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A Special Thanks To…

A Special Thanks To…. Alternatives Artisan’s Guild August Moon Market Book Gallery West Chipotle Sweet Dreams. Gold Star Thanks To…. Barbara Hood Facilities Documents Department All of our Wonderful Convocation Volunteers. Elegance of Science Contest.

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A Special Thanks To…

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  1. A Special Thanks To… Alternatives Artisan’s Guild August Moon Market Book Gallery West Chipotle Sweet Dreams

  2. Gold Star Thanks To… Barbara Hood Facilities Documents Department All of our Wonderful Convocation Volunteers

  3. Elegance of Science Contest Amy Buhler and Valrie Davis planned and implemented the first annual Elegance of Science contest.

  4. The Mini Grants program awarded five grants, totaling $24,535. Library Mini Grants Awarded 2008-2009 Richard Phillips, Latin American Collection (Principle Investigator), John Freund, Conservation, and Randall Renner, DLC: "Cuban & Mexican Film Poster Digital & Conservation Project", $4,538. Hikaru Nakano, Cataloging and Metadata (Principle Investigator), Nancy Poehlmann, Cataloging and Metadata (Co-PI), and Alena Aissing, Library West: "Cyrillic Character Inclusion in UF Bibliographical Records", $5,000 Laura Jordan, Library West (Principle Investigator), Melissa Shoop, Library West, and Stacey Ewing, Library West: "UF Virtual Library", $4,997 Tom Caswell, AFA (Principle Investigator): "Historic St. Augustine Block and Lot Files Digitization", $5,000 Kenneth Herniman, Map & Imagery Library (Principle Investigator): "Exposing Kennedy Space Center Film Collection, $5,000

  5. Grants The Libraries Grants Program assisted with 14 external grant proposal submissions in 2008-09, totaling $2,543,664. Of those, two grants have been awarded thus far, totaling $75,150. Rita Smith was Principal Investigator on a $285,000 National Endowment for the Humanities grant project that ended June 30, 2009. Jane Anne Carey and the cataloging team cataloged 4,750 Baldwin Library titles. The DLC digitized and made available via UFDC 1,750 items with color. John Nemmers and Laurie Taylor received a grant from the National Historical Publications & Records Commission of $72,650 for “America’s Swamp: The Historical Everglades Project” to digitize 99,690 pages from six archival collections relating to the exploration, development and conservation of the Everglades.

  6. Grants Chelsea Dinsmore (PI), Colleen Seale (Co-PI), and Shelley Arlen. $2,500 award to host a national tour of the traveling exhibition Lincoln, The Constitution and the Civil War (produced by ALA and National Constitution Center), at Smathers Libraries Jan.-March 2012. Alena Aissing. UF Center for European Studies: Abroad Travel Competition for Faculty. Digital Library of Roma Project – preliminary meetings and collection assessment at the Museum of Romani Culture, Czech Republic. $2500. Fall 2008. John Nemmers served as steering group chair and lead trainer for “Opening Archives: Improving Access to Primary Sources In Florida.” Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) continuation grant. 2008 ($35,000). Partnering with FCLA and other state universities. Chelsea Dinsmore was awarded an ALA/PBS Frontline program grant.

  7. Events supported by PR & Marketing discretionary funds TechExpo (Library West Info Commons) ArtBash (AFA) GIS Day (Map Library/GIS Unit) Faculty-author reception for Debra Walker King in conjunction with Black History exhibition (Faculty Author Series/Special Collections) Digital Literacy Contest (Library West Info Commons) Elegance of Science contest reception (Marston) Author Paul Harris book signing

  8. Projects and Cool Stuff UFDC records have been loaded to Endeca with thumbnails. Made possible by the DLC, IT, Cataloging & Metadata, Josh Greben and Jean Phillips at FCLA, Rich Bennett, and many others. Valrie Davis and Sara Russell Gonzalez launched GatorScholar (a former Libraries Mini Grant project) IT migrated staff and public computers to UFAD (almost 800 workstations), and moved all staff email to UF Exchange. AFA completed processing and moving 2200 linear feet of Dewey classified material to Storage, reclassified the remaining 1000+ linear feet of Dewey materials to LC, and shifted the entire AFA Collection (ca. 125,000 volumes.) Access Support processed 15,510 unique items in ARES (a 15% increase). IT released GROVER in Summer 2008 and have made several major updates since then.

