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ENPI Black Sea Bas i n Cross Border Cooperat i on Programme 2007-2013

ENPI Black Sea Bas i n Cross Border Cooperat i on Programme 2007-2013. Programme’s main features. Progra mme addressing cooperation at regional level 8 Participating States : 3 EU Member States , 1 Negotiating Candidate Country , 4 ENPI partner countries

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ENPI Black Sea Bas i n Cross Border Cooperat i on Programme 2007-2013

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  1. ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013

  2. Programme’s main features • Programmeaddressing cooperation at regional level • 8Participating States: 3 EU Member States, 1 Negotiating Candidate Country, 4ENPI partner countries • NUTS II regions and equivalent territorial units in partner countries • Joint Programme: joint programming, joint projects

  3. Bulgaria: Severoiztochen, Yugoiztochen; Greece: Kentriki Makedonia, Anatoliki Makedonia Thraki; Romania: South East Region; Turkey:TR10 (İstanbul), TR21 (Tekirdağ,Edirne,Kırklareli), TR42 (Kocaeli,Sakarya,Düzce, Bolu,Yalova), TR81 (Zonguldak,Karabük,Bartın), TR82 (Kastamonu,Çankırı,Sinop), TR83 (Samsun,Tokat,Çorum,Amasya) and TR90 (Trabzon,Ordu,Giresun,Rize, Artvin,Gümüşhane); Ukraine: Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Sevastopol, Zaporosh’ye and Donetsk Oblast, Crimea Republic, Sevastopol; Armenia, Georgia, Rep. of Moldova - all regions.

  4. Programme’s Eligible Area in Turkey 25 provincesnamely; Amasya, Artvin, Bartın, Bolu, Çankırı, Çorum, Düzce, Edirne, Giresun, Gümüşhane, İstanbul, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kırklareli, Kocaeli, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Sinop Tekirdağ, Rize, Tokat, Trabzon, Yalova and Zonguldak.

  5. Programme’s Eligible Area in Turkey

  6. Programmemanagement • Joint Monitoring Committee- decision making body (8 countries) • Joint Managing Authority –executive body (Ministry of Regional Development andPublic Administration of Romania) • Joint Technical Secretariat- support body for the JMA (Romania) • Selection Committee (voting membersfromallcountries) • National Authorities- in each country (MEU forTurkey)(and CFCU as theContractingAuthority) • National Info Points- in each country (Turkey: Edirne, Çorum, Karabük, Samsun, Trabzon)

  7. Aim of the Programme To provide a stronger and sustainable economic and social development of the regions in the Black Sea Basin

  8. Programme’s Objectives

  9. Budget of the Programme • The total budget of the Programme for the period of 2007-2013 is approximately 38 million Euro. • 28 million Euro ENPI contribution • 7 million Euro IPA contributon • 3 millon Euro nationalco-financing • 90% EU contribution + 10% nationalco-financing • Minimum size of grantforprojects is 50,000 Euro whilemaximumamount is 700,000 Euro. • The indicative allocation of IPA funds to finance the participation of Turkey in the Programme is 1,000,000 Euro per year confirmed on a yearly basis through annual financing decisions.

  10. Types of partnerships • One or several partners from EU Member States (BG, GR, RO) and • One or several partners from Partner Countries (AM, GE, MD, UA) and/or • Turkey. • For Turkey - at least one partner from a MS and one partner from a PC. • Recommended number of partners - between 3 and 10 partners. • Priority to projects involving minimum 3 partners from min. 3 different countries. • Turkishpartnerscannotprojectlead partner. • Projectswith minimum 4 partnersaregivenadditionalscore.

  11. Participation of Turkish partner(s) Turkish partners shall appoint an IPA Financial Lead Beneficiary (IPA FLB) among themselves ENPI Grant Contract ENPI Beneficiary JMA IPA FLB CFCU in Turkey IPAGrant Contract

  12. Potential beneficiaries • National, regional or local public authority (governorships, provincial special administrations, municipalities, village administrations, ministries and their provincial administrations) • Body governed by public law (universities, administrations of organized industry regions, cooperatives, research centers/instuties, public schools (secondary schools, vocatinal high schools, training centers) • Associations formed by one or several national, regional or local public authoritiews or one or several bodies governed by public law, as defined under paragraphs a-b or other non-profit organization • Public undertaking operating in the water, energy and transportation services sectors • International organizations

  13. State of Play in Programme • LaunchedtwoCfPs in 2009 and 2011 • I.CfPAmong 19 projects, 9 projectswith Turkish partners • II.CfP Among 41 projects, 30projects with Turkish partners • As of February 2015, allprojects fromI.CfPand 4 projectfromII.CfPhave been completed. Contract of one projectunderI.CfPwas terminatedandoneprojectunder II. CfPwithdrew.

