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The Historic Village of Betancuria

The Historic Village of Betancuria. Kenia Curbelo Batista Cristina León Soto Roberto Luján Díaz Raquel Rodríguez Acosta 4º A.

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The Historic Village of Betancuria

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  1. TheHistoricVillage of Betancuria Kenia Curbelo Batista Cristina León Soto Roberto Luján Díaz Raquel Rodríguez Acosta 4º A

  2. . • Thevillage of Santa María de Betancuria wasfoundedbythe Norman conquerors in 1404, duringtheconquest of theisland. Betancuria and El Rubicon in Lanzarote werethefirst places foundedbytheEuropeans in theCanaries.

  3. Betancuria tookthename of itsconqueror, Jean de Bethencourt. Itissituated in a valleyfarfromthecoast and surroundedbymountainsthatallowed a betterdefenseagainstpossibleattacks.

  4. However, in theyear 1593 theysufferedsomepiratesattackswhichburned and destroyedthemainbuildings. Thefirstbuildings in Betancuria were a defensivetowercalled Val Tarajal and a chapelwheretheconquerorput a virginthat he hadbroughtfrom France. Today, thesebuildings do notexist .

  5. Aftertheconquestitbecamethe center of theisland and theEuropean and aboriginalpeoplethatsurvivedtheprocess of theconquestsettleddownthere, imposinganeconomybasedonharvesting and thetrade of orchilla (a plantusedtomakesoap). Themain civil, religious and militaryauthorities moved to Betancuria too.

  6. Thechurch of Santa Mariawasbuiltabout 1410. Itwastheonlyoneontheislanduntiltheeighteenthcentury. In 1416, theFranciscansmonksopened a conventruledby San Buenaventura whobecamethepatron of theisland.

  7. Then new chapelsappeared in differeentparts of theislandbetween XVI to XVIII centuries. Untilthe XVIII centurytheeconomy of Betancuria and theislandwasbasedoncereals and livestock (aboveallgoats) and it depended ontheweatherconditions, thatis, ifitrained, thereweregoodcrops and theycouldevenexportbutifitdidn´t rain, itcouldmakepeoplemigrate.

  8. Because of that, thepopulation in someparts of theisland (Antigua, Tetir, Pájara,Casillas del Ángel and Tuineje) decreased. In XVIII century, Betancuria beganto lose its “ power” becauseotherparts of theislandwerebecomingimportant.

  9. Themilitary and churchgovernment moved to La Oliva.In spite of this, Betancuria wentonbeingthe capital and El Cabildo remainedtheretoountilthemid of XIX century.

  10. At that time, Puerto Cabras became the new capital of the island. At the same time, the old Cabildo disappeared and the “new” Town Halls were created.

  11. Theislandwasfirstdividedinto 8 municipalities: La Oliva, Tetir, Puerto Cabras, Casillas del Angel, Antigua, Tuineje, Pajara y Betancuria. In the XX centuryitwasdividedagaininto 6 municipalities as itistoday: Pajara, Tuineje, Antigua, Betancuria, Puerto del Rosario, y La Oliva.

  12. In 1979, Betancuria wasdeclaredCountry`sheritagebecause of itshistory and cultural and artisticheritage. • Nowadays, themunicipality of Betancuria isformedbythevillages of Santa Inés, Vega del Rio Palmas, and Betancuria.

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