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The Auditors are Coming (Part I) Prepare for Federal Program Fiscal Monitoring Visits

The Auditors are Coming (Part I) Prepare for Federal Program Fiscal Monitoring Visits July 26, 2006. Overall Objectives:. Assess internal controls for Federal Programs.

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The Auditors are Coming (Part I) Prepare for Federal Program Fiscal Monitoring Visits

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  1. The Auditors are Coming (Part I) Prepare for Federal Program Fiscal Monitoring Visits July 26, 2006

  2. Overall Objectives: • Assess internal controls for Federal Programs. • Verify the completeness, accuracy, validity, and allowability of financial information for budgeted costs claimed and reimbursed on Federal Programs

  3. Fiscal Monitoring Selection Process • Subgrantee selected from risk based audit plan • Every subrecipient will be audited at least once every three years (audit cycle) • Subrecipients with substantial audit findings audited more frequently. • Additional fiscal years to be audited may be added during audit fieldwork

  4. Business Official contacted to schedule fieldwork including Dates of fieldwork Fiscal year(s) to be monitored Federal Programs to be examined Documentation required for review Confirmation letter with documentation list mailed to Business Official Scheduling

  5. Subgrantee Preparation • Business Official should coordinate plans for the fiscal monitoring with personnel involved • Business office personnel • Federal Program personnel • Human Resource personnel • School personnel

  6. Subgrantee Personnel • Business Office Personnel • Business Manager • Accountants • Payroll • Accounts Payable • Fixed Assets • Federal Program Personnel • Directors • Managers

  7. Subgrantee Personnel • Human Resources Personnel • Director • Analysts • School Personnel • Principals • School Business Managers • School Fixed Asset Managers • Custodians

  8. Required Documentation • List provided with confirmation letter • Should be available for review at the beginning of fieldwork • Should be organized • Contact LDOE staff with any questions about required documentation

  9. Required Documentation • Budgets including all revisions • Requests for Funds • Project Completion Reports • Travel Policy • Fixed Asset Policy • Salary Schedule • Chart of Accounts (including fund numbers) • Documentation to substantiate costs discussed in each Object Code below

  10. Internal Control • Examine internal controls for current fiscal year • Complete questionnaire with Business Official • Ensure that internal controls are uniformly applied to all programs • Tests of specific internal controls will be performed during fieldwork

  11. LAUGH Object Codes • Salaries (Object Code 100) and Related Benefits (Object Code 200) • Purchased Professional and Technical Services (Object Code 300) • Purchased Property Services (Object Code 400)

  12. Specific Issues by Object Code • Other Purchased Services (Object Code 500) • Supplies (Object Code 600) • Property (Object Code 700) • Other Objects (Object Code 800) • Indirect Cost

  13. Salaries (Object Code 100)Related Benefits (Object Code 200) • Documentation • Staffing list for each federal program by employee • Personnel files for each federal employee • Payroll for each federal program by employee • Office of Management & Budget (OMB) A-87 Cost Certification form for all federal employees

  14. Staffing Lists • Should include • Program name & CFDA number • Employee name and identification number • Employee position • Beginning and ending staffing dates • Work location of employee

  15. Personnel Files • Should include • Employee name and identificaton number • Employee position • Pay rate and benefits for each employee • Certification & degree level (if applicable) • Years of service • Do not include evaluations or other personnel actions

  16. Payroll • Should include • Program name and fund number • Employee name and identification number • Employee position • Pay and benefits for each period in fiscal year by type of pay (e.g. regular pay, stipend pay, insurance, retirement) • Work location of employee

  17. OMB A-87 Cost Certification Forms • Should include • Employee name & identification number • Position and Work location(s) • Program & CFDA number • Time period • Signature of employee and/or supervisor • Date completed • Required completion period • Semi-annual or monthly

  18. Purchased Professional and Technical Services (Object Code 300) • Documentation • Purchase requisitions for services • Purchase order for services • Contracts for services • Vendor invoice • Subgrantee cancelled check • Contracts may substitute for a purchase order for expenditures in this Object Code

