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12- 9 Solve Multi-Step Eqns

12- 9 Solve Multi-Step Eqns. Solve using the properties and inverse operations. Check your answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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12- 9 Solve Multi-Step Eqns

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  1. 12- 9 Solve Multi-Step Eqns Solve using the properties and inverse operations. Check your answers. 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ann earns 1.5 times her normal hourly pay for each hours she works over 40 hours in a week. Last week she worked 51 hours and earned $378.55. What is her normal hourly pay? 8. Are the solutions to the same equations the same? Explain.

  2. 12-10Eqns Variables on both sides Group the terms with variables on one side of the equal sign, and simplify. 1. 12h = 9h + 84 2. -7s = 129 + -9s 3. 42 + 3b = -4b - 14 4. 1.5a + 6 = 9a + 12 5. 6. 7. Members at a swim club pay $5 per lesson plus a one-time fee of $60. Nonmembers pay $11 per lesson. How many lessons would both a member and a nonmember have to take to pay the same amount? 8. A choir is singing at a festival. On the first night, 12 choir members were absent, so the choir stood in 5 equal rows. On the second night, only 1 member was absent, so the choir stood in 6 equal rows. The same number of people stood in each row each night. How many members are in the choir?

  3. 12-11 Graphing Inequalities

  4. 12-11 Graphing Inequalities • Compare the graphs of y > 2 and y  2. How are they the same and how are they different? Write an inequality for each situation. 2. The temperature is below 40°F. 3. There are at least 24 pictures on the roll of film. 4. No more than 35 tables are in the cafeteria. 5. Fewer than 250 people attended the rally. Graph each inequality. 6. s  -1 7. y <0 8. n ≤3 9. 2 <x 10. -6 ≤b 11. m >4 12. Water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F. Write three inequalities to show the ranges of temperatures for which water is a solid, a liquid, and a gas. 13. The high on Sunday was 11ºF and the low was -5ºF. Write and graph a compound inequality to describe the set of all temperatures on Sunday.

  5. 12-12 Solve 1-Step Inequalities – add/subtract Using Addition Using Subtraction

  6. 12-12 Solve 1-Step Inequalities – Mult/div When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by the same positive number, the statement will still be true. However, when you multiply or divide both sides by the same negative number, you need to reverse the direction of the inequality symbol for the statement to be true.

  7. 12-12 Solve 1-Step Inequalities – homework 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

  8. Solve 2 Step Inequalities

  9. Solve 2 Step Inequalities

  10. Solve Multi-Step Eqns Resuelve. 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ann gana 1.5 veces su sueldo por hora normal por cada hora que supere las 40 horas por semana. La semana pasada trabajo 51 horas y gano $378.55. ¿Cual es su sueldo por hora normal? 8. ¿Son iguales las soluciones de las siguientes ecuaciones? Explica.

  11. Eqns Variables on both sides Group the terms with variables on one side of the equal sign, and simplify. Agrupa los términos con variables a un lado del signo de igualdad y simplifica. 1. 12h = 9h + 84 2. -7s = 129 + -9s 3. 42 + 3b = -4b - 14 4. 1.5a + 6 = 9a + 12 5. 6. 7. Los socios de un club de natacion pagan $5 por leccion mas una cuota por membresia de $60. Quienes no son socios pagan $11 por leccion. ¿Cuantas lecciones tendrian que tomar los socios y los no socios para pagar la misma cantidad? 8. Un coro canta en un festival. En la primera noche, 12 integrantes estuvieron ausentes, asi que el coro se acomodo en 5 filas iguales. En la segunda noche, solo 1 integrante estuvo ausente, asi que el coro se acomodo en 6 filas iguales. El numero de personas por fila fue el mismo las dos noches. ¿Cuantos integrantes tiene el coro?

  12. 12-11 Graphing Inequalities – Representar las desigualdades • Compara las graficas de las desigualdades y > 2 and y  2. How are they the same and how are they different? Escribe una desigualdad para cada situación. 11. La temperatura esta por debajo de 40° F. 12. Hay al menos 24 fotografias en el rollo de pelicula. 13. En la cafeteria no hay mas de 35 mesas. 14. Asistieron a la concentracion menos de 250 personas. Representa gráficamente cada desigualdad. 6. s  -1 7. y <0 8. n ≤3 9. 2 <x 10. -6 ≤b 11. m >4 12.El agua se congela a 32° F y hierve a 212° F. Escribe tres desigualdades que muestren los rangos de temperatura a los que el agua es solida, liquida y gaseosa. 13. The high on Sunday was 11ºF and the low was -5ºF. Write and graph a compound inequality to describe the set of all temperatures on Sunday.

  13. Solve 1-Step Inequalities 9. 10. 8. 12. 13. 11. 14.

  14. Solve 2 Step Inequalities

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