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Acquisition Management Working Group FY2010 EFCOG Semi-Annual Meeting

Acquisition Management Working Group FY2010 EFCOG Semi-Annual Meeting. Ami Peterson, Chair Sandia National Laboratories Kathy Vaselopulos, Co-Chair Babcock & Wilcox TSG December 8, 2009. FY09 Key Achievements. Published Cost of Proposal Survey—currently under consideration by DOE and NNSA;

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Acquisition Management Working Group FY2010 EFCOG Semi-Annual Meeting

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  1. Acquisition Management Working GroupFY2010 EFCOG Semi-Annual Meeting Ami Peterson, Chair Sandia National Laboratories Kathy Vaselopulos, Co-Chair Babcock & Wilcox TSG December 8, 2009

  2. FY09 Key Achievements • Published Cost of Proposal Survey—currently under consideration by DOE and NNSA; • Provided a forum for active members to benchmark: • Contract issues in implementing ARRA; • Best practices in prime and subcontract administration; • Reviewed applicable training for Contract professionals; • Reviewed the latest DoD DFAR impacts on DOE and NNSA WFO work; • Held two face-to-face meetings (October 2008, April 2009) and one teleconference (July 2009).

  3. FY 10 Key Achievements To Date • Conducted face-to-face meeting on October 21, 2009, in Denver at Merrick & Co.; • Coordinated comments to respond to the Federal Register request concerning the Hanford Challenge’s proposal on Safety Conscious Work Environment; • Continuing to work with our customers on solicitation practices; • Volunteered to manage the ARRA Web-site, when it is ready to be populated.

  4. FY10 Forecast of Activities • General Assistance – on an as needed basis, provide assistance in the form of reviews, comments, white papers, and any other general support related to acquisitions and contracts to our customers; • Cost of Proposal Survey – Planning a session with DOE, NNSA, and Prime Contractors to discuss and benchmark experiences with other Federal Agencies; • Pursue Small Business Membership in EFCOG – Prepare a questionnaire for small businesses to assess their interest in joining EFCOG; Provide a presence at the OSDBU meeting, Summer 2010; • Populate the ARRA Web-site; • WG meeting scheduled at the Waste Management Conference in Phoenix on March 10, 2010; • Produce a recommended list and/or curriculum for acquisition professional training; • Conduct two-teleconferences—in January and July 2010.

  5. Collaboration with other WGs • The AMWG has representation, through Steve Mournighan on the Human Capital WG • The Deactivation & Decommissioning and Facility Engineering WGhas discussed interaction with the AMWG, but no additional action has occurred as yet. • Explore additional interfaces with other WGs.

  6. Problems/Issues • Active participation continues to be the Working Group’s biggest issue. • Focus will be on expanding active member participation including Laboratories and Small Business.

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