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How to work with your MEA/AYP Data

How to work with your MEA/AYP Data. Title One-School Improvement Team Rachelle Tome- Director of Accountability & School Improvement- rtome@maine.gov Robin Bray- robin.bray@maine.gov George Tucker- george.tucker@maine.gov Matthew Faragher-Houghton- matthew.faragher-houghton@maine.gov

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How to work with your MEA/AYP Data

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  1. How to work with your MEA/AYP Data Title One-School Improvement Team Rachelle Tome-Directorof Accountability& School Improvement-rtome@maine.gov Robin Bray- robin.bray@maine.gov George Tucker-george.tucker@maine.gov Matthew Faragher-Houghton- matthew.faragher-houghton@maine.gov 23 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333 Phone: (207) 624-6705 Fax: (207) 624-6706

  2. Department of Education MEA/AYP Contact Information • Rachelle Tome-Director of Accountability and School Improvement, 624-6708, rachelle.tome@maine.gov • George Tucker-Title One, School Improvement, 624-6720, george.tucker@maine.gov • Robin Bray-Title One-School Improvement, 624-6713, robin.bray@maine.gov • Matthew Faragher-Houghton-Title One-School Improvement, 624-6709, matthew.faragher-houghton@maine.gov

  3. Check Measured Progress Web Site for your School’s Data • http://iservices.measuredprogress.org/ • Select “Maine Educational Assessment” on drop down menu and click “Enter” • On the next page click “Maine Reports” • On the next page you will need your “Log In” User Name and Password.

  4. Privacy of Student Information • Description: The attached guide was written to help school and local education agency staff to better understand and apply FERPA, a federal law that protects privacy interests of parents and students in student education records. • Online Availability: http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2006805 Download, view and print the report as a pdf file. (1172KB) Most MEA reports contain student names and should be handled with caution and care.

  5. MEDMS DATA IS YOUR DATA • When you enter the Measured Progress Web Site, you are viewing reports generated with the data that was posted by your district into the MEDMS system. • If your MEA reports are incorrect, the data was incorrectly entered into MEDMS from your district. • Student Data is your responsibility. Please make sure to ensure all data entered into MEDMS is true and accurate. This will ensure true and accurate MEA reports for your district.

  6. MEDMS Data is YOUR Data School administrative units must enroll students in the MEDMS Student Information System no later than October 15, 2006.  The MEDMS home page is available at:  http://www.maine.gov/education/medms/ The following information will be available on the MEDMS Student Information website: http://www.maine.gov/education/medms/studentinfolist.htm • Student Data Entry Completion • Data Fields to Complete Student Data • General Definitions Related to Student Enrollment Data • Dropout Reporting Instructions • Fiscal Responsibility • Foreign Exchange Student Information • Home School Education • State Agency Clients Information • Superintendents Agreement Information SOURCE: INFORMATIONAL LETTER 4, 2007

  7. Entering the Measured Progress Web Site

  8. Purpose of Measured Progress Reports • Helps Districts and Schools prepare reports for internal and external use • Use reports for item analysis with teachers • Show 3-8 data for school and district • Compare District and School results to state results • Share MEA progress to parents and students

  9. Click on “March 2006 MEA Reports” “MEA Reports”

  10. “School’s” information • Select your district • Select your school • Select grade level and repeat for additional grades 3-8.

  11. Select a Report Select “School Report”

  12. School Report for each specific grade Summary of Scores listed in scaled score format. % of students Performance vs. District and State Student participation information including: Ethnicity, Accommodations and PAAP Reading and Math Results including achievement %, content clusters, and student questionnaire items

  13. School Summary Click on “School Summary”

  14. School Summary This report summarizes Reading, Math, Science and Technology. Specifically the number of students in WHOLE GROUP that: DOES NOT MEET PARTIALLYMEETS MEETS EXCEEDS And reports Mean Scaled Score for every grade in the school!

  15. School Summary Cont. • School Summary Report shows only Whole Group Data. It does not show sub group data. • Make sure to look at NSLP Data, Special Education Data and any additional sub group data as they are all part of determining AYP.

