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Free Response: Comparative Essay

Free Response: Comparative Essay. AP World History Writing Workshop Julia M. Hyman BISD K-12 Social Studies Consultant. Comparative Essay.

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Free Response: Comparative Essay

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  1. Free Response: Comparative Essay AP World History Writing Workshop Julia M. Hyman BISD K-12 Social Studies Consultant

  2. Comparative Essay • The final free-response essay--comparative question that focuses on developments in two or more societies, and their interactions with each other or with major themes or events (e.g. culture, trade, religion, technology, migrations). • You'll have 40 minutes to write the essay. It's recommended that you spend five minutes planning and/or outlining your answer before you begin writing.

  3. Scoring Guidelines

  4. Acceptable Thesis • State directly • Locate at either the beginning or end of essay—do not split • Must include both similarities and differences • Focus on Subordinating Conjunctions!!

  5. Format of the Thesis Sentence for a Comparative Essay • ___________, coordinating conjunction ___________. • (Coordinate: Of Equal Value use coordinating conjunction with a full sentence on either side. Use words such as and, or, but, neither/nor, either/or, not only/but also) If you need to show a relationship or demonstrate causality, go with one of the following formats: • _____________; subordinating conjunction, ________. • (Value one over the other use a subordinating conjunction. See Chart.) • Subordinating conjunction ____________, _________. • (Value one over the other use a subordinating conjunction. See Chart.)

  6. Subordinating Conjunctions

  7. Consider this Question: • Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions: • China • Middle East • Russia

  8. Address All Parts of the Question:Break Down the Prompt: • Compareand contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions: • China • Middle East • Russia • Address all four parts = 2 full points • Address only two – three parts = 1 point • Address only one part = 0 points

  9. Brainstorm What You Know: 5 Minutes

  10. Format of the Thesis Sentence for a Comparative Essay • The Mongols had significant political and economic impact on both Russia and China during their rule, but China experienced a greater impact due to direct rule than did Russia under rule by proxy. • China and Russia both benefitted economically from Mongol rule; however, China experienced greater political intervention during the Mongol reign. • Although Russia and China both benefitted economically from Mongol rule, China benefitted more politically under Mongol direction.

  11. Direct Comparisons • Need at least two direct comparisons of the regions • May be either comparison or contrast • One must be political • One must be economic • Earn 1 point

  12. Expanded CORE Points • Can only be earned if you receive a 6 on the basic CORE • Looking for: • Clear, analytical and comprehensive thesis • Balanced treatment of both regions • Balanced treatment of both similarities and differences • Balanced treatment of both political and economic analyses • Ample historical evidence • Comparisons in a larger global context

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