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Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam

Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam. Harry Geerlings Associate Professor Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) Domain : Governance of Sustainable Mobility 6 June 2011. Structure presentation. Research projects – recent past Research - prospects Education Other ESPR related activities Publications

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Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam

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  1. Erasmus Smart Port Rotterdam Harry Geerlings Associate Professor Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) Domain: Governance of Sustainable Mobility 6 June 2011

  2. Structure presentation • Research projects – recent past • Research - prospects • Education • Other ESPR related activities • Publications • Next steps?

  3. Research Projects (recent past) Involvement FSS: • Transumo A-15 – i.s.m. 250 partners • Hindervrij en duurzaam bouwen – i.s.m. Bouwend Nederland, RWS, IB-GW, TNO, etc. • Achterlandcongestie en de rol van short-sea en binnenvaart – i.o.v. KIM and UvA • Evaluatie Milieumonitor Stadsregio Rotterdam (MSR)i.o.v. PZH/DCMR • Ruimtelijke ontwikkelingspotenties Vlietzone – i.o.v. Gem. Den Haag • Innovatieagenda provincie Zuid-Holland – i.o.v. PZH

  4. Research project (ongoing) Projects • Project Maersk-line on CO2-emissions terminal operation • Jaigat port development (i.s.m. OBR) Programming • RWS-Binnenvaart-spoor 3 i.s.m. Link, HbR, TNO, e.a. • Clean Tech Delta • Highway of the future i.s.m. TNO, HbR, Deltalinqs, OBR, ECT, Ballast Nedam, e.a.

  5. Education • Regulaire education: Complex Decision making-FSS, Global Trade in complex Networks-ESPR, (MEL?) • Educational programsAIO´s (TRAIL, NIG) • Post experience education such asMasterclass ‘Carrière in de Haven’ i.s.m. OBR

  6. Other ESPR-related activities • Workshop Rotterdam Port Authorities (i.s.m. HbR) on the implications of sustainable transport on accessibility • Summer Seminar New concepts for terminal design and operation (i.s.m. Bart Kuipers) • Presentation ESPR in China and India (i.s.m. Bart Kuipers) • Invitation guest lecture in Japan (Oct. 2011) • Columns, guest lectures, presentations, etc,

  7. Publicaties (1) - 2011 Articles • Geerlings, H. and R. van Duin (2011) A new method for assessing CO2-emissions from container terminals: a promising approach applied in Rotterdam. In: Journal of Cleaner Production • Duin, H.R. van and H. Geerlings (2011) Estimating CO2-footprints of container terminal Port-Operations (2010) In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Book • Geerlings, H., Y. Shiftan and D. Stead (editors) (2011) Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: the Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions. Ashgate Publishers, London

  8. Publicaties (2) - 2011 Forthcoming • Geerlings, H en I.P.A.M. van Campenhout Het gebruik van GIS en GES in complexe besluitvorming. In: Tijschrift Vervoerswetenschappen Congresbijdrage • Geerlings, H. en B. Kuipers Smart Governance and the management of sustainable mobility; an illustration from the Rotterdam port expansion. Presented at NECTAR-conferenece Antwerpen 25-28 May 2011

  9. Next steps? Priority FSS: • Appointment new PhD’s Priority ESPR (personal opinion): • Formulating research program • Operationalising educational program • Proactive exposure to port community

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