  16. Class Analysis Report PDF Select a pdf report for Reading and Math.

  17. This PDF is the Class Analysis Report or “CAR” All students are listed alphabetically and with their MEDMS ID number. Also listed on this report are: Released Item Cluster # Grade Level Expectation (Enhanced GLE’s) Item Type (MC, SA, CR) Correct Response Total Possible Points Remember this file contains student names and is a Confidential FERPA list. Take off names when using with any audience other than school employees that have direct connection to students.

  18. Additional CAR Information • At the bottom of each page you can compare scores on each item (Item Analysis). It is also possible to compare: • Class to Class • Class to School • School to School • School to District • School to State • District to State Also listed are cluster level points earned , total points earned, scaled score and achievement level of each student.

  19. Class Analysis ReportCSV Look at the csv file (comma separated variables)

  20. CSV File • This file can be manipulated and saved as a workbook and excel spreadsheet. Additional information can be added, such as local testing data (e.g. DRA, NWEA). Unimportant information can also be removed (e.g. middle initial). • Color coding sub groups makes a great visual when presenting data to staff and administration. Remember this file contains student names and is a confidential FERPA list. Take off names when using with any audience other than school employees that have direct connection to students.

  21. Color Coding CSV File • DOE’s School Improvement Team uses the following color coding: Blue-NSLP Green-SPECIAL EDUCATION Orange-FAY (Full Academic Year) Yellow-Ethnic Pink-LEP (Limited English Proficient)

  22. Manipulating CSV File There are a total of 45 columns of information on the CSV file. Several columns that can be eliminated if desired.

  23. Suggested Information to keep on CSV! Student’s name Points Earned Gender Performance NSLP FAY SPED Student Items • If sub groups large enough you may keep Ethnic and LEP (limited English Proficient) • Add additional data sources, may be added to spread sheet. i.e. DIBELS,NWEA, DRA, Writing Prompts, or other Local Assessments When saving this file, make sure to save as a workbook or it will not save colors and other data.

  24. Select “March 2006 AYP Report” Select : “March 2006 AYP Report”

  25. Selecting AYP Reports • Next, select “District” • Then, select “School” There are three reports to choose from: -State AYP Report -District AYP Report -School AYP Report

  26. AYP Report This report contains: • Grade 4 Status Report • Grade 8 Status Report • Participation Data for Gr. 3-8 Reading • Participation Data for Gr. 3-8 Math • Performance Data for Gr. 3-8 WHOLE GROUP Reading • State Performance Data for Gr. 3-8 WHOLE GROUP Math

  27. District AYP Report • Pages 2-3 Includes separate District AYP Status reports for Grades 4 and/or 8. • The report lists your school’s group(s) • Whole District • Ethnic groups • Economically Disadvantaged • Students with Disabilities • Limited English Proficient Also, whether the district met participation requirements of 95%.

  28. District AYP Participation Data • Pages 4-5 list District Reading and Math Participation Data for Grades 3-8. • If the sub group is larger than 40 students the report lists the School Total. • To the far right is the % Average Daily Attendance, which must be above 88%.

  29. To get Student PAAP Reports go to www.measuredprogress.org Select “Maine Alternative Assessment (PAAP)

  30. 2005-2006 STATE PAAP Performance • Grade4-Reading- 223 students took PAAP and 35% were proficient • Grade 4-Math- 172 students took PAAP and 31% were proficient • Grade 8-Reading- 217 students took PAAP and 36% were proficient • Grade 8-Math- 224 students took PAAP and 40% were proficient Questions/Additional Information? Contact: Linda Parkin at 624-6782, linda.parkin@maine.gov or Karen Darling at 624-6678, karen.darling@maine.gov

  31. Make sure to watch your sub-group data! • Previously, many sub groups were too small to be reviewed for AYP. REMEMBER: AYP will be determined for any NCLB sub group with 20 or more students.

  32. How will AYP be Determined Next School Year? Next year AYP for Reading and Math will be determined by combining all grades (3-8) in a school and will use one year data.

