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Scaffolding. Anticipation Guide. On the a nticipation guide provided, mark whether you agree or disagree with each statement. What big picture goals do you have for your students?. What is Scaffolding?.

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  1. Scaffolding

  2. Anticipation Guide On the anticipation guide provided, mark whether you agree or disagree with each statement.

  3. What big picture goals do you have for your students?

  4. What is Scaffolding? Instructional strategy that helps students connect prior knowledge and experience with new information A student’s prior knowledge may come from previous learning in a content area or previous grade level, or from previous life experiences.

  5. Scaffolding will….. support students before, during, and after learning new concepts or skills. put ideas and concepts into context. help struggling and proficient readers engage in a difficult text.

  6. Scaffolding helps students… better understand what they are reading and learning. build confidence as they access more challenging material. develop college-readiness skills (metacognition, problem solving, etc.). become skilled and purposeful thinkers and readers.

  7. Scaffolding can and should… enhance the learning goal of a lesson/unit. encourage motivation for learning new material. help students transition from needing teacher/peer assistance to independence. be removed gradually as students begin to demonstrate mastery and no longer provided when students can perform the task independently.

  8. Examples of Scaffolding Activities Anticipation/Reaction Guide K-W-L Low-Stakes Pre-Writing Annotating Text Text Protocols (4 A’s, The Final Word, Block Party) Chalk Talk Show and Tell

  9. Examples of Scaffolding Activities Graphic Organizers (Flow Chart, Venn, Timeline) Guided Notes (not every day or student) RAFT: Role, Audience, Format, Topic Think-Pair-Share Providing Visual Aids (Picture, Virtual Tours, etc.) Verbal Cues and Follow Up Questions

  10. Examples of Scaffolding Activities Engineering Design Process (ask, imagine, plan, create, improve) Pre-Reading Vocabulary Modeling a Science Lab Peer Tutoring (pair strong with weak) Teacher Feedback/Error Analysis Mnemonic Devices (PEMDAS, Roy-G-Biv)

  11. Examples of Scaffolding Activities 1) I Do, You Watch 2) I Do, You Help 3) You Do, I Help 4) You Do, I Watch

  12. Other Examples ??

  13. Reaction Guide True 2) True 3) False 4) False 5) True 6) False 7) True 8) True 9) False 10) True

  14. Tuning a Plan for Scaffolding Focus Question: What evidence of scaffolding exists in this lesson plan and how can I build more scaffolding into it?

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