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Kristine Albachiara. ACQUISTIVE. ADJ-- Able to get and retain ideas or information; concerned with acquiring wealth or property. acquisitive. synonyms: greedy, grasping, avaricious, retentive.

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  1. Kristine Albachiara


    ADJ-- Able to get and retain ideas or information; concerned with acquiring wealth or property
  2. acquisitive

    synonyms: greedy, grasping, avaricious, retentive The manager of the business was extremely acquisitive when it came to dealing with his share of money. (adj.) able to get and retain ideas or information; concerned with acquiring wealth or property antonyms: altruistic, unretentive
  3. Arrogate

    (verb) to claim or take without right Audrey Bristol
  4. Arrogate (v)

    to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right to attribute or assign to another to ascribe By: Grace Ballard: Cubeta: Per. 8
  5. Stephanie Butler


    (adj.) hackneyed, trite, commonplace Stop signs are very commonplace.
  6. Banal Adjective meaning hackneyed, trite, commonplace The sitcom had been cancelled due to uninteresting characters and very banal plotlines that put the viewers to sleep. Turner Bilodeau, p. 8
  7. Banal

    (Adj.) Hackneyed, trite, commonplace. The new plays play’s banal dialogue made it seem more like a soap opera than a serious drama.
  8. BANAL

    (adj.) hackneyed, trite, commonplace
  9. Banal

    (adj.) hackneyed, trite, commonplace example: The new play’s banal dialogue made it seem more like a soap opera than a serious drama. synonyms: stale, insipid antonyms: fresh, novel, original, new Madalyn Brim 7th period English II AP
  10. Belabor (v.) to work on excessively; to thrash soundly How to yo-yo Yo-yo’s R Us Mo’ Yo-yo Yo-yo Yo-yo’s for idiots
  11. Belabor

    (v.) to work on excessively; to thrash soundly; overwork
  12. Brandon Fuller Period 7 Belabor To work on excessively; to thrash soundly His tendency to belabor the small points often made him miss the big picture
  13. Belabor(v.) to work on excessively; to thrash soundly

  14. Belabor To work on excessively To beat severely
  15. Carping

    (adj.) tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n.) petty nagging criticism
  16. Carping (adj.) tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n) petty, nagging criticism Examples: The trainee resigned after a week rather than put up with the carping complaints of the sales manager. Most artists choose to ignore the carping of the critics and simply go on with their work.
  17. Carping (adj.) tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n.) petty, nagging criticism
  18. Coherent: (adj.) holding or sticking together; making a logical whole; comprehensible, meaningful

    Evan Farley 3rd
  19. Nicolas Elwood English/ 2nd Period 8/29/10


    Definition: Having Clarity or Intelligibility He had a very coherent plan to improve global warming.
  20. CoherentDefinition: (adj.)having an agreement of parts or logically connectedRenee could not figure out what Monroe had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.
  21. (adj.) holding or sticking together; making a logical whole; comprehensible, meaningful CoherentBy: Savannah Geyer, 7th period
  22. Congeal- verb, the transformation from a liquid to a solid state

  23. Mary Claire Hamm Period 8


    (v.) to change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid Synonyms: harden, jell, coagulate, solidify Antonyms: melt, liquefy
  24. Hunter Halpin


    (v.) to change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid. synonyms: harden, jell, coagulate, solidify

  26. Synonym: copy, mimic, match, measure up to


    Definition: To imitate with the intent or equaling or surpassing the model
  27. Blake Krause P.7 08/29


    (v.) to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model
  28. Emulate Emulate(v.) to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model
  29. Emulate

    (v.) to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model Syn. Copy, mimic, rival, match, to meausure up to
  30. encomium

    (noun) A formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
  31. Encomium On veterans day, the President delivered a heartfelt encomium to those who had died for their country. (n.) a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
  32. Eschew

    verb to avoid, shun, keep away from http://www.hepcstraightup.com/AvoidStress.jpg
  33. Eschew

    (v.) to avoid, shun, keep away from
  34. Eschew

    (v.) to avoid, shun, keep away from
  35. Eschew

    (v.) to avoid, shun, keep away from Synonym: abstain from Antonym: embrace
  36. Nick Alekhine – 7th Period


    Adjective Relevant, relatable, or appropriate to the subject at hand. The racing event would only accept cars that were of germane to the racing class of the event.
  37. Germane

    (adj.) – relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting
  38. Germane(adj.)

    Relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting Syn: pertinent Ant: irrelevent, extraneous, inappropriate +
  39. Jeff James Germane (Adj.) Relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting
  40. Invidious (adj.) offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment
  41. Insatiable

    Adjective: So great or demanding as not to be satisfied. "TOON 561." Shannon Burns. Web. 29 Aug 2010. <http://www.shannonburns.com/Toon561+.gif>.
  42. Intransigent

    (adj.) refusing to compromise, irreconcilable Synonyms: uncompromising, unyielding, obdurate Antonyms: lukewarm, halfhearted, yielding The young girl had an intransigent attitude when it came to practicing the piano because she just expected to be good without practice http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img.tfd.com/wn/2C/17E727-intransigent.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.thefreedictionary.com/intransigent&usg=__t_QDlHB2aYGphByEshOlllogdVs=&h=135&w=134&sz=4&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=5NsS5GWJEXeDwM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3DIntransigent%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D612%26bih%3D318%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=145&vpy=99&dur=109&hovh=108&hovw=107&tx=75&ty=88&ei=Rut3TN2PLoHfnAe277z3AQ&oei=Rut3TN2PLoHfnAe277z3AQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
  43. Intransigent

    (adj.) –Refusing to compromise, irreconcilable, narrow-minded Synonyms-Uncompromising, unyielding, obdurate Antonyms-Lukewarm, halfhearted, yielding
  44. Intransigent

    adjective refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible. The child was intransigent when the mother asked him to eat his vegetables.
  45. Invidious: (adj.) offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment

  46. Taylor Sorrels 7th p. 8/29/10


    Noun. generous bestowal of gifts
  47. Largesse (noun) generosity in giving; lavish or bountiful contributions http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-set/BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFkZIZkpsaWNtM2hHRVZCZHo1dEMxdXcAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg http://www.leehansen.com/clipart/Themes/Pirates/images/treasure-chest.gif
  48. Largesse(n.) generosity in giving; lavish or bountiful contributions

    Grant Miller K. Cubeta English III AP-3rd 30 August 2010
  49. Noun: Generosity in giving; lavish or bountiful contributions. Largesse Mary Ellen Pipkin 2nd Period
  50. Thomas Walter Cubeta 7th Reconnaissance (n.) a survey made for military purposes; any kind of preliminary inspection or examination
  51. Reconnaissance (n.) a survey made for military purposes; any kind of preliminary inspection or examination Synonym: scouting expedition. A reconnaissance of the bridge must be completed before troops can cross it.
  52. Substantiate

    Definition (verb) – to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to Synonyms- verify, confirm, validate, authenticate Antonyms- refute, disprove, invalidate Ex. I can substantiate that I am innocent if I can show you the security camera video
  53. Alex Reeder K. Cubeta English III AP – 3 29 August 2010


    (verb) to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to; validate or authenticate http://socsci2.ucsd.edu/~aronatas/project/cartoon.math.gif
  54. Tanner Stone SUBSTANTIATE August 30,2010 1st period (v.) to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to The lawyer helped substantiate his case by presenting pictures taken at the scene of the crime.
  55. Taciturn-(adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little.

    Clark Reeder 3rd period Cubeta 8/29/10
  56. Taciturn

    (adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little Caroline Thomas 1st
  57. taciturn

    (adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little
  58. Temporize (v.) to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise
  59. Temporize

    (v.) to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise Ex: John temporized by giving a long introduction because his business partner was late for the important meeting.
  60. Graham Sowden 3rd period Boat in a stall


    (v.) to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision
  61. Tenable(adj.) capable of being held or defended

  62. Arrogate

    To claim or take without right.
  63. Encomium

    (Noun) a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
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