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Cloud Computing: SQL Data Services

Cloud Computing: SQL Data Services. Urs Meier Principal Consultant. Christophe Codourey Consultant BI. Business Intelligence. Managed Services. Business Communication. Application Development. Training. Integration – Application Performance Mgmt. – Security. Corporate data .

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Cloud Computing: SQL Data Services

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  1. Cloud Computing: SQL Data Services Urs Meier Principal Consultant Christophe Codourey Consultant BI

  2. Business Intelligence Managed Services Business Communication Application Development Training Integration – Application Performance Mgmt. – Security Corporate data Existing IT customerinfrastructure Technology competence Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Open Source

  3. Trivadis Facts & Figures • Currently 13 locations with over 540 employees • Baden, Basel, Bern, Brugg, Lausanne, Zurich • Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart • Vienna • Since January 2008, the Trivadis Group has a qualified majority of shares in MIK AG, based in Brugg • Financially independent and sustainably profitable • Key figures in 2008 • Consolidated incomeCHF 108 million / EUR 68 million • Services for more than 650 clients in over 1‘600 projects • Over 150 Service Level Agreements • More than 5'000 training participants per year • Research budget: CHF 6.0 million / EUR 3.6 million

  4. Agenda • Azure Overview • SQL Data Services (SDS) • SQL Server ↔ SDS Compatibility • SDS Client Applications

  5. On-Premises Cloud Services Visual Studio & .NET

  6. Microsoft Cloud Services Azure™ Services Platform Management Compute Storage • Designed to be: “File System in the cloud” • lowest cost efficient solution for simple data storage and retrieval in the cloud • can store • Queues • Blobs • ISAM style, simple Tables (non-relational)

  7. Microsoft Cloud Services Azure™ Services Platform Database Data Sync Reference Data Management Compute ETL Data Mining Reporting Storage

  8. SDS for the past year • Existing KnowHow and Applications • New Web 2.0 and Silverlight Applications • Other Vendors like Amazon T/SQL via TDS SOAP/REST SOAP/REST MassiveArchitecuralChange Key-Value DB SQL, Tablesand Rows Authority, Container,Entity Simple Tables, Blobs, Queues Storage

  9. The New SQL Data Services Clear Feedback: “I want a database in the Cloud” • Familiar SQL Server relational model • Uses existing APIs & tools • Built for the Cloud with availability and scale • Accessible to all from PHP, Ruby, and Java Your Apps SQL Data Services TDS Endpoint Tabular Data Stream(TDS) ADO.NET Entity Framework SQL Server Drivers

  10. From CTP 1 to now • Existing KnowHow and Applications • New Web 2.0 and Silverlight Applications • Other Vendors like Amazon SOAP/REST Data Services T/SQL via TDS SOAP/REST SOAP/REST T/SQL via TDS SQL, Tablesand Rows Authority, Container,Entity SQL, Tablesand Rows Simple Tables, Blobs, Queues Storage

  11. Database Choices • Value Props: • Full h/w control – size/scale • 100% compatibility • Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale • Value Props: • XSPs, Server Ops • SQL CLR • 100% compatibility • Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale • Low-cost and zero friction addresses web/dept workloads • Target is 3 to 10 GB Databases • High compatibility with existing SQL Server offering Dedicated On-premise • Value Props: • Auto HA, Fault-Tolerance • Friction-free scale • Self-provisioning • High compatibility SQL Server or other s/w on-premise Resource governance @ machine Security @ DB Server/OS Resources Hosted Hosted SQL Server or other Resource governance @ VM Security @ DB Server/OS SDS (RDBMS) Virtual DB server Logical user database (LDB) Resource governance @ LDB Security @ LDB Shared Low “Friction”/Control High

  12. Service Provisioning Model • Each account has • a billing relationship with Microsoft • owns one or more virtual servers • Each server has • one or more databases including virtual master • each database limited in size • one or more logins • Each database has • one or more SQL users Account Server Server Database Database • Server=server1.data.database.windows.net • Database=testDB • Login=JeanDupont[@server1] (maps to testuser)

  13. SQL Server vs. SQL Data Services • Master • AdventureWorks • Northwind • Pubs SQL Server (on premises) • Master SQL Data Services • Adventureworks • Master • AdventureWorks • Northwind • Pubs • Pubs • Northwind

  14. Instances and Databases • One SQL Server instance per physical machine • Multiple databases per instance • Randomly distributed by infrastructure • Ressource sharing • Scalable HA technology • Automatic replication and failover • Provisioning, metering and billing infrastructure Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6 Machine 7 SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL DBs SQL DBs SQL DBs SQL DB Provisioning (databases, accounts, roles…), Metering, and Billing DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB1 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB6 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB1 DB7 Scalability and Availability: Fabric, Failover, Replication, and Load Balancing

