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University of Bridgeport Department of Computer Science and Engineering Robotics, Intelligent Sensing and control RISC Laboratory. ROBOTICS. Robotics Engineering. Robotics is a relatively new fields of modern technology that crosses traditional engineering boundaries

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  1. University of BridgeportDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering Robotics, Intelligent Sensing and controlRISC Laboratory


  3. Robotics Engineering • Robotics is a relatively new fields of modern technology that crosses traditional engineering boundaries • Understanding the complexity of robots and their applications requires knowledge of • electrical engineering • mechanical engineering • industrial engineering • computer science

  4. Robotics Engineering • New disciplines of engineering are beginning to emerge to deal with the complexity of the field of robotics, such as • manufacturing engineering • applications engineering • knowledge engineering • Within a few years it is possible that robotics engineering will stand on its own as a distinct engineering discipline

  5. A PC-Based Simulator/Controller/Monitor Software for Manipulators and Electromechanical Systems Tarek M Sobh, AbdelShakour A Abuzneid University of Bridgeport Department of Computer Science and Engineering Robotics, Intelligent Sensing and control RISC Laboratory

  6. Prototyping • General form application is a very important issue in industrial design • Prototyping a design helps in determining • system parameters • ranges • structuring better systems • Robotics is one of the industrial design fields in which prototyping is crucial for improved functionality.

  7. Project Proposal • We propose a PC-Based software package to control, monitor and simulate a generic SIX-DOF robot that includes a spherical wrist • This package may be used as a black box for design implementations or as white (detailed) box for learning the basics of robotics and simulation technology

  8. Design Tasks • To design a complete and efficient robotic system there is a need for performing a sequence of cascaded tasks. • The design task starts by • determining the application of the robot • performance requirements • determining the robot configuration and suitable parameters for that application

  9. Design Tasks • The physical design starts by ordering the parts and assembling the robot. • Developing the required software (controller, simulator and monitor) and hardware elements is the next task. • The next stage includes manipulator testing to compute performance and efficiency parameters for the robot design.

  10. Prototyping Package Availability • Some of the companies introduce prototyping for special or specific manipulators. • Others try to design a whole prototyping package introducing mainly numerical solutions rather than closed form solutions. • Unfortunately such a generic pc-based controller/monitor/simulator package for a generic manipulator does not exist at this time.

  11. Prototyping Package Availability • Check the following URL's for more information : • http://www.bridgeport.edu/sobhdir/introb/node36.html • http://www.bridgeport.edu/sobhdir/introb/rep.html • http://www.bridgeport.edu/sobhdir/proj/wachter/ • http://www.bridgeport.edu/sobhdir/proj/proto/paper.html

  12. Six Link Robot

  13. Package Kernel • Forward kinematics • Inverse Kinematics • Velocity Kinematics • Inverse Velocity kinematics • Acceleration Kinematics • Inverse Acceleration kinematics • Jacobian & Inverse Jacobian • Singularities • Dynamics and Inverse Dynamics

  14. Possible Robot Configuration Number Configuration 1 RRR:RRR 2 RRP:RRR 3 RPR:RRR 4 RPP:RRR 5 PRR:RRR 6 PRP:RRR 7 PPR:RRR 8 PPP:RRR

  15. Package Tasks

  16. Package Tasks

  17. Controlling the robot using different schemes

  18. The interface window for the PID controller simulator

  19. PID Controller

  20. Trajectory Generator integrated in the control loop

  21. Simulation Loop

  22. Monitoring Menu for SIR-1 Robot

  23. The End

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