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Public Agenda Showcase: Senior Staff

Public Agenda Showcase: Senior Staff. August 7, 2012. Private Business and Vocational Schools. Dr. Dan Cullen, Interim Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. PBVS Act of 2012.

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Public Agenda Showcase: Senior Staff

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  1. Public Agenda Showcase: Senior Staff August 7, 2012

  2. Private Business and Vocational Schools • Dr. Dan Cullen, Interim Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

  3. PBVS Act of 2012 • …to provide for the protection, education, and welfare of the citizens of this State; to provide for the education, protection, and welfare of the students of its PBVSs; and to facilitate and promote quality education and responsible, ethical, business practices in each of the… schools...

  4. Challenges • Charge came with no funds nor staff. • IBHE’s charge is different than ISBE’s, resulting in the need to develop all new processes. • Transfer of authority was rough. • Agency staff losses delayed progress.

  5. Accomplishments • Completed deliverables are few. • Infrastructure-building is progressing. • Staffing: • Division funds now support one full-time Assistant Director and another A.D. is dedicated to PBVS; • IS staff are working on PBVS at highest priority.

  6. Goals • Hire Division staff - July 15 through December 15 • PBVS Professional—Promote Nina Tangman to Assistant Director. • Date: Accomplished July 15, 2012 • 1st PBVS Support • Date: Planned August 15, 2012 • PBVS Professional—Move Assistant Director Franklin to PBVS. • Date: Planned September 15, 2012 • 2nd PBVS Support • Date: Tentatively planned October 15, 2012 •  3rd PBVS Professional • Date: Tentatively planned December 15, 2012 •  Senior PBVS Professional • Date: Tentatively planned December 15, 2012

  7. Goals • Develop application materials—Ongoing through August 15, 2012 • Application for annual renewal • Date: Due August 15, 2012  • Application for five-year renewal • Due August 15, 2012  • Modification of existing approval application • Due August 15, 2012  • New program application • Due August 15, 2012  • New school application • Due August 15, 2012  • Exemption application • Due August 15, 2012

  8. Goals • Develop online systems—Ongoing through calendar year 2012 • Establish verification system. • Due August 15, 2012  • Set up fees and invoicing system. • Due August 20, 2012  • Establish change request system. • Due August 25, 2012  • Bring up online applications system. • Due September 1, 2012  • Go live with online student complaint system. • Due September 15, 2012  • Establish system for schools to apply for exemptions. • Due October 1, 2012  • Develop a database of approved schools and programs (i.e., a program inventory). • Due December 15, 2012

  9. Goals • Applications reviews—September 16, 2012 through October 15, 2012 to establish process, then ongoing • Begin accepting applications. • Date: Due October 15, 2012 

  10. Goals • Begin of five-year reviews • August 30, 2012 through October 1, 2012 to establish process, then ongoing  • Develop cohort system. • Date: Due August 30, 2012  • Begin of five-year reviews. • August 30, 2012 through October 1, 2012 to establish process, then ongoing • Notify schools which cohort they are in. • Date: September 1, 2012  • Review first cohort. • Date: Planned to commence October 1, 2012

  11. Goals • Begin of annual reviews of existing schools’ authority—August 30, 2012 through September 15, 2012 to establish process, then ongoing • Notify schools which five-year review cohort they are in. • Date: September 1, 2012  • Review applications. • Date: Planned to commence September 15, 2012

  12. Goals • Maintain oversight—Ongoing • Maintain records. • Date: ongoing  • Collect closing schools’ records. • Date: ongoing, as needed  • Visit schools. • Date: as needed  • Send transcripts. • Date: ongoing, by request (demand is high)  • Communicate with schools via email, letters, IBHE.org., etc. • Date: ongoing  • Respond to FOIA requests. • Date: ongoing

