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Chapter 4:

Chapter 4:. Growth and Health. Chapter 4: Growth and Health. Chapter 4 has three modules: Module 4.1 Physical Growth Module 4.2 Challenges to Healthy Growth Module 4.3 The Developing Nervous System. Physical Growth. Growth patterns from infancy through adolescence Muscles Fat layer

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Chapter 4:

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  1. Chapter 4: Growth and Health

  2. Chapter 4: Growth and Health Chapter 4 has three modules: Module 4.1 Physical Growth Module 4.2 Challenges to Healthy Growth Module 4.3 The Developing Nervous System

  3. Physical Growth

  4. Growth patterns from infancy through adolescence Muscles Fat layer Cartilage and bone Secular growth trends Features of Human Growth

  5. Secular Growth Trends: generational changes in physical development Can you provide an example? Stop and Think!

  6. Rate of Growth What gender differences do you see?

  7. Average Height and Weight Remember: Average and normal are not the same!

  8. Sleep and growth hormone production Proper nutrition, including breast feeding and caloric requirements Developmental changes in eating patterns Mechanisms of Physical Growth

  9. Sleep Essential for normal growth 80% of growth hormones produced during child and adolescent sleep Nutrition AAP guidelines for encouraging children to be more open-minded about food Mechanisms of Physical Growth

  10. Timing of puberty regulated by genes, nutrition, and health Weight Events and timing of sexual maturation by gender Effects of early maturation by gender Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  11. Sexual maturation Development of primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics Menarche Spermarche Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  12. Average Timing of Pubertal Changes

  13. Cultural Rites of Passage Can you think of a way in which the rite of passage into adolescence is marked in your culture? Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  14. Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  15. Psychological Impact of Puberty Concern about overall appearance Peer relations Early maturation influence by gender Late maturation influence by gender Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  16. Paternal Investment Theory of Girls’ Pubertal Timing Quality and quantity of father-daughter relationship impact timing Uncommon, negative relationship related to early puberty Adolescent Growth Spurt and Puberty

  17. Osteoporosis Often rooted in childhood and adolescence Many adolescents lack adequate calcium or exercise needed for healthy bone growth “Best Bones Forever” program Mechanisms of Physical Growth

  18. Challenges to Healthy Growth

  19. Children who don’t eat breakfast often have a hard time concentrating. True or False?

  20. Effects by age Child characteristics Treatment Parent education Other intervention programs Malnutrition

  21. Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Incidence and gender differences Cultural standards and family dynamics Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia

  22. Obesity: refers to individuals who have body mass index (BMI) in upper 5% Causes Heredity and environment Effective weight-loss programs Obesity

  23. Top 5 killers of children worldwide WHO vaccination statistics and programs Disease

  24. Common causes of child deaths by age Prevention strategies for parents An interesting idea…! Most accidents involving children and adolescents can be foreseen and either prevented or steps taken to reduce injury Accidents

  25. The Development of the Nervous System

  26. Can you define the following terms? Neuron Cell body Dendrite Axon Myelin Terminal buttons Synapse Organization of the Brain

  27. The Neuron: Basic Unit of Nervous System Let’s take a look.

  28. Cerebral cortex Corpus callosum Cerebral hemispheres Frontal cortex Organization of the Mature Brain

  29. Organization of the Brain

  30. Brain origination in prenatal neural plate Myelinization and synaptic pruning Early brain region specialization Plasticity The Developing Brain

  31. The Developing Brain: Growth Do you know the difference?

  32. Specialization Occurs early in development Takes two forms: brain region becomes more focused and less diffuse and brain activity stimulus triggers shift from general to specific Growth of the Specialized Brain

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