  15. Reading Data Select * from Customer Primary(for Customer) New Primary(for Customer)

  16. Writing Data Update Customer Set Priority = 1 Primary(for Customer)

  17. Architecture TDS Gateway Utility Layer 1 7 Front-end Node Billing/Usage Database Account Database Protocol Parser Front-end Node 6 2 Protocol Parser Roles TDS Session 1 Gateway Logic TDS Session 2 3 Gateway Logic 4 Master Cluster Master Node Master Node 8 Partition Manager Partition Manager NodeProvisioning 5 Data Node Components Data Node Components ServicePlatform Load Balancing Monitoring Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6 Machine 7 SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL Instance SQL DB SQL DB SQL DB SQL DB DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB1 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB6 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB1 DB7 Scalability and Availability: Fabric, Failover, Replication, and Load balancing Scalability and Availability: Fabric, Failover, Replication, and Load balancing

  18. SDS from now on • Existing KnowHow and Applications • New Web 2.0 and Silverlight Applications • Other Vendors like Amazon identical? T/SQL via TDS SOAP/REST SOAP/REST T/SQL via TDS SQL, Tablesand Rows Authority, Container,Entity SQL, Tablesand Rows Simple Tables, Blobs, Queues Storage

  19. Example of SQL Compatibility In Scope for v1 (likely) Out of Scope for v1 (likely) Distributed Trans/Query CLR Service Broker Spatial Physical server or catalog DDL and views Global tables(##t)? Traditional Backup / Restore • Tables, indexes and views • Stored Procedures • Triggers • Constraints • Table variables, session temp tables (#t) • …

  20. Management Tools • API for provisioning • Web • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) • Basically available, but will have obviously some restrictions • e.g. no sp_configure • Standard Query Tools

  21. Security Model • Uses regular SQL security model • Authenticate logins, map to users and roles • Authorize users and roles to SQL objects • Limited to standard SQL Auth logins • Username + password • Encryption • TDS supports SSL • No database encryption at all in V1 • TDE • Encryption Functions

  22. How Scalable is SDS? • Scalability comes at cost of consistency • ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) • Write n nodes on Commit, read from max. n nodes • BASE (Basically available, soft state, eventually consistent) • Write n nodes on Commit synchronize more nodes later • Read on more than n nodes • SDS V1 • Implements (a very) ACID model • Write 3 nodes • Read 1 node

  23. Scalability • Scale Performance • Leader election • SDS fabric can switch the primary node for a database to a less busy node • SDS may throttle your session if it takes too much resources • BYOP (bring your own partitioning) • Scale Size of Database • Current offering is targeted at departmental databases • BYOP (bring your own partitioning)

  24. SDS Client Applications • Clients connect directly to a database • Cannot hop across DBs • Any database client library for SQL Server can be also used for SDS • ODBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET Provider for SQL Server • ADO.NET Entity Framework • ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria) • LINQ to SQL • PHP native SQL Client • …

  25. SDS Client Apps Application Application Application Browser SQL Client* SOAP Client* REST Client* HTTP+SOAP HTTP+REST HTTP TDS Cloud Windows Azure Compute REST (Astoria) Web Srv Web App SQL Client* ADO.Net* + EF SQL Client* Data Center TDS + TSQL Model SDS Database * Client access enabled using TDS for ODBC, ADO.Net, OLEDB, PHP-SQL, Ruby, …

  26. Tabular Data Stream (TDS) • “Code far” scenario • TDS is not designed for high latency networks • Recommendation • Batch SQL statements • Use Functions/Stored Procedures • Table valuein parametersare very handy

  27. Microsoft Cloud Services Azure™ Services Platform Database Data Sync Reference Data Management Compute ETL Data Mining Reporting Storage

  28. Extending SQL Data Platform to Cloud Reference Data Business Intelligence Data Sync Reporting SQL Data Services (SDS) Database-as-a-Service Symmetric Programming Model Data Hub Aggregation • Initial services – core RDBMS capabilities as a service (SDS), Data Sync and Data Hub • Future Offerings • Additional data platform capabilities as a service: BI/DSS, DW • New services: Reference Data, Secure Data Hub

  29. Data Hub / Sync Services Mobile Users On Premises Assets and Data

  30. SQL Services (Opportunities and Futures) • Scalability • Partitioned databases • Geo-location and geo-redundancy • Flexibility • Distributed query • Support for multiple levels of hardware and software isolation • Security • Future AD Federation • WLID, etc as alternate authentication protocols • Encryption

  31. Release Plan Invitation CTP – On-board invitation-only customers + some current Public CTP – On-board all early adopters Commercial Availability with Windows Azure in 2009 Migration InternalAdoption Invitation CTP Public CTP Commercial Availability PDC MIX ‘09 TechEd Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09

  32. Quick Wins with SDS • High Availability • Including Data Hub Scenario • Fast and easy Deployment • Ideally “Code near” scenario with Web apps • Well known programming model • Low learning curve • Reliability • Confidence that data will not be lost • Replication, back-up • Defined SLA, at which Cost (?)

  33. Want to Know More? • Team Blog • http://blogs.msdn.com/ssds • MSDN Development Center • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/dataservices • Register @ the Azure start portal • http://www.azure.com

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