  19. Purchased Property Services(Object Code 400) • Documentation • Purchase requisitions for property services • Purchase order for property services • Contracts for property services • Vendor invoice • Subgrantee cancelled check • Contracts may substitute for a purchase order for expenditures in this Object Code

  20. Other Purchased Services (Object Code 500) • Documentation • Purchase requisitions for other purchased services • Purchase order for other purchased services • Subgrantee’s Travel Policy & supporting documentation for employee travel • Vendor invoice • Subgrantee cancelled check

  21. Employee Travel Reimbursement • Employee Expense Accounts • Follow the Travel Policy that covers the period being audited • Board adopted policy • If no board adopted policy, then follow State of Louisiana PPM # 49 • All employee travel costs being reimbursed must have documentation to substantiate them (e.g. agendas, sign in sheets, name tags)

  22. Supplies (Object Code 600) • Documentation • Purchase requisitions for supplies • Purchase order for supplies • Vendor invoice • Subgrantee cancelled check • Food purchases and employee reimbursements need documentation for the corresponding activity • Late fees, interest service charges, finance charges, taxes, and alcohol are not allowable

  23. Property (Object Code 700) • Documentation • Purchase requisitions for property • Purchase order for property • Vendor invoice • Subgrantee cancelled check • Fixed asset policy • Fixed asset list

  24. Property (Object Code 700) • Fixed Asset Policy • Value of fixed asset • Acquisition procedures & forms • Transfer procedures & forms • Disposal procedures & forms

  25. Property (Object Code 700) • Fixed Asset List • Maintained by Business Office (for all Federal and state programs) • Updated on a regular basis • Reconciled to purchases at least once every two years • Items on Fixed Asset List reported in total (e.g. computer monitor, CPU, keypad and mouse) when purchased as a unit • Cost should follow most restrictive of Federal, State or subgrantee definition • Federal (Code of Federal Regulations)- $5,000.00 • State (LAUGH) - $1,000.00 • Subgrantee (Fixed Asset Policy) – if lower than state

  26. Property (Object Code 700) • Fixed Asset List should include • Fixed asset description • Serial number • Tag number • Date purchased • Acquisition cost • Location • Fund that purchased fixed asset • Disposition date (if applicable)

  27. Indirect Cost • Approved indirect cost rate applied to object codes 100 thru 600 • Approved indirect cost rate restricted on some programs (e.g. Title IV) • Not allowed on some federal programs (e.g. Vocational Education)

  28. Other Objects (Object Code 800) • Catchall for costs that are not reported under any other Object Code • Flex Funds for IDEA program reported here • Supporting documentation is the same as if reported in the normal Object Code for these costs • Report these costs only in this Object Code or one of the other Object Codes, not both

  29. Issues for all Object Codes • Costs should be charged to Object Codes based on the Louisiana Accounting and Uniform Governmental Handbook (LAUGH) • Costs in object codes 300 thru 700 and 800 must be paid before being included on the Request for Funds • Salaries (Object Code 100) and Related Benefits (Object Code 200) costs may be claimed for reimbursement one month in advance

  30. Issues for all Object Codes • Subgrantee personnel (fiscal and program) should review Requests for Funds before submission • Project Completion Reports should be completed and submitted for all closed programs • Adjustments should be made on subsequent Requests for Funds based on actual amounts

  31. Common Audit Findings • Costs claimed for the wrong fiscal year • Costs claimed for reimbursement with insufficient or no supporting documentation • Incomplete or no A-87 Cost Certification Reports for salaries claimed for reimbursement • Incomplete or no fixed asset list • Reporting errors (e.g. costs claimed in incorrect object codes)

  32. Useful Internet Links- • Louisiana Department of Education (LAUGH) • http://www.doe.state.la.us • Office of Management & Budget (Circulars) • http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/ • U.S. Department of Education (EDGAR) • http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html

  33. Contact Information • Greg Becnel, Audit Supervisor, LDOE • Email Greg.Becnel@la.gov • Judy Hurry, Audit Manager, LDOE • Email Judy.Hurry@la.gov P.O. Box 94064 1201 N. Third St. Ste. 5-130 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9064 Telephone: (225) 342-8848 Toll Free: 1-(877)-342-453-2721 Fax: (225) 342-3523

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