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Know More About Athlete’s Foot

With a natural and soothing antifungal cream, you can calm the irritation and heal the damaged skin.

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Know More About Athlete’s Foot

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  1. Know More About Athlete’s Foot Were you searching online for the best antifungal cream for athlete’s foot? Athlete’s foot is a pretty common fungal skin infection that can affect people of any age group and sex. It is caused by a fungi group known as Dermatophytes. The fungus breeds in the sweaty and moist hotspots of the body and damages the skin. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms of athlete’s foot include dry, scaly, and peeling skin. It is usually accompanied by a stinging sense of irritation and itching on the feet and especially between the toes. With a natural and soothing antifungal cream, you can calm the irritation and heal the damaged skin. Are athletes’ foot and foot fungus the same infection? Foot fungus or toenail fungus is seemingly similar to athlete’s foot and it develops from the latter. However, unlike the athlete’s foot, which is contagious, foot fungus does not spread easily with contact. Leaving athlete’s foot untreated for long can further cause toenail damage. You can use an effective antifungal cream to treat both infections. Is athlete’s foot contagious? Yes. Even though athlete’s foot is a mild infection, the actual danger lies in how easily the fungus can spread from person to person and also from one body part to the other. This is why, once you are diagnosed with athlete’s foot, you must start using the best antifungal cream for athlete’s foot to keep the fungi from growing further. Are athlete’s foot and ringworm the same? Essentially, ringworm and athlete’s foot are caused by the same fungi group. So, one can say that athlete’s foot is the ringworm of the feet. With Nu Calmar's natural and gentle antifungal cream, you can deal with fungal skin infections on any part of your body. Nu Calmar Absolute Soothing Cream is rich with the goodness of natural essential oils, plant-based ingredients, and a highly effective 20% undecylenic acid antifungal agent. Prevention is better than cure, so start safeguarding against fungal infections with the best antifungal cream for athlete’s foot.

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