  33. Proposed Targets for Reading and Math • The proposed new target for Reading Grades 3-8 is 50% • The proposed new target for Math Grades 3-8 is 40%

  34. Additional Information • The following slides may be helpful to answer additional questions regarding MEA/AYP.

  35. Observations from 05-06 MEA It is important to remember that 2006 MEA scores at grades 4 and 8 represent different scores based on different content standards and different achievement standards. The test was not easier or harder than past years, but was different. The No Child Left Behind Act requires that at least 95% of all students in grades 3-8 take part in the MEA. In Maine, fully 99% of students took part at each grade and in each subject, which is a reflection on the commitment of Maine schools to this process. The MEA is designed to provide access to all students through standard administration of the test, participation by students with approved accommodations, or through alternate assessment.

  36. 05-06 MEA Observations Cont. • Across all grades, a greater percentage of females than males met proficiency in reading, which is consistent with past performance and national trends. There were no significant differences in the numbers of students meeting proficiency in mathematics or science based on gender.

  37. 05-06 MEA Observations Cont. • There continues to be a decrease in mathematics performance at the middle school level, which is consistent with national measures and indicates the need for future research. • Students at all grades who report that the questions in the MEA, which measure Learning Results-based expectations, match what they have had the opportunity to learn in school, perform at a higher level.

  38. Selected Observations Cont. • There is a strong correlation at all grades that a moderate amount of homework (up to 2 hours on school nights) is associated with stronger performance on the MEA. • Those students who report reading more than 20 minutes at home each day perform considerably better on the MEA.

  39. 2005-2006 MEA Released Items and GLE’s Please go to the following link and down load Released Items for Grades 3-8 to your hard drive. http://www.maine.gov/education/mea/mearelitems.htm MEA Test items are connected and matched to the 2007 Enhanced Grade Level Expectations. It is important that all teachers are instructing and assessing using the Enhanced GLE’s at their specific grade level. Please go to the link below to down load Enhanced GLE's for reading and math. http://www.maine.gov/education/lsalt/glereview.htm

  40. CIPS-Continuous Improvement Priority Schools Currently there are 3 elementary schools, 38 Middle Schools, on CIPS status for 2006-2007. Twenty of these schools are receiving Title One funds. There are currently 6 High Schools on hold. • Click the link below to view the Continuous Improvement Priority Schools 2006-2007 http://www.maine.gov/education/pressreleaes/ayp/fy2007/0607ciplist.rtf

  41. Professional Development in CIPS School Improvement Plans • Creation of data teams • Professional Study Groups • Co-Teaching Training and Support • Differentiation Training and Support • On-Site Consultation Support Short Term • MEA Strategies(test-prep, test conditions & motivation) • Success Analysis-from MEA Item Analysis

  42. Professional Development in CIPS Plans (continued) • Maximum Inclusion with support for Special Education Students in regular classroom • 3-5 Days of Summer Training in Reading and or Math for all staff (Regular Education, Special Education, Ed. Techs., Administration) • Enhanced GLE’s are aligned and consistently taught by all staff. Teaching same curriculum with consistent schedule, scope, sequence and common assessments, • Assessments: Survey of Enacted Curriculum, NWEA, Literacy Spiral/Audit, DRA, DIBLES

  43. Gr. 3-8 Sub Group AYP Demonstration 05-06 Gr. 4 and 8 only had 3 each in this sub group. 06-07, there are now 20 in the sub group and it will be used to determine AYP for the school.

  44. Confidence Interval Demonstration

  45. Confidence Interval Gain Chart

  46. READING State Performance-05-06 • “Whole” Sub Group declined 6% from Grade 3 to 8. • Reading in “NSLP” Sub Group (Free and Reduced Lunch) declined 8% from Grade 3 to 8. • Reading in “Special Education” Sub Group declined 14% from Grade 3 to 8.

  47. MATH State Performance 05-06 • Math in “Whole” Sub Group declines 14% from Grade 3 to 8. • Math “NSLP” Sub Group (Free and Reduced Lunch), declines 15% from Grade 3 to 8. • Math “Special Education” Sub Group declines 20% from Grade 3 to 8.

  48. STATE Performance % Whole Group How does your school’s data compare?

  49. State Performance % NSLP(Free and Reduced Lunch) How did your school’s data compare?

  50. State Performance % Special Education How does your school’s data compare?

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