  13. Goals • Establish Advisory Council—July 5, 2012 through December 4, 2012 • Create and make public application. • Date: Accomplished July 5, 2012  • Review applications and select members. • Due August 15, 2012  • Hold initial meeting. • Date: Planned September 25, 2012  • Put Council charter in place. • Date: Planned December 4, 2012

  14. Performance Funding • Dr. Alan Phillips, Deputy Director for Fiscal Affairs, Budgeting and Information Technology

  15. Performance Funding Objective • To develop a performance funding model for public universities that is… • Linked directly to the Goals of the Illinois Public Agenda and the principles of Public Act 97-320 • Equipped to recognize and account for each university’s mission and set of circumstances • Adjustable to account for changes in policy and priorities • Not prescriptive in how to achieve excellence and success • Include a performance funding component in the FY2013 Higher Education Budget Submission

  16. What We Accomplished • Developed a workable performance funding model. • Model and budget recommendations were approved by both the Steering Committee and the IBHE Board. • A performance funding component was included in the FY 2013 Higher Education Budget Submission. • The IBHE funding recommendation was included in the Governor’s Budget without change. • The General Assembly allocated funding based on performance consistent with the IBHE performance funding recommendation.

  17. FY 2013 Performance Funding Results • At Public Universities: • 0.5% of the base ($6.15M) was re-allocated based on the performance funding model • At Community Colleges: • $360K was re-allocated based on their model’s six performance measures

  18. Refinement Effort

  19. Members of the Refinement Committee • Refinement Committee members include representatives from: • Each public university • ICCB • The Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) • The Lieutenant Governor’s Office • IBHE Staff

  20. Purpose of the Refinement Effort • Refine the existing measures and subcategories to the extent possible or find replacement measures that capture what we are trying to measure in a better way (i.e. research expenditures, low income students, cost per FTE, etc.). • Identify additional measures and subcategories to add to the model. • Identify better and more current sources of data. • See if there is a better way to scale (normalize) the data. • Discuss ways to account for other factors (i.e. hospitals, medical schools, veterinary schools, dental schools, etc.)

  21. Measures and Subcategories • Measures • Bachelors degrees • Masters degrees • Doctoral and professional degrees • Undergraduate degrees per 100 FTE • Education and general spending per completion(may change) • Research and public service expenditures (FY09-11) • Subcategories • Low income (Pell eligible/MAP recipient) • Adult (age 25 and older) • Hispanic • Black, non-Hispanic • STEM & health care (by CIP code)

  22. Refinement Goals • Identify additional measures and subcategories to add to the model. • Want to keep the additional measures and subcategories to a minimum. • The Committee reviewed a number of additional measures and subcategories. • Many of the measures had significant drawbacks. • Data still does not exist for many of the measures • Possible additions: • Cost per credit hour and cost per completion • Credit hour accumulation and time to degree • Performance of students requiring remediation

  23. Refinement Goals • Identify better and more current sources of data. • IPEDS (FY09) • Bachelors/masters/doctoral and professional Degrees • Undergraduate degrees per FTEs • Hispanic & black, non-Hispanic • STEM & health care (by CIP code) • RAMP (FY11) • Education and general spending per completion • Research and public service expenditures • CCA (FY09) • Adult students (age 25 and older) • ISAC (FY09) • Low income (Pell eligible/MAP recipient) • ILDS (FY11)

  24. Additional Sources of Data • Cost Study • ILDS (FY11) – not ready for prime time • Age (date of birth) • Ethnicity • Location (county/zip code) • ACT/SAT • High school GPA/class rank (%) • Entry enrollment (first time/transfer) • Enrollment (part-time/full-time) • Remediation (GED/math/language arts) • Credit Hours (total/by term) • Income (Pell eligible/MAP recipient) • First generation

  25. Refinement Goals • Determine if there is a better way to scale (normalize) the data. The Question: How can you scale the data so that the measures are roughly equivalent, without creating more problems than you solve, while at the same time keeping it simple enough that an individual can understand what you did?

