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Relocation Assistance

Relocation Assistance. Agency for Workforce Innovation Statewide Training Spring 2005. Relocation Basics. Available to TCA applicants or recipients May relocate to another area in the state or may relocate out of state

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Relocation Assistance

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  1. Relocation Assistance Agency for Workforce Innovation Statewide Training Spring 2005

  2. Relocation Basics • Available to TCA applicants or recipients • May relocate to another area in the state or may relocate out of state • If approved for a reason other than domestic violence, the family cannot reapply for TCA for at least 6 months • Reapplication for TCA is allowed in emergency situations

  3. Relocation Basics (Continued) • Relocated individuals are eligible for up to 2 years of transitional childcare if employment is secured within a specified period of time • A family may relocate more than once • The relocation payment does not count toward time-limits • There is no specified dollar amount • Maximum amounts should be included in the Local Operating Procedures

  4. Eligibility Requirements • The family must demonstrate a need to relocate • The family must demonstrate a contributing factor to achieving self-sufficiency • The family must be eligible for TCA (applicant) or receiving TCA (recipient) • The family must not have exhausted their lifetime limit on TCA • If the family has met their lifetime limit on TCA, the RWB may fund the relocation with local RWB TANF dollars

  5. Demonstration of Need • The individual: • Is located in an area with limited employment opportunities • Is geographically isolated • Has formidable transportation barriers • Is isolated from their extended family • Has experienced domestic violence which interferes with the ability of a parent to maintain self-sufficiency

  6. Contributing Factors • The individual: • Is unlikely to achieve economic self-sufficiency in the current community; • Has secured a job that provides an increased salary or improved benefits and requires relocation to another community; • Has a family support network that will contribute to job retention in another community; • Is determined to be a victim of domestic violence who would experience a reduced probability of further incidents through relocation; or • Must relocate to receive education or training that is directly related to the applicant’s employment or career advancement

  7. Step 1 • Determine that the family is receiving Temporary Cash Assistance OR • Determine the family is potentially eligible for TCA and requirements for diversion would likely be met • The RWB provider and the individual requesting Relocation Assistance should begin by completing the Relocation Assistance Checklist

  8. Step 2 • Determine there is a need for the family to relocate to a new community • Determine there is a basis for believing that the relocation to a new community will contribute to the family’s ability to achieve self-sufficiency • Ensure the need and contributing factor has been verified or documented as appropriate based on LOP

  9. Step 3 • Establish a relocation plan that includes: • A relocation budget based on the Relocation Budget Worksheet (AWI-0002) • Estimates for relocation expenses • Estimates for employment related expenses • Documentation from the individual to ensure relocation funds will be expended properly and the relocation will take place • Assurance the relocation will be successful without relying on TCA to meet on-going expenses • Provisions to protect the safety of victims of domestic violence and avoid provisions that place them in anticipated danger

  10. Step 4 • Determine that the receiving community has the capacity to provide needed services and employment opportunities • If the family is planning to relocate within the state, contact the local One-Stop Career Center in the receiving community • If out of state, use directory assistance and the Internet to locate the family assistance and employment services in the receiving community

  11. Step 5 • Monitor the family’s relocation • Administer a survey within 90 days after providing a Relocation Assistance payment or services to the family

  12. Emergency Reapplication • Families receiving relocation assistance for reasons other than Domestic Violence cannot receive TCA for six months, unless a qualified emergency is approved by the RWB

  13. Emergency Situations • Verify the family has a qualified emergency • Examples include: • Domestic Violence • Hospitalization or illness resulting in a significant loss o income or employment • Loss of housing • Natural disaster responsible for the destruction of the family’s major property • Other situations of similar nature affecting employment

  14. Emergency Reapplication • The RWB is responsible for completing the Diversion Services Emergency Criteria form, AWI 0001 • The completed form must be forwarded to DCF to approve or deny the TCA application

  15. Repayment • Relocation Assistance must be repaid if the family is approved for TCA due to an emergency within 6 months of receiving the Relocation Assistance payment • EXCEPTION: If the family received Relocation Assistance as a result of domestic violence, the family may immediately reapply for TCA once relocated

  16. Repayment • If the family fails to relocate, the entire amount of the relocation assistance received must be repaid • If fraud is suspected the RWB provider must notify DCF to initiate an investigation

  17. Repayment • Repayment is prorated and subtracted from the regular payment of TCA • DCF is responsible for recovering the Relocation Assistance amount • Recoupment calculation • Amount of relocation assistance - months off cash X payment standard = repayment amount • Repayment amount is divided by the number of months left on the individual’s time clock to determine the amount to be recouped each month

  18. Questions on Relocation? An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.

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