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Collaboration of CERN with CIS and South-East-European countries

Greetings from CERN. Collaboration of CERN with CIS and South-East-European countries Tadeusz Kurtyka - CERN, Switzerland. Accelerating Science and Innovation. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Содружество Независимых Государств (СНГ).

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Collaboration of CERN with CIS and South-East-European countries

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  1. Greetings from CERN Collaboration of CERN with CIS and South-East-European countries Tadeusz Kurtyka - CERN, Switzerland Accelerating Science and Innovation

  2. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Содружество Независимых Государств (СНГ) + Participating states: Ukraine #, Turkmenistan

  3. NEC2013 -50th Anniversary of NEC Symposium ! Budapest (1963) > Dubna >Dresden >Prague >Alushta >Warsaw >Bratislava >Varna (10 !, since 1994 continuously)

  4. But...This year... 2013 We have also 50 years of scientific cooperation between CERN (est.1954) and JINR (est.1956) ! ...and nearly 50 years of continuous cooperation between CERN and Russian/CIS scientists

  5. CERN was founded 1954: 12 European States “Science for Peace” Today: 20 Member States ~ 2300 staff ~ 1000 other paid personnel > 11000 users Budget (2013) ~1000 MCHF Member States:Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom Candidate for Accession: Romania Associate Members in Pre-Stage to Membership: Israel, Serbia Applicant States for Membership or Associate Membership:Brazil, Cyprus (awaiting ratification), Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine Observers to Council:India, Japan, Russia, Turkey, United States of America; European Commission and UNESCO 5

  6. Participation of Non-Member States in CERN scientific programmes • CERN is financed basically by 20 Member States, with annual • contributions proportional to the Net National Income • (or GDP), but has scientific and educational links with • nearly 100 countries! • Non-Member States participate in financing selected • Projects • Over 40 Non-Member States participated in the • LHC construction, providing around 1/6 th of its cost and • over 3000 of physicists and engineers (over 1/3 of the total);

  7. Science is getting more and more global

  8. Our Collaboration -A bit of history...some marking pointsFirst stage-first contacts and agreements 1957 – first contacts between CERN/JINR scientists 1963 – first formalized agreement between JINR and CERN 1963/1964 – first contacts at CERN with scientists from Soviet Union 1967 – first Cooperation Agreement between Soviet Union and CERN

  9. Our Collaboration -A bit of history...some marking pointsFirst stage-exchanging concepts • Collider, • Linear collider • Synchrotron, • Phase stability • Strong focusing • Electron cooling • Ionization cooling and muon collider 1944-1975: the conceptsdeveloped in Soviet Union (Dubna, Protvino, Novosibirsk- V. Veksler, G. Budker...and many others), often in parallel to Western world, but often earlier!, form now a basis of modern accelerators for HEP experiments. CERN-Soviet Union /JINR Collaboration 1967-1975: European physicists (CERN) work at Protvino, using U-70, the world most powerful proton synchrotron at that time > e.g. MIRABELLE experiment

  10. The phase stability principle was discovered by V. Veksler in 1944. Since then it has been at the basis for construction of all high-energy cyclic accelerators. The Synchrophasotron for 10 GeV was launched in 1957.

  11. U-70 first place of CERN-Russia collaboration Первые международные научные контакты были установлены в 1967 г. в форме участия европейских физиков в экспериментах, проводимых на крупнейшем в то время ускорителе У-70, построенном в Протвино. Начиная с 1975 г. поле совместной деятельности европейских и российских ученых переместилось в ЦЕРН, где был введен в эксплуатацию более мощный ускоритель SPS.

  12. U-70 and MIRABELLE experiment

  13. Our Collaboration -A bit of history...some marking pointsSecond stage-activity pass to CERN with SPS (450 GeV, 1976) 1973-1991: CERN-Soviet Union/JINR Collaboration 1967-1975: Participation of Russian /CIS scientists in multiple (20?) experiments at CERN: ISR, SPS, LEAR, LEP....

  14. Our Collaboration -A bit of history...some marking pointsThird stage-LHC 1993:Russian federation signs a Cooperation Agreement supporting construction of LHC and crucial, with the support of Japan and USA, for its approval by the CERN Council, followed in 1996 by a Protocol detailing the contribution of Russia to the construction of LHC and its Experiments

  15. Our Collaboration -A bit of history...some marking pointsThird stage-LHC 1993-up to now: Great contribution of the Russian Federation and of the Russia-Dubna Member States (RDMS) to: -LHC Machine; -All LHC experiments: -LHC Grid.

  16. LCG-LHC Computing GRID CIS countries LHC GRID centers: Russia (9 Tier-2) Ukraine (3 Tier-2) Now Tier-1 in construction in Moscow-Dubna !!

  17. Contribution of CIS countries to LHC Important contribution of the Russian Federation Estimated value for CERN: LHC Experiments & Accelerator – 160 MCHF Highly appreciated contribution of other CIS countries. Important role of JINR - Dubna in creating LHC collaborations with CIS countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine (and also other JINR Members!) Example: Russia-Dubna Member States (RDMS) collaboration within CMS

  18. CERN - JINR (NICA) co-operation • Common R&D on accelerators: • Experimental studies of stochastic and electron cooling of ion bunched beam • Problem of electron clouds in cyclic accelerators • and ultra high vacuum technologies; • Technologies of HV kickers and beam diagnostics of a high sensitivity. CERN-JINR 2010 co-operation agreement signed AIS: Administrative Information System – for JINR EVM: Earned Value Management – for NICA CERN NA48 drift chambers as contribution to the NICA detector complex: delivered to Dubna Schools JINR-CERN on EVM, AIS and GRID held at Dubna, since 2010

  19. LHC… and what further as a global physics PROJECT? • Higgs “factory” : - Linear or Circular e+/e- ? - Or, perhaps, Muon Collider? 80-km tunnel for VHE-LHC – “best” option

  20. Conclusion-50 years of successful collaboration Thank You Благодаря Спасибо ДЯКУЄМ Дзякуй Děkuji Mulțumesc Təşəkkür edirik And See You at next NEC !

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