  26. Refinement Goals • Discuss ways to account for other factors (i.e. hospitals, medical schools, veterinary schools, dental schools, etc.) • The Committee agreed to look at removing these entities from the calculation for spending per completion. • We are looking at using the Cost Study, which does not include most of this information in the calculation of cost data.

  27. Refinement Issues • Data continues to be an issue. • Although we have received our first ILDS submission, the quality of the data is not sufficient to use at this time. • The timeliness of data also continues to be a problem. • Quality • We still have significant challenges in defining quality as it pertains to universities, and determining how best to assess that quality. • Subcategories • First generation • Geographic area

  28. Next Steps • The next Performance Funding Refinement Committee meeting is scheduled for the 28th of August. • The next Performance Funding Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for the 11th of September.

  29. Image Building • Jonathan Lackland, Deputy Director for Advancement, External & Governmental Relations

  30. Goal • Further IBHE’s advancement strategy through the development of professional branding material such as brochures & signage.

  31. IBHE Brochure Contents • Who We Are • Academic Facts • Top five majors at Illinois colleges/universities • Number of certificates/degrees awarded by community college, public & private institution • Number of bachelor degrees awarded by year

  32. IBHE Presentation Contents • IBHE Responsibilities • Organizational Chart • History • Board Composition • Higher Education Information, i.e. number of community colleges, colleges & universities, etc.

  33. IBHE Presentation Contents • Tuition & Fee Information • IBHE Statutory Responsibilities • Performance Funding • Illinois Public Agenda for College & Career Success

  34. Logo Benefits • Serves as the visual representation of an organization • Establishes organizational credibility • Communicates the goals and objectives of the organization • Offers an organization a recognizable identity

  35. Agency Slogan • Promoting an Educated Illinois

  36. Dropout Re-Enrollment Made Real • Dr. Arthur Sutton, Deputy Director for Diversity & Outreach

  37. Project Objective • Establishing a resource base • Philanthropic organizations • Areas of specialized giving

  38. Methodology • Initial contact methods • Correspondence with potential funders • Solicitation structure

  39. Results • Overview of initial responses • Higher Education Cooperation Act (HECA) grants awarded • Question of state solicitation • Foundation meetings and site visits

  40. Report • Conclusion • Recommendations

  41. Accountability • Karen Helland, Acting Director of Research, Analysis, Policy Development and Publications

  42. Accountability Report for each Goal Goal 1: Increase educational attainment to match the best-performing U.S. states and world countries, 2010. Goal 2: Ensure college affordability for students, families, and taxpayers, 2011. Goal 3: Increase the number of high-quality postsecondary credentials to meet the demands of the economy and an increasingly global society, 2012. Goal 4: Better integrate Illinois’ educational, research, and innovation assets to meet economic needs of the state and its regions, 2013.

  43. State Accountability Reports www.1illinois.org

  44. Goal 3 • Increase the number of high-quality postsecondary credentials to meet the demands of the economy and an increasingly global society.

  45. Recommendations • Increase the number of people with high-quality postsecondary credentials to ensure the state has an educated workforce and an engaged citizenry. • Improve transitions all along the education pipeline. • Increase the number of postsecondary degrees in fields of critical skills shortages.

  46. Performance Measures & Benchmarks Twelve Performance Measures, including • Number of student completions • Student pass rates for licensure exams • Number of student transfers • Completions in critical fields Benchmarked against • Illinois trends over one-, five-, and ten-year periods • Five best-performing U.S. states • Selected competitor / neighboring states

  47. Report Format • One report for each goal • A section for each recommendation • Each recommendation has a summary page with performance measures, data, and arrows • Public Agenda Baseline (data available in 2008) • Year 4 (most recent data) • 2018: Year 10 (data available in 2018) • Page for each performance measure • Table with Baseline, Year 4 and Year 10 • Chart comparing Illinois to four high population states, five surrounding states, and U.S.

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