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A Load-Balanced Pipeline Architecture for IP Route Lookup

A Load-Balanced Pipeline Architecture for IP Route Lookup. Author : Shengqing Hu, Yi Wu and Ge Nong Publisher : 2013 IEEE Presenter : Pei-Hua Huang Date : 2014/01/08. INTRODUCTION.

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A Load-Balanced Pipeline Architecture for IP Route Lookup

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  1. A Load-Balanced Pipeline Architecture for IP Route Lookup Author : Shengqing Hu, Yi Wu and GeNong Publisher : 2013 IEEE Presenter : Pei-Hua Huang Date : 2014/01/08

  2. INTRODUCTION • In a pipeline routing architecture, nodes of a routing table transformed into a prefix trieare distributed to multiple memory blocks of a pipeline level by level • The majority of entries in an IPv4 routing table are occupied by 24-bit prefixes typically contained by the prefix nodes of a same level, leading to unbalanced storage demands among memory blocks

  3. INTRODUCTION • Random duplicate allocation (RDA) :each subtrie has two copies randomly rooted in two different memory blocks • A packet can execute its route lookup if any copy of the subtrie is available • Access conflicts may occur when multiple packets try to access a same memory block simultaneously

  4. Routing Architecture • A demultiplexer (DEMUX): dispatches arriving packets to each input buffer • N input buffers (IBs): each input buffer maintains N virtual output queues (VOQs) for queuing packets according to their root blocks • A rotator • N output buffers (OBs): Each output buffer maintains a FIFO queue • N memory blocks (MBs): Each memory block iis connected with OBi and its circular upstream block i -1

  5. Queuing Model • Time is split into discrete fixed-size time slots, each time slot is divided into N cycles • At the beginning of each cycle, at most one packet can arrive at the router • At the middle of each time slot, for each IBiconnected to OBj, the rotator forwards the head-of-line (HOL) packet of IQi, jfrom IBito Obj • The rotator rotates once at the end of each time slot • Each memory block can be accessed once per time slot

  6. Queuing Model

  7. Prefix Distribution

  8. Access Control • A packet will experience a two-phase search procedure • a quick lookup in the index table • a deep search in its active trie

  9. SIMULATION • Each result is the average of samples from 10 runs and each run consists of 100,000 packet arrivals randomly chosen from 219581 entries of the AS4637 BGP routing table • Three different trie-based routing algorithms, i.e. BT(binary trie), PT(prefix tree) and FST(fixed-stride trie), are pipelined in this experiment • Parameters • S: the average number of searching steps • W: the normalized workload on a memory block in each time slot, which is defined as W = Sλ, where λ∈[0, 1/S). • D: the average number of time slots for a packet to finishits route lookup • LO: the longest output queue length in each OB

  10. Results

  11. CONCLUSION • Can be generally applied to pipelinememory accesses of any trie-based routing algorithm • Achieve a saturated throughput ofnearly 100% for traffic with uniform distributed destinations

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