  14. Sample Projects OLKAS: From the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea-Medieval Ports in the Maritime Routes of the East IPA FLB: İstanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects IPA Partner: Cultural Awareness Foundation Project Partners: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine Implementation Period: 01.01.2012 - 01.04.2014 IPA Budget: € 157,031 - Total Budget: €694,692 Project aim: Contribution to the development of cultural tourism between Medieval ports in the wider region from Aegean tothe Black Sea and the Caspian Sea through establishing international cooperations among related institutions in the Black Sea basin countries. • Project Activities • Ports listinganddocumentationthrough port catalogue, validationanddocumentation of the selected ports • Know-how, experienceandgoodpracticesexchangethroughsymposium, seminars , meetings, educationalmissions , • Documentaryproduction, • Exhibition organization in 3 cities: Thessaloniki, Odessa, Istanbul • Educational program: Theatregame

  15. Sample Projects Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net(work) - ESNET IPA FLB: International Blue Crescent Relief andDevelopment Foundation IPA Partner: - Project Partners: Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Turkey Implementation Period: 02.03.2012 - 02.05.2014 IPA Budget: € 110,736 - Total Budget: €685,252 Project aim: To contribute to the prevention of natural disasters generated by earthquakes in Black Sea Basinby developing a joint monitoring and intervention concept. The project through its objectives will also contribute to increase capacity ofemergency units to react to earthquake disasters. • Project Activities • Assessment of the current situation through exchange study visits, country assessments,regionalworkshop, conducting official proceedings; • Increase the sector cooperation by setting up the Black Sea Safety Network throughSeismic Safety Net(work) Web Portal, Black Sea Joint Seismicity Monitoring and Early Warning SystemBasis andBlack Sea “Safety Net(work)” Communication Tool Set-up (e-group); • Elaboration of a Regional Capacity Building Start-up Curricula; trainingstoEmergency Unitsstaff, creating educational films and“Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net” book.

  16. ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 Technical Assistance

  17. Expenditures under TA Budget • Travel Costs(Monitoringvisits, trainings, infodays, JMC and JPC meetings, technical meetings, conferences, workshops and INTERACT events, etc.), • EquipmentandSupplies (Computers, camera, etc.) • Human Resources (Communicationofficersalaries) • Communication/VisibilityActivities (Video clip, Programme brochure, visibilitymaterials); • Eventcosts (Meeting hall, food & beverage, stationeryandofficesupplies, etc.) • Expenditureverificationcosts, Translationcosts

  18. ENI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

  19. New Programming Process • Programming processis stillgoing on. Programme documentwill be submitted in June 2015.Launching of calls is planning in the 2nd half of 2016. • Programme will be implemented under European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). Implementation of the Programme will converge towards the IPA and European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes. • Move to full application of shared management approachandmore role forParticipating Countries(prevention, detection and correction of irregularities, including fraud and the recovery of amounts unduly paid on their territories) • Expenditureverificationprocesswill be conductedbycontrollers. • New bodiesestablished, i.e. Group of Auditors (GoA), Control Contact Point (CCP). JTS will be South-East Regional Development Agency (SE RDA), Romania.

  20. Programme’s main features • 9Participating States: 3 EU Member States, 1 Negotiating Candidate Country, 5ENPI partner countries (+Azerbaijan) • The total budget of the Programme for the period of 2014-2020 is approximately €49,038,597 (€39,038,597 ENPI contributionand 10 million Euro IPA contributon). • 10% of funds for TA budgetand TA will be usedonlyby MA, JTS and AA; but not bytheNAs. • The project Lead Beneficiary may be from any of the participating countries. • Eligible entities:Regional and sub-national administrative levels, as well as civil society organisations based within the eligible programme area. Priority will be given to local and regional authorities, civil society, chambers of commerce, and the academic and educational communities.

  21. Programme’s Objectives and Priorites • Objective 1: Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin • Priority 1.1 – Jointly promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors • Priority 1.2 – Increase cross-border trade opportunities and modernisation in the agricultural and connected sectors • Objective 2:Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black SeaBasin • Priority 2.1 – Improve joint environmental monitoring • Priority 2.2 - Promote common awareness-raising and joint actions to reduce river and marine litter

  22. Thank you for your attention! Ministry for EU Affairs Financial Cooperation Directorate CBCBSB@ab.gov.tr www.ab.gov.tr

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