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Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure

Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure. Electrolyte abnormalities in 62 study patients with congestive heart failure. Elsaf M and Siamopoulos K, Exp Clin Cardiology Clinic, 1997. Υπονατριαιμία. Υπερτονική (υπεργλυκαιμία). Ισοτονική

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Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure

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  1. Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalitiesin patients with congestive heart failure Electrolyte abnormalities in 62 study patients with congestive heart failure Elsaf M and Siamopoulos K, Exp Clin Cardiology Clinic, 1997

  2. Υπονατριαιμία Υπερτονική (υπεργλυκαιμία) Ισοτονική (υπερλιπιδαιμία) Υποτονική Υποογκαιμική (έλλειψη H20-Na+) Υπερογκαιμική ( H20 >Na+) KA – κίρρωση Νορμοογκαιμική (SIADH)

  3. Mechanisms leading to hypotonic hypervolemic hyponatremia in heart failure Bettari L et al, Heart Fail Rev (2012) 17:17–26

  4. The Challenge of Hyponatremia Pathogenesis of hypotonic hyponatremia as derived from the Edelman equation Adrogué H and Madias N, J Am Soc Nephrol, 2012

  5. The electrolyte-free water clearance: urine K+ + urine Na+ CeH2O = V (1 - ) serum Na+

  6. The Challenge of Hyponatremia Effect of urine electrolyte concentration on serum sodium level in hypotonic hyponatremia Adrogué H and Madias N, J Am Soc Nephrol, 2012

  7. Θεραπεία Υπονατριαιμίας Ανταγωνιστές των υποδοχέων της AVP (……..vaptanes) Tolvaptan (Samsca, tbl 15 mg) Pack 10 tablets = 1243 € (ΕΟΠΥ) Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd.

  8. Successful treatment of hyponatremia with ACEi in patients with congestive heart failure Clinical and laboratory parameter before and after treatment with captopril Cardiology 1995

  9. Successful treatment of hyponatremia with ACEis in patients with congestive heart failure Correlation between the increase in serum sodium and the increased in CeH2O Cardiology 1995

  10. Schematic diagram showing a cell model of the thick ascending limb with its different transport pathways involved in the transcellular reabsorption of NaCl as well as the paracellular transfer of Na+ activated by the luminal positive voltage Amlal H and Soleimani M, Cell PhysiolBiochem 2011;28:521-526

  11. Schematic diagram showing a cell model of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) with its different transport pathways involved in the transcellular reabsorption of NaCl. Early DCT expresses only NCC whereas late DCT expresses both NCC and ENaC in the apical membrane Amlal H and Soleimani M, Cell PhysiolBiochem 2011;28:521-526

  12. Schematic diagram showing cell types in both cortical collecting duct (CCD) and connecting tubules (CNT) with different transport pathways involved in transcellular reabsorption of NaCl. ENaC is expressed on the apical membrane of principal cells and pendrin (PDS) is expressed on the apical membrane of B-intercalated cells Amlal H and Soleimani M, Cell PhysiolBiochem 2011;28:521-526

  13. Schematic diagram of various nephron segments, including TAL and DCT along with transport proteins targeted by furosemide (NKCC2) or thiazides (NCC). G, glomerulus; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule; PST, proximal straight tubule; TAL, thick ascending limb; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; CCD, cortical collecting tubule; OMCD, outer medullary collecting duct; IMCD, inner medullary collecting duct Amlal H and Soleimani M, Cell PhysiolBiochem 2011;28:521-526

  14. Pendrin as a Novel Target for Diuretic Therapy Schematic diagram of the nephron showing the action sites for thiazides, inhibitors of NCC, and a new diuretic which can inhibit pendrin Amlal H and Soleimani M, Cell PhysiolBiochem 2011;28:521-526

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