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ICF Zurich Logo

ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. LEO BIGGER. Background. OZ FOX. Background. ANNIE LOBERT. Seiteneinblender. Seiteneinblender. « Submit yourselves , then , to God . Resist the devil , and he will flee from you . Come near to God and he will come near to you .»

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ICF Zurich Logo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ICF Zurich Logo

  2. Serienlogo

  3. Background LEO BIGGER

  4. Background OZ FOX

  5. Background ANNIE LOBERT

  6. Seiteneinblender

  7. Seiteneinblender «Submityourselves, then, toGod. Resistthedevil, and he will fleefromyou. ComeneartoGodand he will comeneartoyou.» The Bible, James 4:7–8a(TNIV)

  8. Seiteneinblender ANNIE LOBERT born in Minnesota (USA) on 26th September 1967

  9. Seiteneinblender «Andeveryonewhocalls on thenameofthe LORD will besaved!» The Bible, Joel 2:32 (TNIV)

  10. Seiteneinblender «Ifwearefaithless, he remainsfaithful, for he cannotdisownhimself.» The Bible, 2 Timothy 2:13 (TNIV)

  11. Seiteneinblender «Therefore, ifanyoneis in Christ, thenewcreationhascome: The oldhasgone, thenewishere!» The Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TNIV)

  12. Seiteneinblender «Youintendedtoharmme, but Godintendeditforgoodtoaccomplishwhatisnowbeingdone, thesavingofmanylives.» The Bible, Genesis 50:20 (TNIV)

  13. ICF Zurich Logo

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