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AV Graft Conversion Project: Summary and Lessons Learned

AV Graft Conversion Project: Summary and Lessons Learned Svetlana (Lana) Kacherova, QI Director Lisle Mukai, QI Coordinator ESRD Network 18 July 23, 2009 “Fistula First” GOAL Goal is to maximize autogenous AVF construction & success rate…..

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AV Graft Conversion Project: Summary and Lessons Learned

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  1. AV Graft Conversion Project: Summary and Lessons Learned Svetlana (Lana) Kacherova, QI Director Lisle Mukai, QI Coordinator ESRD Network 18 July 23, 2009

  2. “Fistula First” GOAL Goal is to maximize autogenous AVF construction & success rate….. To achieve in the shorter term (2006) the initial K/DOQI minimum benchmark of AVF use in 40% of prevalent patients…. And in the long-term (2009), a 66% AVF rate in prevalent patients Additional Goal: Reduce Catheter Use!

  3. Fistula First Goals (AVF Rates) • CMS goal – 66% AVF • Yearly Network 18 goal – 57.8 % by June 30, 2010 • Yearly Network Stretch Goal – 58.0% by June 30, 2010 • May 2009 AVF rates: NW 18 – 56.3% US – 52.6%

  4. Routine CQI Review of vascular access Timely referral to nephrologist Early referral to surgeon for “AVF Only” Surgeon Selection Full range of appropriate surgical approaches Secondary AVFs in AFG patients AVF evaluation/placement in catheter pts Cannulation training Monitoring and maintenance Continuing Education Outcomes feedback Tools & Best Practices:Fistula First Change Concepts

  5. Inclusion Criteria for Participating Facilities • AVF rate < 50% (April SIMS data) • Highest percentage and number of AV Grafts • Patients census > 50 patients • Administrative support: All intervention facilities have a stable leadership

  6. Exclusion Criteria • Patient census < 50 patients • Facilities already included in another QIWP project with the Network

  7. Project Timelines • Oct. 2008 – Environmental scan and WebEx • Nov. 2008 – RCA and PDSA (steps 1-3) • Dec. 2008 – 1st follow-up • Jan-Feb. 2009 – 2nd follow- up • March-Apr. 2009 – 3rd follow up • May 2009 – final follow-up • June 2009 – Project summary and closure

  8. Network Role During the Project: • Project Leader • Supplied the templates for RCA & PDSA • Supplied facilities with tools and knowledge • Periodically monitored and provided feedback • Conducted phone interviews to obtain facility-specific data • Chased you for data & documentation    • Assisted your facility to stay in compliance with the QAPI program requirements

  9. V626 QAPI Condition Statement • The dialysis facility must develop, implement, maintain and evaluate an effective, data driven, quality assessment and performance improvement program with participation by the professional members of the interdisciplinary team... • …The dialysis facility must maintain and demonstrate evidence of its quality improvement and performance improvement program for review by CMS

  10. Project Summary

  11. Change Concept # 6: Secondary AVF Placement in Patients with AV Grafts • Nephrologists evaluate every AV graft patient for possible secondary AV fistula, including mapping as indicated, and document plan in patient’s record. • Dialysis facility staff and/or rounding nephrologists examine outflow vein of all forearm graft patients (“sleeves-up”) during dialysis treatments (minimum frequency = monthly) to identify patients

  12. Change Concept # 6: Secondary AVF Placement in Patients with AV Grafts (continued) • Nephrologist refers to surgeon for evaluation/placement of secondary AV fistula before failure of AV graft. Fistula First considers an AVG that has clotted at least once a FAILING GRAFT.

  13. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies Patients and Families: • Educate patients and their families about the advantages of an AV fistula (staff and nephrologists) • Patient-to-patient teaching • Post posters and have handouts available in the lobby regarding types of vascular accesses and vascular access care

  14. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) Facility and Staff: • Designate a Vascular Access Coordinator/ Manager to oversee the facility’s vascular access program • Inform nephrologists and surgeons about the AV Graft Conversion Project • Inform nephrologists and surgeons about the facility’s expectations in regards to vascular access

  15. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) • Facility provide the Fistula First surgical video to surgeons to review • Medical Director to interact with other nephrologists and vascular surgeons as needed • Have nephrologists start expanding their vascular access surgeon pool in the area • Nephrologists will identify successful surgeons outside the local area

  16. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) • Educate staff and nephrologists on how to perform a “Sleeves Up” assessment – use video • Initiate/implement the “Sleeves Up” assessment to identify patients (staff and nephrologists) • Staff and nephrologists educate the patients • Have nephrologists refer patients to surgeons

  17. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) • Schedule vein mapping of AVG patients that have clotted at least once if not previously done • Obtain a copy of the vein mapping results and keep in the patient’s chart • Assist patient and families in scheduling vascular access related appointments • Conduct stenosis monitoring and surveillance

  18. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) • Document problems and observations and report to the Nephrologist • Refer patients for fistulogram after fist sign of graft failure • Maintain a monthly vascular access tracking log – type of access, events, and status of the access

  19. Summary of Facility QAPI Strategies (continued) • Review vascular access reports during QAPI meetings (URR, Kt/V, stenosis surveillance reports, dialysis prescription, etc.) • Discuss the project and the facility’s progress during QAPI meetings and brainstorm other ideas for increasing the facility’s AVF rate • Document all events that occur with the patient’s AVG and submit to the insurance company stating reasons for patient needing to have an AVF evaluation and placement

  20. Activities that support successful conversion: • Consider an AV graft with at least one clotting episode to be a failing graft • The nephrologist should have the patient evaluated for a possible secondary AV fistula, including vein mapping as indicated

  21. Series of activities that support successful conversion: (continued) 3. A secondary AVF plan should be discussed with the patient, family, staff, nephrologist and surgeon in anticipation of an AVF creation at the earliest evidence of graft failure and the plan should be documented in the patient’s chart 4. The facility should have a plan of care in place to avoid the need for a catheter when the graft fails and there is urgency for an immediate usable access

  22. Series of activities that support successful conversion: (continued) 5. A “Sleeves-Up” exam should be performed monthly to identify patients who can be candidates for a graft to fistula conversion 6. At the sign of a second impeding AVG failure, the patient should be sent for an AV fistula conversion

  23. Next Steps • Ensure that all AVG patients are evaluated for secondary AVF placement • Have a process in place for a secondary AV fistula placement for lower arm AVG patients • Educate the patients, families, nephrologists and surgeons about the concept of a secondary AV fistula placement • Refer to the Fistula First website for resources regarding this Change Concept. • www.fistulafirst.org

  24. Next Steps • Have a process in place to ensure that the newly created AV fistula develops to maturity • Perform physical assessment of the access with every treatment • Send the patient for a 4 week follow-up with the surgeon/vascular access center to evaluate the maturation process • If the access is not maturing, the surgeon can then revise or implement interventions to salvage the access.

  25. Svetlana (Lana) Kacherova, QI Director skacherova@nw18.esrd.net Lisle Mukai, QI Coordinator lmukai@nw18.esrd.net 6255 Sunset Boulevard  Suite 2211  Los Angeles  CA  90028 (323) 962-2020  (323) 962-2891/Fax  www.esrdnetwork18.org

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