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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven . The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development. Theories About Early Psychosocial Development. Importance of parents and their contribution to emotional growth Later theories added importance of biology and culture. Freud: Oral and Anal Stages.

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Chapter Seven

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  1. Chapter Seven The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development

  2. Theories About Early Psychosocial Development Importance of parents and their contribution to emotional growth Later theories added importance of biology and culture

  3. Freud: Oral and Anal Stages Oral Stage — 1st stage pleasure through sucking and biting Anal Stage — 2nd stage pleasure through control of bowel movements

  4. 1st Stage—Trust vs. Mistrust 2nd Stage—Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Erikson: Trust and Autonomy

  5. Behaviorism Infant’s emotions and personality are molded as parents reinforce or punish child’s spontaneous behavior

  6. Cognitive Theory Infants attempt to form concept of what to expect Working model — set of assumptions used to organize perceptions and experiences

  7. Epigenetic Theory Genetic predisposition to develop certain traits that affect emotional development Temperament — individual differences in emotion, activity, and self-control Epigenetic —personality traits may be genetic, but environment affects their expression

  8. Temperament and Caregiving Inhibited vs. Uninhibited responsive care and encouragement can help inhibited children become less so Goodness of Fit Match between parent and child

  9. Structure of Temperament • Easy – 40% • Difficult – 10% • Slow-to-warm-up – 15% • Unclassified – 35%

  10. Sociocultural Theory Social context can have impact on infant-caregiver relationship If social context changes, child can change

  11. Second Year Emotions Self-Awareness Realization of individual distinctions 15-18 months the “Me-self” rouge experiment Pride and Shame Negative comments more likely to lead to less pride or shame Own pride can be more compelling than parental approval

  12. The Development of Social Bonds: Synchrony Synchrony—coordinated interaction Helps infants learn to express own feelings Imitation is pivotal Becomes more elaborate and more frequent with time

  13. Enduring emotional connection Proximity-seeking behaviors Contact-maintaining behaviors Measuring Attachment - Strange Situation exploration of the toys (caregiver present) reaction to caregiver’s departure reaction to caregiver’s return Attachment

  14. Secure—relationship of trust and confidence that provides comfort, assurance, and secure base Insecure—relationship that is unpredictable or unstable avoidant: one person tries to avoid any connection with another resistant/ambivalent: anxiety and uncertainty keep one person clinging to another disorganized behavior — inconsistent behavior of caregiver and infant toward each other Types of Attachment

  15. Cultural Variations inAttachment Security

  16. Insecure Attachment as a Warning Sign Stressed mother (although not always an indicator) Mother too withdrawn Inconsistent behavior of mother Insecure attachments repairable

  17. Social Referencing Looking to others for cues Referencing Mom Look to mother for comfort Can become guide to how to react to unfamiliar or ambiguous event Referencing Dad Look to father for fun and physical play May contribute to development of social skills and emotional expression Helps children master motor skills and develop muscle control

  18. High-quality programs include adequate attention to each infant encouragement of sensorimotor exploration and language development attention to health and safety well-trained professional caregivers Development can be more advanced by day care than at home Poor day care has detrimental effects Infant Day-Care

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