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Askance. (adv.)- With suspicion, distrust, or dissaproval Example: there is not A S e K ond ch ANCE when you are caught cheating by your dissaproving Teacher. Attenuate. To make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value Synonym- thin out.

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  1. Askance (adv.)- With suspicion, distrust, or dissaproval Example: there is not ASeKond chANCE when you are caught cheating by your dissaproving Teacher.

  2. Attenuate • To make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value • Synonym- thin out

  3. Benigndef: gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignantAntonyms: malevolent, deleterious Syn: harmless, salutary

  4. Cavil Verb-to find fault in a petty way; carp Noun-a trivial objection or criticism In debates, opponents attempt to undermine each other by caviling each aspect of the differing argument.

  5. Charlatan (n.) One who feigns knowledge or ability; a pretender, impostor, or quack

  6. DECIMATE (v.) to kill or destroy a large part of Syn. Ravage, devastate.

  7. Foible • A week point, failing, or a minor flaw, kinda how this reporter fails at making wine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoCBNPVDZCI

  8. Forgo sounds like Cargo When you get on a ship And go on a trip you must forgo your cargo

  9. Fraught • Full or loaded with;accompanied by

  10. Inure V. To toughen, harden, to render used to something by long subjection or exposure. Synonyms- Accustom, Acclimate

  11. LUMINOUS Luminous: (adj.) emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating Synonyms: radiant, bright, refulgent, lustrous Antonyms: dark, opaque, dim, murky

  12. Obsequious (adj.) marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons

  13. Obtuse: blunt not coming to a point; slow or dull in understanding; measuring between 90 and 180 degrees; not causing a sharp impression

  14. Oscillate Oscillate (v.) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver Syn: vibrate, vacillate

  15. Penitent (ADJ) regretful for one’s sins or mistakes (N) one who is sorry for wrongdoing S: remorseful, regretful, rueful, sorry A: unrepentant, remorseless

  16. Peremptoryadj. having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute

  17. Rebuff (V.) reject outright and bluntly Zinedine Zidane Rebuffs Marco Materazzi in the 2006 world cup.

  18. Reconnoiter • (v.) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection • Synonym: scout • RECONN(ect)oiter: when you begin to serve for your country you reconnect with fellow soilders

  19. Shambles (n.) • Think of shambles like the house in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it’s a slaughterhouse.

  20. Sporadic • Occurring at irregular intervals • Having no set plan or order

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