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T1008 status

T1008 status. W.Baldini for the SuperB -IFR Group. R&D for the SuperB Instrumented Flux Return. Muon Identification E< 5GeV Superconducting solenoid F lux R eturn I nstrumented with active material

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T1008 status

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  1. T1008 status W.Baldini for the SuperB-IFR Group

  2. R&D for the SuperB Instrumented Flux Return • Muon Identification E< 5GeV • Superconducting solenoid Flux Return Instrumented with active material • Plastic scintillator bars readout through WLS fibers and Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPM) • Baseline layout to be tested on beam with a prototype • TDR to be written in spring…

  3. The IFR Baseline Detection Technique • Magnet Flux Return instrumented to detect Muons and KL • BaBar-like detector with hexagonal barrel and two encaps • Plan to re-use BaBar IFR structure, adding iron to improve μ-ID • Scintillator as active material to cope with higher flux of particles • Minos-like scintillator bars readout through WLS fibers and Silicon Photo-Multipliers • 8-9 active • layers Endcap Barrel μ

  4. The Prototype Iron Active Layers (Pizza Boxes) Prototype • Iron: 60x60x92 cm3, 9 slots for the active layers • up to 9 active layers readout together • 4 Time Readout (TDC-RO) “standard “ • 4 Binary Readout (BiRo) “standard” • 4 special modules to study different • fibers or SiPM geometry Active Layer (“pizza box”)

  5. Summary of activities • Installation: March 1-4 • Security walkthrough: March 5, first beam: March 3 • Trigger timing and apparatus setting up • Data taking summary: • 8,6,5 GeV • Cherenkov scan • Muons: • Selected with Cherenkov (C1) • Selected with downstream scintillators (S3 and S4) • Pions • Selected with Cherenkov (C1) • Control triggers • No Cherenkov • Only Electrons (C2) veto • Still 16 hours of beam (until 6 am)

  6. Cherenkov scans • For us is of fundamental importance to collect clean samples of muons and pions • very important to understand how well the cherenkov tags the particles • scan needed for each beam momentum: 8,6,5 GeV/c

  7. Cherenkov pressure scan: 8 GeV (N2) July-11 scan Pion peak Muon peak March-12 scan

  8. Cherenkov pressure scan: 6 GeV (N2) July-11 scan March-12 scan

  9. Cherenkov pressure scan: 5GeV March-12 scan

  10. Event samples… Hit channel time (samples of of 12.5 nsec) Detector hit map for a sample of Muons at 8 GeV

  11. Event samples… Hit channel time (samples of of 12.5 nsec) Detector hit map for a sample of Pions at 8 GeV

  12. Summarizing….. • We have taken data at 8,6,5, GeV • Now the Cherenkov seems to be more efficient at 6 and 5 GeV than in October (something happened in the meanwhile?) • 24h running since Friday • Apart from a few interruption at the beginning (March 6-th) the beam was very stable • We plan to take data until tomorrow morning (8am?) then move the equipment out of the area

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