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20.5 Nerual Networks

20.5 Nerual Networks. Thanks: Professors Frank Hoffmann and Jiawei Han, and Russell and Norvig. Biological Neural Systems. Neuron switching time : > 10 -3 secs Number of neurons in the human brain: ~10 10 Connections (synapses) per neuron : ~10 4 –10 5 Face recognition : 0.1 secs

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20.5 Nerual Networks

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  1. 20.5 Nerual Networks Thanks: Professors Frank Hoffmann and Jiawei Han, and Russell and Norvig

  2. Biological Neural Systems • Neuron switching time : > 10-3 secs • Number of neurons in the human brain: ~1010 • Connections (synapses) per neuron : ~104–105 • Face recognition : 0.1 secs • High degree of distributed and parallel computation • Highly fault tolerent • Highly efficient • Learning is key

  3. Excerpt from Russell and Norvig

  4. A Neuron ak Wkj • Computation: • input signals  input function(linear)  activation function(nonlinear)  output signal output inj aj Input links output links å ai = output(inj) j

  5. x1 x2 xn Part 1. Perceptrons: Simple NN inputs weights w1 output activation w2  y . . . q a=i=1n wi xi wn Xi’s range: [0, 1] 1 if a q y= 0 if a< q {

  6. Decision Surface of a Perceptron 1 1 Decision line w1 x1 + w2 x2 = q x2 w 1 0 0 0 x1 1 0 0

  7. Linear Separability x2 w1=? w2=? q= ? w1=1 w2=1 q=1.5 0 1 0 1 x1 x1 1 0 0 0 Logical XOR Logical AND

  8. x1 x2 xn Threshold as Weight: W0 q=w0 1 if a 0 y= 0 if a<0 x0=-1 w1 w0 w2  y . . . a= i=0n wi xi wn {

  9. Training the Perceptron p742 • Training set S of examples {x,t} • x is an input vector and • t the desired target vector • Example: Logical And S = {(0,0),0}, {(0,1),0}, {(1,0),0}, {(1,1),1} • Iterative process • Present a training example x , compute network output y , compare output y with target t, adjust weights and thresholds • Learning rule • Specifies how to change the weights w and thresholds q of the network as a function of the inputs x, output y and target t.

  10. Perceptron Learning Rule • w’=w + a (t-y) x wi := wi + Dwi = wi + a (t-y) xi (i=1..n) • The parameter a is called the learning rate. • In Han’s book it is lower case L • It determines the magnitude of weight updates Dwi . • If the output is correct (t=y) the weights are not changed (Dwi =0). • If the output is incorrect (t  y) the weights wi are changed such that the output of the Perceptron for the new weights w’i is closer/further to the input xi.

  11. Perceptron Training Algorithm Repeat for each training vector pair (x,t) evaluate the output y when x is the input if yt then form a new weight vector w’ according to w’=w + a (t-y) x else do nothing end if end for Until y=t for all training vector pairs or # iterations > k

  12. Perceptron Convergence Theorem • The algorithm converges to the correct classification • if the training data is linearly separable • and learning rate is sufficiently small • If two classes of vectors X1 and X2 are linearly separable, the application of the perceptron training algorithm will eventually result in a weight vector w0, such that w0 defines a Perceptron whose decision hyper-plane separates X1 and X2 (Rosenblatt 1962). • Solution w0 is not unique, since if w0 x =0 defines a hyper-plane, so does w’0= k w0.

  13. Experiments

  14. x1 x2 xn Perceptron Learning from Patterns w1 w2  . . . wn weights (trained) fixed Input pattern Association units Summation Threshold Association units (A-units) can be assigned arbitrary Boolean functions of the input pattern.

  15. Part 2. Multi Layer Networks Output vector Output nodes Hidden nodes Input nodes Input vector

  16. Gradient Descent Learning Rule • Consider linear unit without threshold and continuous output o (not just –1,1) • Output=oj=-w0 + w1 x1 + … + wn xn • Train the wi’s such that they minimize the squared error • Error[w1,…,wn] = ½ jD (Tj-oj)2 where D is the set of training examples

  17. x1 x2 xn Neuron with Sigmoid-Function inputs weights w1 output activation w2  o . . . a=i=1n wi xi wn Output=o=s(a) =1/(1+e-a)

  18. x1 x2 xn Sigmoid Unit x0=-1 w1 w0 a=i=0n wi xi o=(a)=1/(1+e-a) w2  o . . . (x) is the sigmoid function: 1/(1+e-x) wn d(x)/dx= (x) (1- (x)) • Derive gradient decent rules to train: • one sigmoid function • E/wi = -j(Tj-O) o(1-o) xij • derivation: see next page

  19. Explantion: Gradient Descent Learning Rule yj wi = a Ojp(1-Ojp) (Tjp-Ojp) xip wji xi activation of pre-synaptic neuron learning rate error djof post-synaptic neuron derivative of activation function

  20. (w1,w2) (w1+w1,w2 +w2) Gradient Descent: Graphical D={<(1,1),1>,<(-1,-1),1>, <(1,-1),-1>,<(-1,1),-1>}

  21. Perceptron vs. Gradient Descent Rule • Perceptron rule w’i = wi + a (t-o) xi derived from manipulation of decision surface. • Gradient descent rule w’i = wi + a (1-y) (t-y) xi derived from minimization of error function E[w1,…,wn] = ½ p (t-y)2 by means of gradient descent.

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