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DIPECHO VII. Funded by: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Implemented by: NARRI Consortium . DIPECHO VII Action Plan. DIPECHO VII Action Plan is an initiative of ECHO, which is being implemented by different INGOs.

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  1. DIPECHO VII Funded by: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Implemented by: NARRI Consortium

  2. DIPECHO VII Action Plan • DIPECHO VII Action Plan is an initiative of ECHO,which is being implemented by different INGOs. • NARRI consortium is implementing a project titled Building a Disaster Resilient Bangladesh under the DIPECHO VII Action Plan • Six NARRI member organizations are implementing the DIPECHO VII Action Plan in Bangladesh

  3. Approach • Jointly with DDM, NARRI will support effective implementation of policies and legal provisions (DM Act, SoD, NPDM) of GoB at national and local level • NARRI will work closely with the Local Disaster Management Actors (DMCs at District, union and upazilla level) in strengthening their capacity for effective implementation of SOD

  4. Community Based Disaster Preparedness

  5. Rural CBDP Institutionalisation

  6. Planning, Policy formulation, Coordination with Line Departments, Knowledge Management Department of Disaster Management National MT Pool National Budget National CP June June District (DDMC) Resource Facilitation of TOT – Oct/Nov Resource Risk-informed ADP District MT Pool April District CP April District RRAP March/April Upazilla (UzDMC) Trained persons on DP/DRR Upazilla CP Upazilla RRAP March Facilitation of Training – Nov/Dec March/April Union RRAP Union CP Union (UDMC, WDMC) February February COMMUNITY Trained persons on DP/DRR Risk Assessment (CRA) January Disaster Resilient Development and Disaster Mitigation activities Preparedness (volunteers, buffer stock, mock drills, mass awareness) Oct-Feb June/July

  7. Area Focus • NARRI has targeted 7 Rural districts which is defined under 2 categories: • In ‘Implementation Areas’ where the project will directly be implemented • In ‘Replication Areas’, where local government (District, Upazilla and Union DMCs) will implement the project and NARRI will provide technical and strategic assistence

  8. Key Intervention- implementation • Development of MTs based on the Harmonized Training Module in both Implementation and Replication Areas • Technical and financial support to MTs in providing orientation of remaining DMC members in implementation areas • Technical support to MTs in providing orientation of remaining DMC members in Replication Areas • Conduct risk assessment (CRA) in Implementation Areas • Provide technical support in replication areas for conducting risk assessment (CRA) in replication areas • Joint implementation of selected RRAP actions (software and hardware) in both type of areas

  9. Cross cutting Resilient Livelihood • Identification of risk factors of agro-livelihood options • Capacity building SAAO and strengthening linkages to community • Demonstration of agro-based resilient practices • Validation and Cross-learning • Mass Awareness and Community Mobilization • Strengthen Ward Disaster Management Committees, Ward Committees and Volunteers as front line executors for mass awareness • ‘All Inclusive’ Approach • Focusing on • Women • Children • PWD • and • Aged people

  10. Geographic coverage

  11. Urban CBDP Institutionalisation

  12. Approach • NARRI will target 39 wards of Dhaka and Sylhet City Corporation • 3 key focus areas include: • Risk Assessment • Preparedness for Emergency Response • Mass Awareness and Community Mobilization • 2 key targeted stakeholders • CCDMC and WDMC • SMC/SDMC

  13. Planning, Policy formulation, Coordination with Line Departments, Knowledge Management Department of Disaster Management National MT Pool National Budget National Response Plan June June Resource Resource Facilitation of TOT – Oct/Nov City Corporation Disaster Management Committee Risk-informed ADP City Corporation Response Plan April City Corporation MT Pool April City Corporation RRAP March/April Ward (Ward Councilor, WDMC) Facilitation of Training – Nov/Dec Ward RRAP Ward Response Plan February February Trained persons on DP/DRR COMMUNITY Risk Assessment (URA) January Disaster Resilient Development (Small Scale Mitigation) Preparedness (urban volunteers, buffer stock, mock drills, mass awareness) Oct-Feb June/July

  14. Key Interventions Risk Assessment • Provide ToT to selective CCDMC and WDMC members on ‘Urban Risk Assessment’ • Facilitate orientation of remaining CCDM and WDMC members on Risk Assessment through the MTs • Support risk assessment at ward level • Co-finance selective RRAP measures

  15. Key Interventions • Facilitate training on CBDP to CCDMC and WDMC members on Response planning through the MTs • Building on the existing documents of GoB, development of WARD level emergency response plan • Train selected members of CCDMC and WDMC on Emergency Response Planning at ward level • NARRI will facilitate development of ward level Emergency Response Plans

  16. Key Interventions • NARRI will advocate the GoB (DDM and CDMP) to endorse the ward level response plan • Technical expertise of FSCD and AFD will be utilized in this process • NARRI will train Volunteers to executive the entire process at ward level • NARRI will support regular meetings of CCDMC • Mass awareness and community mobilization will be conducted at both ward and city level

  17. Geographic coverage

  18. National Level Joint Initiatives

  19. National Level Joint Initiatives

  20. Thank you

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