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Dutch Senate Application

Dutch Senate Application. Meeting without papers Otto Redegeld - Eric Wijnschenk The Senate of the Netherlands ECPRD Athens November 11, 2011. Dutch Senate Smallest Senate in the world, 50 Fte, budget €6 milj. Always in front with new ICT

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Dutch Senate Application

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  1. Dutch SenateApplication Meeting without papers Otto Redegeld - Eric Wijnschenk The Senate of the Netherlands ECPRD Athens November 11, 2011

  2. Dutch Senate • Smallest Senate in the world, 50 Fte, budget €6 milj. Always in front with new ICT Videotex - Viditel (Minitel in France) between 1990-1994 • On the web since 1994. • First release of www.eerstekamer.nl in 1997 • Release of www.europoort.nl in 2003

  3. Knowledge Centre for Official Government Publications (KOOP) circa 45 Fte, experts in electronic publication Products: Official Journal of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Collection of all Parliament publications Collection of Dutch consolidated law (central and decentral governments)

  4. Motives • Paper poor parliament • Time is ripe; technics are available • Sustainability, cutting costs, working smarter with ICT

  5. Before

  6. Pre-iPad Parliament by Cees van Rutten and Jos van den Bergh

  7. Before • Meeting every Tuesday • All members receive files at home on friday-evening or saturday-morning • Large stacks of paper (1m) • Distribution per courier all over the country

  8. Senator follows the mood of the moment

  9. Now • Every member received an iPad2 with the Senate application. • The application contains an agenda of each meeting with all the documents per file

  10. How does it work(1) • Application starts with an agenda overview

  11. How does it work(2) • Each point on the agenda can be opened

  12. How does it work(3) • Click open memo`s and reports

  13. How does it work?(4) • Printing (via mailroom); assignment via e-mail

  14. Architecture

  15. Management • All the devices are managed by a vodafone mobidm application • For example: Wipe tablet if lost, check online status, push app links, force passcode, hard-software inventory • Based on Sybase Afaria client app installed on the tablet

  16. Users • Most members use the app with a set of other applications like iAnnotate and Quickoffice Pro HD • Acceptation of members is beyond expectations

  17. Overview of costs • Yearly costs • Paper documents: • Printing of Friday documents € 33.200,- • Distribution of Friday documents € 80.000,- • Subscription to government documents € 65.000,- € 178.200,- • Electronic distribution: • 75 iPads2 + Building the Dutch Senate-app (one-time) € 104.000,- • costs tablets + data-subscriptions (yearly, incl. write-off) € 35.514 • Possible savings after the first year € 142.686,-

  18. Reactions “It’s great (..) a relief to have a meeting without all the paper.” H. Dupuis, senator

  19. Hollannin ylähuone vaihtoi paperikasat taulutietokoneisiinHollannin parlamentin ylähuone siirtyi tänä syksynä kertarysäyksellä paperittomuuteen. Kun 75 senaattoriapalasivat pari viikkoa sitten lomaltaan, heilleannettiinupouudet taulutietokoneet räätälöityinesenaattiohjelmistoineen ja neuvottiinlopettamaaasiakirjojen tulostaminen tykkänään. Ylähuoneen pääsihteerin mukaan senaattorit ovat olleet tyytyväisiä. "Aiemmin meille kärrättiin joka viikko valtavat kasat papereita, mutta nyt voimme joka perjantai-iltapäivä avata senaattiohjelman, josta löytyvät kaikki seuraavan viikon asiakirjat", kertoi pääsihteeri Geert Jan Hamilton. Koneiden hankinta maksoi parlamentille noin 150 000 euroa, mutta Hamiltonin mukaan tulostamiskuluista ja kuriirimaksuista kertyy joka vuosi säästöä melkein saman verran, 140 000 euroa. Koneiden ylläpito ja satunnaiset tulostamiset maksavat noin 35 000 euroa vuodessa. Edes tietoturva ei ole ongelma, sillä senaattorien käsittelemät asiakirjat ovat useimmiten julkisia. HELSINGIN SANOMAT - FINLAND

  20. Lawmakers Swap Paper for iPadDutch Parliament Swaps Paper for iPadsSoon, the paper recycling bins of Netherlands' lawmakers will be empty now that they are going green by switching to iPads. The Dutch Senate parliament claims to be the first legislature in Europe to completely eliminate paper. The total cost for iPads and the lawmaking applications was just $250,000, but the savings are estimated at $194,000 in the first year alone.Read more: Dutch Parliament Swaps Paper for iPads http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/news/politics/dutch-parliament-swaps-paper-for-ipads-sept-13-2011#ixzz1cvntisRp Myfox9.com – U.S.A.

  21. Daily PressSenators ditch pen and paper for iPadsNew York PostDutch Senate Goes Digital Thanks to iPadsThe Boston GlobeDutch legislators get iPads, go fully digitalIPEXDutch Senate replaces printed parliamentary documents with iPadGlobal Centre for ICT in ParliamentSenate of the Dutch Parliament replaces printed parliamentary documents with iPadPadvanceDutch Senators Rule the Netherlands...with iPadsSimplyzestyDutch Senate Goes Digital as iPads Replace Paper DocumentsTMCNETDutch Senators Now Using iPads in Historic Meeting Hall

  22. Senator follows the mood of the moment

  23. More information Otto Redegeld +31 (0)70 3129 200 otto.redegeld@eerstekamer.nl Eric Wijnschenk +31 (0)6 8161 9088 eric.wijnschenk@ictu.nl

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