • more feedback; ‘suggest a dictionary’ • more sorting options for 'Find a dictionary' e.g. alphabetically

  37. Do you have any other comments? • many expressed appreciation for the present portal and for the effort that went into it • create a Wikipedia page about the Portal

  38. After the break:Response to Survey feedback and general discussionled by Michal Boleslav Měchura

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