  9. Info Commons Events Above: Paul Fishwick Lecture in Second Life Right: Tech Expo

  10. Building Improvements Marston Renovations Completed a major renovation of the 2nd floor, including the addition of 5 study rooms and a new service desk Renovated the 3rd and 4th floors (new carpet and painting) Completed waterproofing repair of the ground floor AFA Renovations New flooring (including asbestos tile abatement), electrical upgrades, paint, reading room furniture. Library West Improvements Study table anchor design and installation Magnetic door holder Study room/stairwell repainting Desensitizer relocation

  11. Development Iona Malanchuk with Sam Huang and Bess de Farber wrote a successful proposal that resulted in a $500,000 Burres Family Library Endowment to enhance the special education materials collection. John Nemmers worked with Sam Huang and Development staff to establish an Alfred Browning Parker Endowment to support the Architecture Archives, 2008. Raised $36,542 by December 2008. From July 1, 2008 to May 30, 2009, the Library Development Team raised $1,473,538. As of June 30, 2009, the capital campaign total for Smathers Libraries was $11,456,393.

  12. Master’s Degrees Joe Baca, MLS. Matthew Daley, MLIS. Nathan Davies, MLS. Janice Kahler, MLS (Janice received a tuition scholarship from Librarians Serving the Public). Raimonda Margjoni, MLIS. Melody Royster, MLS. Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, Master's in Museology. Kelli Schoneck, MLIS (Kelli was awarded a Florida Library Association scholarship for 2009)

  13. Certifications / Leadership Programs Steve Carrico - UF Academy, a university-wide leadership program. Chelsea Dinsmore completed the Sunshine State Library Leadership Series. Patrick Reakes and Ben Walker were accepted as Fellows in the Research Library Leadership Fellows Program of the Association of Research Libraries. Jay Wiese received his MCDST (Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician) certification. UF Supervisory Challenge Certificate recipients: Raimonda Margjoni, Paul Lightcap, and Steve Carrico.

  14. Human Resources & Financial Services Centralized Human Resources and Fiscal Services Offices  established to integrate  Smathers Libraries and  Health Science Center Libraries.

  15. Additional Funding $100,648 in UF-funded staff employee pay increases $112,600 in UF-funded merit pay increases for faculty employees $300,000 in additional funding from DSR for acquisitions Funding from the provost for the new Curator of Book Arts position

  16. Launched Student Assistant Scholarship The Libraries established the James and Leslie Rutherford Student Assistant Scholarship and the first award was presented to Sara Danker, Libary West Circulation Establish additional funding for two awards each year (fall and spring semesters)

  17. The second annual GIS Day was held in November.  This event was organized by Carol McAuliffe and Hesham Monsef.  50 students from P.K. Yonge attended presentations and received instruction on the use of GPS units and GIS software.

  18. Projects and Cool Stuff IT and Human Resources updated the Instruction and Training System (ITS), including an email reminder system, a class roster, and educational credentials and language proficiency. Acquisitions & Licensing implemented Blackwell as the new primary domestic vendor (including a virtual approval plan and e-forms). For the Preservation department's retrospective dissertation project, 1,400 permission slip requests were sent out; 270 dissertations were scanned at DLC and are in UFDC; 200 dissertations are prepared to go to Internet Archive for external vended scanning. Access Support developed a new lost book policy. The Books on Demand program was instituted as a permanent service, with 241 books purchased from August to May. UF Libraries began using Serials Solutions to manage access to e-resources for all UF Libraries.

  19. Training / Courses Taught Priscilla Williams, Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) Regional Trainer, conducted two NACO workshops at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (five days) and the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (three days). Dan Reboussin and Peter Malanchuk taught the graduate African Bibliography course AFS5061 for the 10th consecutive year during Fall 2008. Mark Sullivan, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, and Will Canova conducted training in the Dominican Republic and Haiti for the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) John Nemmers, Jim Cusick, Carl Van Ness, and Flo Turcotte taught “Preserving History: An Internship in Historical Archives” (HIS 4944): Fall 2008, Spring 2009.

