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Operating Systems

Operating Systems. Synchronization. Multi-processing/Multi-threading. Improve efficient use of computing resources Non-interactive programs Minimize time to complete a task by using multiple cores to accelerate computation. Video encoding Web-server processing

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Operating Systems

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  1. Operating Systems Synchronization

  2. Multi-processing/Multi-threading • Improve efficient use of computing resources • Non-interactive programs • Minimize time to complete a task by using multiple cores to accelerate computation. • Video encoding • Web-server processing • Effectively overlap and I/O operations • Harder class of problems to deal with • Interactive programs • Permit long tasks to run in background without impacting user experience • Essentially overlap CPU and I/O operations

  3. Concurrency • Concurrency is the ability to perform independent tasks simultaneously • A bit different that parallelism with requires two or more compute units • A compute unit could be a CPU, Core, or GPU • However in most discussions the terms concurrency and parallelism are used interchangeably. • In this course we will intentionally not distinguish between the two.

  4. Broad classification of concurrency • Data parallelism • Each thread/process performs same computation • The data for each thread/process is different • Task parallelism • Each thread/process performs different computations • The data for each thread/process is the same Input data is logically partitioned into independent subsets. Same data but different processing D D1 D2 D3 tn t1 t1 t2 ••• tn D1’ t2 ••• Dn’ D1’ D2’ Dn’ D2’ Each thread process a subset of data to generate logically independent subset of outputs Each thread processes same data but differently generating different outputs

  5. Data parallelism examplePart 1/2 #include<thread> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> boolisPrime(constint num); voidprimeCheck(const std::vector<int>& numbers, std::vector<bool>& result, constintstartIdx, constint count) { int end = (startIdx + count); for(inti = startIdx; (i < end); i++) { result[i] = isPrime(numbers[i]); } }

  6. Data parallelism examplePart 2/2 voidprimeCheck(const std::vector<int>& numbers, std::vector<bool>& result, constintstartIdx, constint count); int main() { std::vector<int> numbers(10000); std::vector<bool> isPrime(10000); std::generate_n(numbers.begin(), 10000, rand); // Create 10 threads to process subset of numbers. // Each thread processes 1000 numbers. std::vector<std::thread> threadGroup; for(int i = 0; (i < 10); i++) { threadGroup.push_back( std::thread(primeCheck, std::ref(numbers), std::ref(isPrime), i * 1000, 1000)); } std::for_each(threadGroup.begin(), threadGroup.end(), [](std::thread& t){t.join();}); return 0; };

  7. Task Parallelism ExamplePart 1/ #include<thread> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> voidisPrime(constint num, bool& result); voidisPallindrome(constint num, bool& result); voidisEuclid(constint num, bool& result); int main() { constint num = rand(); // Create threads to perform various processing on 1 number. std::vector<std::thread> threadGroup; bool result1, result2, result3; threadGroup.push_back(std::thread(isPrime, num, std::ref(result1))); threadGroup.push_back(std::thread(isPallindrome, num, std::ref(result2))); threadGroup.push_back(std::thread(isEuclid, num, std::ref(result3))); // Wait for the threads to finish std::for_each(threadGroup.begin(), threadGroup.end(), [](std::thread& t){t.join();}); return 0; };

  8. Straightforward parallelism • Several problems easily lend themselves to run using multiple process or threads • Data parallel • Use multiple threads/processes to change separate pixels in a image • Process multiple files concurrently using many threads or processes • Task Parallel • Run various data mining algorithms on a given piece of data using multiple threads • Update different indexes and relations in a database when a new record is added. • Convert a video to many different formats and resolutions using multiple threads or processes. • Searching for a given search-term on multiple indexes using several threads or processes to provide instant search results.

  9. Parallelism in Reality • Both data and task parallel systems have to ultimately coordinate concurrent execution • Primarily because humans deal with serial information • The threads have to be coordinated to generate final information • Data parallel: A image has to be fully converted to be displayed • Task parallel: Search results may need to be combined to prioritize higher quality results • Concurrency in practice • Many applications involve a combination of data and task parallel operations • Applications may switch their mode of operation • Programs require exchange of information between concurrent processes or threads • Multiple processes or threads may be used for effectively using hardware • Perform I/O on a different thread than the one performing computation • However the threads need to coordinate to generate final results

  10. Cooperating Processes & Threads • Multiple threads or processes share resources • Most typical scenario in real world • Control • Two (or more) threads/processes need to alternate running • Data • Threads share data • Either using the same object instance passed when thread is created • Using static or global objects • Processes share data using Inter Process Communication (IPC) • Using shared memory • Using message queues • However, all shared data including IPC mechanisms need to be coordinated to ensure consistent operation.

