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Welcome to the Crowder College Pre-College Orientation

Welcome to the Crowder College Pre-College Orientation. Fall 2013. *Academic Timetable*. Academic Year. * period from August to July during which a normal school calendar runs . * timeframe for which financial aid is awarded .

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Welcome to the Crowder College Pre-College Orientation

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  1. Welcometo theCrowder CollegePre-College Orientation Fall 2013

  2. *Academic Timetable*

  3. Academic Year * period from August to July during which a normalschool calendar runs. * timeframe for which financial aid is awarded. * usually divided into fall, spring, & summer periods called semesters.

  4. Semester* separate periods that combine to make up an academic year. * classes usually run during an 8-week or 16-week period within the semester.

  5. * generally, the number of hours per week a class meets each semester. * every class is assigned a specific number of credit hours. * cost is based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in per semester. Credit Hour 2013 Fall Schedule 12 Credit Hours

  6. How to read your Crowder Course Schedule… Section # # of Credit Hours Course Duration Course # Course Name Building Day(s) of Course Campus Time of Course Instructor’s Name Room # CAR = Carthage CAS = Cassville GRE = Greenfield LAM = Lamar MCD = McDonald County MON = Monett NEO = Neosho MVN = Mt. Vernon NEV = Nevada WC = Webb City DAYS: M = Monday T = Tuesday W= Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday

  7. *Financial Aid*

  8. Student Financial Aid * Financial aid consists of funds provided to students and families to help pay for college expenses.

  9. Types of Financial Aid * Scholarships * Grants * Loans

  10. Scholarships * Scholarships arenotrepaid. * Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, skill, or a unique characteristic.

  11. Grants * Grants arenotrepaid. * Grants are most often awarded on the basis of financial need.

  12. Loans * Loans mustberepaid. * Loans consist of money that students and parents borrow to help pay for college expenses. * Repayment of loans usually begins after the student’s education is completed. * Loans should be limited to the amount of financial need. * Loans should be considered an investment in the student’s future.

  13. Key Financial Aid Terms * COA: Cost Of Attendance * EFC: Expected Family Contribution * SAR: Student Aid Report * PIN: Personal Identification Number * FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid * Submission confirmation * Financial Need (Orange handout)

  14. Financial Need Cost Of Attendance (COA) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) _______________________________ = Financial Need (ORANGE HANDOUT)

  15. FAFSA * The FAFSA is a standard form that collects personal and financial information about the student and family. * This information is used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). * The EFC is the amount of money a student and the student’s family may reasonably expect to contribute toward the student’s education for an academic year. (cont.)

  16. FAFSA * The FAFSA may be filed at any time during an award year. * An award year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. * The FAFSA may be filed electronically or using paper form (electronic filing preferred). * The application form (FAFSA) is available in English and Spanish. * The deadline for filing a FAFSA in Missouri April 1st to receive MO Access Funds.

  17. PIN * The Student’s PIN can be used to sign the FAFSA electronically. * A parent’s PIN is used to co-sign a dependent student’s FAFSA. * An electronic signature is not required for signing the FAFSA but it speeds processing of the application. * The PIN may be used by students and parents throughout the FAFSA process including subsequent school years.

  18. FAFSA Processing Flowchart

  19. FAFSA Processing Results * Paper Student Aid Report (SAR) if paper FAFSA filed and student’s e-mail address not provided. * SAR acknowledgement if FAFSA filed on the web and student’s e-mail address not provided. * E-mail notification containing a direct link to student’s on-line SAR if student’s e-mail was provided on paper or electronic FAFSA. * Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) sent to colleges 10- 14 days after FAFSA submission.

  20. Major Federal Aid Programs * PELL Grants * Work-Study * Stafford Loans * Employment

  21. PELL Awards * The Pell is an annual award. * The Pell award is based on the EFC. * The Pell is awarded in two installments most often in the fall and spring semesters. * The amount of the award is based on enrolled credit hours and adjusted accordingly. (cont.)

  22. PELL Awards * 12+ credit hours = full time enrollment Full Pell award = $5,645 * 9-11 credit hours = ¾ time * 6-8 credit hours = ½ time * 1-5 credit hours = less than ½ time Less than ½ time Pell award = $1,411

  23. Stafford Loans * Student must be enrolled at least half time. * Base loan for a first year dependent student is $3,500. * Base loan for a first year independent student is $6,000. * Additional unsubsidized loans are available. * Entrance counseling must be completed before signing a Stafford loan promissory note. * Loan applications found on Crowder website.

  24. Work-Study * Students with demonstrated financial need may be eligible for work-study hours. * Hours are determined by the EFC. * Pay is at least the federal minimum wage. * Yearly amount is based on calculated need. * Determined by the school’s financial aid office. * Interested students must first complete a FAFSA. * Crowder College students apply at the Career Services Center on Neosho main campus.

  25. Crowder College OneCard Serves as a student’s college ID card as well as a potential debit card for Crowder College financial aid refunds.

  26. *Crowder Technology*

  27. 1. Is your computer turned on? If not, look for this button and push it. Also, make sure your computer screen is turned on. 2. Next, log on to the Crowder Network. Start by pushing these 3 keyboard keys down at the same time: Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Then, enter your Student ID Number into the “User Name” box and your Password into the “Password” box. Also, make sure the “Log on to” box says CROWDER. Then click “OK”.

  28. 3. The first time you log in to the network your password will be as follows: Your last name + your 2 digit birth month + 2 digit birth year (all lowercase, no spaces) For example, if your name is John Smith and your birthday is February 17, 1986, your password will be smith0286 4. After the first time you log in to the network, you will be asked to change your password. Your new password must be at least 7 characters long and contain at least 3 of these: Upper case letter, Lower case letter, Number, or Special Character (& $ % @). For example, Coolguy8 5. After submitting your new password, WRITE IT DOWN in a safe place so you don’t forget it!

  29. 6. To access your Crowder Email, open the Internet Explorer by double clicking on this icon. Then, type www.crowder.edu into the internet Address Bar and push the Enter key on the keyboard. At the top, right corner of the web page click on Web E-mail. Finally, type in your Student ID Number and NEW PASSWORD on the new page and click “Log on”. This is the Address Bar...

  30. Financial Aid Assistance * Advisors for Crowder College’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) are available for assistance with accessing federal financial aid. * For assistance call 1-866-822-1362 toll free or 1-417-455-5475. • Students may also check the EOC brochure found in your informational packet for the location and telephone number of an EOC office closest to your home. www.trio.crowder.edu/eoc

  31. GOOD LUCK!

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