  20. New in UF Digital Collections Dan Reboussin worked with DLC to digitize the Martin Rikli Photographs, 1935-1936 a collection of 900 historic photographs of Ethiopia taken at the time of the Italian invasion. Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler and Carl Van Ness completed the Elmer Harvey Bone Photograph Collection. Dina Benson and Stephanie Haas worked on the Coastal Engineering Archives. Cataloging & Metadata completed a two year effort to catalog 4,500 print publications transferred from the Coastal Engineering Archives. Jim Cusick worked with DLC to digitize the J.P. Anderson Civil War Letters.

  21. New in UF Digital Collections Richard Philips and Paul Losch worked with Randall Renner to digitize Aymara Language Resources. Completed migration of three more DLXS PALMM collections to UFDC: Eric Eustace Williams, US Virgin Islands History and Culture, and Florida Historical Legal Documents. The Florida Digital Newspaper Library is now ingesting 12 newspapers as born digital. UF theses submitted as “Projects” are now digital for the first time. Dina Benson, the IR Coordinator, established born digital ingest procedures for departments with projects and works with collection managers to receive electronic files from now on. UFDC saw many benefits from Mark Sullivan’s programming: Embedded Flash views; Map-It views; Google-based map searching; Embedded PDF views; and, usage statistics are now available online for everyone to track usage and patron interests.

  22. Info Commons Events Below: National Novel Writing Month Write-in Event Above: Sleep from A’s to Zzzz’s Brown Bag

  23. Projects and Cool Stuff Staff from Acquisitions & Licensing, Cataloging & Metadata, and Development developed virtual bookplates used for certain gifts. IT created Javascripting and SQL queries for the virtual bookplates. IT created the Computer Availability Tool, allowing patrons to see the availability of computers in the library from anywhere. Government Documents and Cataloging & Metadata completed two pilot projects to establish procedures and workflows for cataloging 300,000 federal documents in storage. Seven staff cataloged over 1,000 titles and processed 6,500 items in 12 weeks, and laid the groundwork for the multi-year cataloging initiative. Cataloging & Metadata collaborated with the DLC and FCLA to successfully load over 9,000 UFDC titles into Mango. Jami Beserock, Michael Dietz, and Dee Hawes organized the Library West microfilm collection, which was in disarray after the recent move from Storage.

  24. Behind the Scenes Employee Excellence Awards Nominees Innovation Nathan Davies Valrie Davis & Sara Russell Gonzalez Instruction/Training Aimee Barrett Pat Haskins John Nemmers Customer Service  Ryan Litsey Angela Mott Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler Tina Pruitt Hang Soohoo Laurie Taylor Outreach James Cusick

  25. Activities Supported by the Employee Recognition Committee • Recognition event for the Libraries UF Capital Campaign Committee fund raising activities in this year’s UFCC campaign. • Recognition event for the IT Department for their efforts in resolving issues related to a widespread virus on public computers at Marston, which required extensive time/staff outside of normal schedules to resolve. • Recognition event for the completion of the Baldwin Library's NEH grant for cataloging and digitization. • A framed article recognizing Jim Liversidge as one of the most interesting people in Gainesville. • A framed article from the New York Times recognizing Iona Malanchuk’s I Love My Librarian award.

  26. More Cool Stuff University Historian Carl Van Ness successfully undertook the difficult task of identifying the first African-American graduates from each UF college for the 50th Anniversary of Integration Committee. He also wrote several PR announcements and gathered images for media and slide presentations (including a segment on CNN's Black in America series).   John Freund and Matthew Daley created a video on pop-up book conservation.

  27. Conference Planning Denise Bennett - ACRL Science & Technology Section Conference Program Planning Committee, 2008-09. Matthew Loving - Metropolis and Colony Conference (2009), UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Blake Landor - Program Planner for the 2009 ACRL program at the Annual Conference in Chicago Peter McKay - Organized a Publishers Forum: “Future Directions in Business Information” for the 2009 ALA Midwinter Conference. John Nemmers, Flo Turcotte, and Carl Van Ness – Society of Florida Archivists Host/Program committee, Gainesville 2009 Paul Lightcap & Steve Carrico - E-Books Summit Preconference, Collection Development/Resources Sharing Conference. Jim Cusick - Program chair and coordinator for the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Florida Historical Society. Flo Turcotte - Local arrangements coordinator for the 2009 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Society meeting, Gainesville

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