  11. Synchronization: Coordinating Concurrency • The task of coordinating multiple processes or threads is called “synchronization” • Synchronization is necessary to • Consistently access shared resources or data • Control/coordinate operations between multiple threads • Synchronization is a necessary overhead • Different strategies are used in different situations to manage overheads better • The strategies essentially tradeoff • CPU busy waiting • CPU idling

  12. Example of incorrect Multithreading #include<thread> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #define THREAD_COUNT 50 intnum= 0; voidthreadMain() { for(int i = 0; (i < 1000); i++) { num++; } } int main() { std::vector<std::thread> threadGroup; for(inti = 0; (i < THREAD_COUNT); i++) { threadGroup.push_back(std::thread(threadMain)); } std::for_each(threadGroup.begin(), threadGroup.end(), [](std::thread& t){t.join();}); std::cout << "Value of num = " << num << std::endl; return 0; } Output from multiple runs: $ ./thread_test Value of num = 50000 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 50000 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 49000 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 49913 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 49884 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 49000 $ ./thread_test Value of num = 50000 Variable num is read and modified by multiple threads. g++ -std=c++0x -g -Wall thread_test.cpp -o thread_test -lpthread

  13. Problem with Code on previous slide Unexpected Behavior (aka Race Condition) Expected Behavior num Thread 1 Thread 2 Reads 1 num Reads 1 num++ 1 Thread 1 Thread n num++ Reads 1 2 Reads 1 num++ 1 Writes2 2 Reads 2 2 Writes2 num++ 3 Writes 3 Running Not running

  14. Race Condition • Race condition is the term used to denote inconsistent operation of multi-process/multi-threaded programs • Race conditions occur due to: • Inconsistent Sharing of control • Invalid assumption that another thread will/will-not run • Inconsistent Sharing of data • Overlapping reads and writes to shared data from multiple threads • Typical symptoms of race conditions • Program runs fine most of the time • Occasionally, the program does not run correctly • Root cause of race conditions • Non-deterministic thread scheduling • Invalid assumptions in program

  15. Race Conditions & Scheduling • Threads are scheduled by OS • Threads take turn to use the CPUs • Typically, number of threads running in parallel is equal to number of cores on a computer • Modern OS are preemptive • Threads run for a maximum of quantum of time • Threads are forcibly context switched immaterial of the operation they are performing • Context switches occur at instruction level • Each C++ statement maps to 1 or more instructions. • Consequently, context switches can occur in the middle of executing a C++ statement! • Seemingly straightforward code can suffer from race conditions when incorrectly used.

  16. Scheduling Cues • Thread API includes method for providing scheduling cues • yield(): Thread voluntarily relinquishes CPU • Does not use a full quantum of time. • Suggestion to OS to run some other thread • sleep_for() & sleep_until(): Thread does not need or use CPU for given time • Will be rescheduled after time elapses • Pthread library permits setting relative priority for threads • Higher priority threads are scheduled more frequently • OS may ignore scheduling cues • No guarantees on which thread runs next • Scheduling cues do not prevent race conditions! • How to avoid race conditions?

  17. Critical Section (CS)Concept to avoid race conditions • CS: Part of code where sharing occurs • Control is yielded • Shared data is modified • Four rules to avoid race conditions • No 2 threads in same CS simultaneously • No assumptions about speed or number of cores/CPUs • No thread outside a CS may block a thread in the CS • No thread should wait forever to enter its CS

  18. Satisfying the 4 Conditions • Responsibility lies with the programmer • Have to carefully design and implement your code • Several different approaches/solutions to achieve critical sections: • Hardware approaches • Used for multiple processor scenarios • Typically not directly controllable from a standard program • OS use them internally • Software approaches • Applied to threads and processes running on same machine • OS exposes necessary API to help with coordination • Various languages provide additional API for ease • Implemented using OS API • Normally a combination of hardware and software approaches are used together • Hardware approaches for multi-core/multi-CPU machines • Software approaches to facilitate coordination between multiple processes/threads.

