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About the Travel Code How the Travel Code applies to you .

We are learning today. About the Travel Code How the Travel Code applies to you. By the end of the lesson you should be able to. Describe what the Travel Code is and how it can help you have a safe journey to and from school.

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About the Travel Code How the Travel Code applies to you .

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  1. We are learning today... • About the Travel Code • How the Travel Code applies to you. By the end of the lesson you should be able to... • Describe what the Travel Code is and how it can help you have a safe journey to and from school. • Say what might happen if you don’t follow the Travel Code. • Explain your rights and responsibilities about travel to and from school.

  2. Activity A – What are Codes of Conduct? Complete these sentences: A code of conduct is... If you break the code of conduct you might...

  3. Activity B – Feelings About School Travel? When you travel to and from school what things make you feel unsafe, unhappy or angry? • Things that make me feel unsafe • Things that make me unhappy • Things that make me angry

  4. On my way to and from school I have a right to... I have a responsibility to...

  5. The Travel Code Your safety is very important. You must behave responsibly and safely when travelling to and from school, whether you get there by bus, train, taxi, bicycle, walking or any other way. If you get a bus to school, you must also follow the rules in the School Bus Travel Code.

  6. The Travel Code • If you do not follow the Travel Code, for your own safety, local authorities, schools and colleges can take action against you. • This might involve taking away your right to school transport and even excluding you from school.

  7. Your Responsibility • Always respect others, including other learners, drivers and the public.  • Always respect vehicles and property.   • Always be polite.  • Never drop litter.  • Always obey the law. Tell a teacher, parent or driver about any poor behaviour or bullying you see.

  8. Your Safety Your Safety • Always behave well throughout your journey.  • Always follow the driver’s instructions when travelling. • You must not distract drivers. •  Always cross the road safely and sensibly. • Always travel by a safe route. Tell a teacher, parent or driver about any poor behaviour or bullying you see.

  9. Your Rights • To be safe when travelling.   • To be treated fairly and with respect. • To tell someone if somebody or something is causing you problems.  • Not to be bullied or picked on. Tell a teacher, parent or driver about any poor behaviour or bullying you see.

  10. School Bus Travel Code

  11. Activity C – Travel Code Story Board Create a story board that tells the story of something that happened on a journey to school. Show who is involved, what happened, how this broke the Travel Code and what happened as a result. Present your story board to the rest of the class.

  12. Activity D – What Have You Learned? Draw a smiley to match your learning. • I can explain what the Travel Code is • I know what might happen if I don’t follow the Travel Code • I can explain my rights and responsibilities about travel to and from school.

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