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YEASTBREADS – CC2. Ingredients in yeast breads and their function. Flour – used for structure When mixed with liquid flour develops GLUTEN – bread flour has high protein content helps support structure. YEAST.

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  2. Ingredients in yeast breads and their function • Flour – used for structure • When mixed with liquid flour develops GLUTEN – bread flour has high protein content helps support structure

  3. YEAST • Leavens the bread, single celled structure, when fed yeast gives of carbon dioxide gas and ethyl alcohol to raise bread

  4. SUGAR • Feeds the yeast, sweetens the dough, too much and yeast works slower

  5. SALT • Regulates the action of the yeast • Without salt yeast is sticky and hard to handle

  6. LIQUID • Rehydrates yeast granules, helps form structure with flour • Milk can be used which would add nutrients

  7. Shortening, butter or margarine • Increases tenderness, makes the bread easier to chew

  8. EGGS • Adds flavor, richness, improves structure, adds color

  9. Straight dough method of mixing dough

  10. Step 1 – Dissolve the yeast in liquid • Measure liquid and set to temperature of 110-120 degrees F

  11. Step 2 • Add sugar and shortening (butter or margarine) • If ingredients are too cold RISING ACTION WILL BE SLOWER

  12. Step 3 – Add flour • How can you tell you have added enough flour? • WHEN DOUGH CLEANS THE SIDES OF THE BOWL OR IF WHEN KNEADED FORMS A TRIANGLE THAT STAYS WHEN PUSHED

  13. Step 4 – knead the dough • During mixing of the dough GLUTEN develops • Too much flour and DOUGH WILL BE STIFF and DIFFICULT TO WORK WITH

  14. Continued kneading • What happens if you knead too rough or apply too much pressure DOUGH WILL BE STICKY AND HARD TO HANDLE • TOO MUCH PRESSURE CAN TEAR THE GLUTEN STRUCTURE

  15. Step 5 – Let the dough rise the first time • This gives yeast time to ferment YEAST ACTS ON SUGARS TO FORM CARBON DIOXIDE AND ALCOHOL, THIS CAUSES BREAD TO RISE

  16. Dough rises at warm room temp 80-85 degrees For class you will roll dough in 1 T. oil place in plastic bag leaving air space and allow to rise in refrigerator overnight

  17. Step 5 continued • How can you tell dough has doubled in volume after rising? INDENTATION REMAINS IN DOUGH WHEN YOU PUSH IT

  18. What gas is given off as dough risescarbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol


  20. Step 7 – roll, shape dough on oiled surface DO NOT ADD MORE FLOUR

  21. Force rising dough is placing dough, oiled and covered in a very warm environment, over oven or covered near oven vent

  22. Step 8 - Bake • What happens to gas cells during baking • They expand and walls around cells become rigid dough will expand most during first stage of baking

  23. Where do you place dough in oven to allow most even baking • The center of the oven

  24. How can you test a loaf of bread for doneness? Tap bread with finger, it will sound hollow

  25. What does a high quality loaf of bread look like • Large volume, smooth rounded top If dough is underworked or overworked it will have low volume

  26. What happens if bread dough is allowed to rise too long before baking? • Over expanded top, top of loaf may be shrunken, texture will be coarse with crumbs

  27. What happens if bread does not rise enough? • There will be large cracks on top, texture will be compact

  28. Be sure to remove breads from pans after baking and move to cooling rack

  29. Recipes to be made in yeast bread labsSweet roll lab Cinnamon rolls Danish rolls

  30. Yeast bread lab Apple Raisin bread Breadsticks with marinara sauce

  31. Yeast bread lab Pesto bread Honey oatmeal bread

  32. Yeast bread lab recipes Cinnamon swirl bread Foccacia bread

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