  19. Disabling Interrupts(Hardware approach) • Context switches occur using interrupts • Disabling interrupts • Disable interrupts before entering CS • No other thread can now run • Quickly complete CS • Re-enable interrupts • Usage • Used only by the OS • Particularly when there are multiple CPUs • When performing very critical operations • CS is very small and fast • Typically, no I/O in CS

  20. Test-Set-Lock (TSL) Instruction(Hardware approach) • Special instruction in processor • Used in multi-processor systems • Guarantees only 1 instruction access memory • Other processors have are stalled • Busy-wait strategy: wastes CPU cycles • X86 Instruction set uses LOCK prefix • Can be added to selected instructions • Instructions are longer and different! • Consequently need different software for single & multiprocessor systems • Typically OS performs this task • Consequently different kernels for single & multiprocessor systems

  21. Strict Alternation(Software approach) • Software solution • Threads take turns to use CPU • Other thread does a busy-wait (wastes CPU) • Busy waiting is often involves using a “spin lock” • The process spins in a tight loop waiting for the lock to open/release. • See example below: • Spin lock is achieved using a shared (turn) variable • Changing the turn variable usually requires special instruction on multi-core machines

  22. Strict Alternation (Contd.) • Usage • Critical sections take same time on both threads • Non-critical sections take same time on both threads • Negative • Busy waiting strategy burns CPU cycles • Does not scale efficiently to many threads • Advantage • Straightforward to implement

  23. Peterson’s Solution • Combination of earlier methods • Shared (lock) variables + alternation • Resolves issue with different CS timings • Faster threads get more turns using CS • Threads do not necessarily alternate • Threads first indicate interest to enter CS • Threads interested in entering CS take turns • In the classical description of Peterson’s solution threads busy wait • Busy waiting burns CPU cycles

  24. Sleep & Wakeup(Modification to Peterson’s solution) • Avoids busy waiting to efficiently use CPU • Multiple threads try to enter Critical Section (CS) • But only one thread can enter the CS • If thread cannot enter CS it blocks by calling wait() • In this context, the wait()method is a conceptual API • Blocked threads do not use CPU • Thread in critical section wakes up sleeping threads by calling notify() • In this context, the notify()method is a conceptual API • As part of leaving CS • Sleep & Wakeup needs special support from OS • For threads to block when they cannot enter critical section • For threads to be notified when they can enter critical section • Generic programming/usage example: • Producer-Consumer problems • One thread generates data • Another thread uses the data

  25. Problems with Sleep & Wakeup • Notifies or Wake-ups may get lost • Thread1 first enters critical section • Thread2 tries to enter critical section but cannot • Thread1 meanwhile leaves critical section calling notify() • No threads are waiting as Thread2 has not yet called wait() • Thread2 calls wait() • Thread2 will never get notified • The key problem is that check-and-wait is not performed as a single atomic operation. • Priority Inversion: Low priority thread blocks high priority thread! • Assume 2 threads H (high priority) and L (low priority) • Assume scheduling rule: H is scheduled if it is ready! • Priority inversion case: • L is in critical section • H becomes ready and is trying to enter critical section (CS) • Scheduler keeps scheduling H (but not L). So L does not leave the CS and H cannot enter CS

  26. Semaphores • Address problems with lost wakeups • Semaphore • Shared variable that counts number of wakeups • Processes/threads check semaphore before waiting • Check & wait is performed as one indivisible step • Threads wait only if semaphore is 0 • Wakeups/notifies increment semaphore • And un-block one or more threads • Linux provides semaphores that can be used by multiple processes • Mutex (A binary Semaphore) • A binary valued semaphore (only one thread can be in the critical section) • Typically used with conceptual lock and unlock methods to increment and decrement the binary semaphore

  27. Mutex Classes in C++ • The C++ (2010) standard includes several different types of Mutex classes • See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread • The std::mutexclass • Simple mutex with indefinitely blocking lock method • The unlock method is used to unlock the mutex. • The std::timed_mutex • Adds to methods in std::mutex by including methods that enable timed/non-blocking lock method. • The std::recursive_mutex • This class enables a thread to repeatedly lock the same mutex. The locks are blocking. • The number of locks and unlocks must match. • The std::recursive_timed_mutex • The most comprehensive mutex class that permits repeated locking and timed/non-blocking locks. • The number of locks and unlocks must match. • These classes also provide several types of locking strategies to ease developing program with different requirements.

  28. std::lock_guard • The number of locks and unlocks must match • Immaterial of any exceptions that may arise in critical sections • If the locks and unlocks don’t match then the program will deadlock. • The std::lock_guardclass ease this logic • The mutex is locked in the constructor • The mutex is unlocked in the destructor which is always invoked immaterial of exceptions or what path the control flows • Such use of constructor and destructor is a common design pattern in C++ that is called RAII “Resource Acquisition Is Initialization”

  29. A simple multi-threaded example #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> #define THREAD_COUNT 50 int num = 0; // A mutex to synchronize access to num std::mutex gate; voidthreadMain() { // Automatically lock & unlock std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(gate); for(int i = 0; (i < 1000); i++) { num++; } } int main() { std::vector<std::thread> threadGroup; for(inti = 0; (i < THREAD_COUNT); i++) { threadGroup.push_back( std::thread(threadMain)); } std::for_each( threadGroup.begin(), threadGroup.end(), [](std::thread& t) {t.join();}); std::cout << "Value of num = " << num << std::endl; return 0; }

  30. Producer-Consumer Model • Many multi-threaded programs fall into a Producer-Consumer model • A shared, finite-size queue is used for interacting between producers and consumers • Shared queue enables producers and consumers to operate at varying speeds • Producer adds entries (to be processed) to the queue • If the queue is full the producer has to wait until there is space in the queue • Typically the consumer notifies the producer to add more entries. • Consumer removes entries from the queue and process it. • If the queue is empty then the consumer has to wait until some data is available to be processed

  31. Producer-Consumer (Part 1/2) #include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> #include<queue> // A shared queue std::queue<int> queue; // Mutex to sychronize // access to the queue std::mutexqueueMutex; // Max entries in the queue constsize_tMaxQSize = 5; void producer(constint num); void consumer(constint num); int main() { std::thread prod(producer, 500); std::thread con(consumer, 500); prod.join(); con.join(); return 0; } producer consumer queueMutex critical section maxQsize == 5 queue

  32. Producer-Consumer (Part 2/2) void producer(constint num) { long idle = 0; inti = 0; while (i < num) { queueMutex.lock(); if (queue.size()<MaxQSize) { queue.push(rand()%10000); i++; } else { idle++; } queueMutex.unlock(); } std::cout << "Producer idled " << idle << " times." << std::endl; } void consumer(constint num) { long idle = 0; inti = 0; while (i < num) { intval = -1; queueMutex.lock(); if (!queue.empty()) { val = queue.front(); queue.pop(); i++; } else { idle++; } queueMutex.unlock(); if (val > 0) { // Process the value? usleep(val); } } std::cout << "Consumer idled " << idle << " times\n“; } Critical section Critical section

  33. Shortcomings of previous producer-consumer solution • The producer-consumer example in the previous 2 slides works correctly without race conditions • No 2 threads in same CS simultaneously • The threads use a single lock to ensure only one thread is in the critical section at any given time. • No assumptions about speed or number of cores/CPUs • No such assumptions in the code • No thread outside a CS may block a thread in the CS • There is only a single mutex and a single CS. Consequently, a thread outside a CS cannot block thread in the CS • No thread should wait forever to enter its CS • That is why the usleep (representing work being done) is not inside critical section. • However, the solution is not efficient! • There is wasted CPU cycles when: • The producer thread spins in the loop if queue is full • The consumer thread spins in a loop if queue is empty

  34. Eliminating wasted CPU cycles • Standard solution of using mutexs to share data is inefficient • Threads have to busy wait for suitable operating conditions • In the previous example, producer has to wait if queue is full • In the previous example, the consumer has to wait if the queue is empty • Busy waiting burns CPU cycles, degrading efficiency of the system • The CPU could be doing other tasks • Not was energy performing the same checks • How to improve efficiency of data sharing? • Waiting for suitable operating conditions cannot be controlled • Avoid busy waiting • Solution • Instead provide a blocked waiting mechanism • However, the mechanism needs to streamline managing critical sections

  35. Monitors • Address problems with busy waiting • Use condition variables to exit from blocking waits • Reduce overhead on programmers • Provide special language constructs • Streamlines program development • Compiler or standard library handles other overheads • In collaboration with OS • Monitors are higher level concepts than Mutex • Monitors do need a Mutex to operate • C++ provides a std::condition_variable object that can be used as a monitor • It is used with std::unique_lock • Java implementation of Monitor • Via synchronizedkeyword (that provides a mutex) • Each java.lang.Object instance has a monitor that synchronized code uses for achieving critical sections • Additional methods wait and notify are used to release and reacquire locks as needed.

  36. std::condition_variable • Synchronization mechanism to conditionally block threads until: • A notification is received from another thread • A timeout value has been specified for waiting • A spurious wakeup occurs (which is rare) • A std::condition_variablerequires two pieces of information • A std::unique_lockon a std::mutexguaranteeing it is being used in a critical section • A predicate that indicates the wait condition

  37. Producer-Consumer (Part 1/2) #include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> #include<queue> // A shared queue std::queue<int> queue; // Condition variable to avoid spin-locks std::condition_variabledata_cond; // Mutex to sychronize access to the queue std::mutexqueueMutex; // Max entries in the queue constsize_tMaxQSize = 5; void producer(int); void consumer(int); int main() { std::thread prod(producer, 500); std::thread con(consumer, 500); prod.join(); con.join(); return 0; } The monitor constructor that: Avoid busy waiting Enables blocking until a condition is met. Notifies other waiting threads about potential change in wait status. Requires an already locked mutex for operation.

  38. Producer-Consumer (Part 1/2) void producer(int num) { for(int i = 0; (i < num); i++){ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex); data_cond.wait(lock, []{returnqueue.size() < MaxQSize; }); queue.push(rand() % 10000); data_cond.notify_one(); } } void consumer(constint num) { for(int i = 0; (i < num); i++){ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex); data_cond.wait(lock, []{return !queue.empty();}); intval = queue.front(); queue.pop(); data_cond.notify_one(); queueMutex.unlock(); if (val > 0) { // Process the value? usleep(val); } } }

  39. Operation of wait method • The wait method causes the calling thread to block until • The condition variable is notified (by another thread) AND • An optional predicate (method that returns a Boolean value) is satisfied • Specifically, the wait method • Atomically releases lock on a given locked, mutex • Adds calling thread to the list of threads waiting on the condition variable (namely *this) • Blocks the current thread until notify_all or notify_one is called on the condition variable (namely *this) by another thread. • When notified, the thread unblocks, the lock on the mutex is atomically reacquired • An optional predicate is checked and if the predicate returns false the wait method repeats from step 1. Otherwise the wait method returns control back.

  40. Interaction between wait & notify The std::mutex and condition_variable object that is shared by multiple threads std::mutexmutex std::condition_variablecv THREAD α std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); THREAD α std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); cv.wait(lock, predicate); Blocks to acquire lock Is predicate true? Done Waiting Lock acquired Release lock so another thread can lock the mutex cv.notify(); NO Release lock on mutex and blocks thread until notified. Block Notify thread to unblock and try to acquire lock mutex.unlock(); Mutex available for relocking Reacquire lock on Mutex

  41. Passing results between threads • Threads cannot return values directly • Methods that return values can be run in a separate thread. However, there is no intrinsic mechanism to obtain return values • Have to use some shared intermediate storage to obtain return values • The shared storage needs to be suitably guarded to avoid race conditions • Sharing values between threads can be a bit cumbersome • Solution: std::future • Provides a multi-threading safe (MT-safe) storage to exchange values between threads • Futures can be created in two ways: • Using std::asyncmethod • Using std::promise class

  42. std::async • The method std::asyncruns a given function f asynchronously (potentially in a separate thread) and returns a std::future that will eventually hold the result of that function call. • The std::future class can also report exceptions just as-if it was a standard method call. #include<future> #include<iostream> intgameOfLife(std::string s) { sleep(3); std::cout << s << ": finished\n"; return 20; } int main() { std::future<int> result = std::async(std::launch::async, gameOfLife, "async"); sleep(5); // Pretend to do something important std::cout << "Result = " << result.get() << std::endl; return 0; } Other values include: std::launch::sync – Method is run only if get() method is called on future. std::launch::any – System decides if it runs as synchronous or asynchronously.

  43. std::promise • The std::asyncmethod provides a mechanism to intercept and return values of methods • It does not provide a placeholder for setting and then getting values. • The std::promise class provides a placeholder • Placeholder is multi-thread safe (MT-safe) • One thread can set a value • Another thread can get the value via a std::future.

  44. Using std::promise class #include<future> #include<iostream> #include<cmath> // Returns highest prime number between // 2 to max intgetPrime(constint max); void thread1(int max, std::promise<int>& promise) { intprime1 = getPrime(max); std::cout << "prime1 = " << prime1 << std::endl; promise.set_value(prime1); } intthread2(int max, std::promise<int>& promise) { intprime2 = getPrime(max); std::cout << "prime2 = " << prime2 << std::endl; int prime1 = promise.get_future().get(); returnprime2 * prime1; } int main() { std::promise<int> prom; std::async(std::launch::async, thread1, 99999, std::ref(prom)); std::future<int> result = std::async(std::launch::async, thread2, 50000, std::ref(prom)); // Do some work here! std::cout << "Result = " << result.get() << std::endl; return0; } thread1 thread2 get set_value future promise Wait for value to be ready

  45. std::atomic • The std::atomic class provides atomic multi-threading safe (MT-safe) primitive types • Examples • std::atomic<int> atInt = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(123); • std::atomic<bool> atBool= ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false); • std::atomic<double> atDouble = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(M_PI); • Specializations are provided for many primitive types • Specialization may provide lock-free MT-safe implementations • It can be used with objects that provide necessary operator overloading

  46. Example of std::atomic #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<atomic> #define THREAD_COUNT 50 std::atomic<int> num = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0); voidthreadMain() { for (int i = 0; (i < 1000); i++) { num++; } } int main() { std::vector<std::thread> threadGroup; for (inti = 0; (i < THREAD_COUNT); i++) { threadGroup.push_back(std::thread(threadMain)); } std::for_each(threadGroup.begin(), threadGroup.end(), [](std::thread& t){t.join();}); std::cout << "Value of num = " << num << std::endl; return 0; } Increment, decrement, and assignment operations on atomic types are guaranteed to be MT-safe. Refer to API documentation for more methods in std::atomic (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/atomic)

  47. Multi-process semaphore • So far we have studied multi-threaded semaphores and monitors • Linux supports following APIs for semaphore operations between processes on the same machine: • semget: Allocate one or more semaphores and obtain key (a integer value) for further operations. • semop and semtimedop: Increment, decrement or wait for semaphore value to become zero. • semctl: Perform various control operations on semaphores, including deleting them immediately.

  48. semget • shmget allocates one or more semaphores • intshmget(int key, intnsems, intsem_flags) • Same key value is used by all processes. A special key value of IPC_PRIVATE is handy to share semaphores between child processes. • The nsems parameter indicates number of semaphores to be allocated. • The shm_flags can be • 0 (zero): Get existing semaphores starting with keykey. If semaphores are not found, then semget returns -1 indicating error. • IPC_CREATE: Use existing semaphores with keykey. If semaphores do not exist, then create a new ones. • IPC_CREATE | IPC_EXCL: Create semaphores starting with keykey. If semaphores already exists then return with -1 indicating error. • The flags must include S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR flags to enable read & write permissions for user creating the shared memory • The flags may also include flags to enable read & write permissions for users in your group and others (rest of the world). See man pages for various flags. • Return value: A non-negative key value (integer) for use with other shared memory system calls. • On errors this call returns -1 and errno is set to indicate cause of error

  49. semop • This system call can be used to perform following operations: • Add positive value to semaphore (never blocks) • Add negative-value to semaphore but block if result will be negative • intsemop(intsemid, structsembuf*sops, shm_flagnsops) • The semid value must be a valid key returned by semgetsyscall. This is starting semaphore id value. • The sops parameter is array of structsembufthat contain information about type of operation to be performed • The nsops indicates the number of semaphore operations to be performed. • Return value: On success returns 0 and -1 on error. • On error errno is set to indicate cause of error

  50. semctl • This system call to control or delete semaphores • intsemctl(intsemid, intsemnum, intcmd, …) • The semid value must be a valid key returned by semgetsyscall. This is starting semaphore id value. • semnum indicates the number of consecutive semaphores to be operated on. • cmd indicates the command to be performed, such as IPC_SET or IPC_RMID. • Return value: On success the return value is 0 (zero). On errors, the return value is -1 and errno is set to indicate cause of error.

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