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Campaign Tracking & Analysis Module (CTAM) ~ Concept Design

Campaign Tracking & Analysis Module (CTAM) ~ Concept Design. October 2002. Hugh McKay. Why CTAM ?. Post Campaign Analysis and tracking has always suffered from reprioritisation when there have been resource limitations

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Campaign Tracking & Analysis Module (CTAM) ~ Concept Design

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  1. Campaign Tracking & Analysis Module (CTAM) ~ Concept Design October 2002 Hugh McKay

  2. Why CTAM ? • Post Campaign Analysis and tracking has always suffered from reprioritisation when there have been resource limitations • The need to remove the ad hoc nature of campaign analysis to regular reporting for efficiencies • Accessibility of Campaign results by all of Portfolio Management and wider Cards in a consistent format

  3. What is in CTAM Accessed through Essbase there will be 4 modules once fully implemented Phase I - implementation 1/10/02 Base Campaign Portfolio Phase II – Implementation due ?? Complex Campaign Niche Demographic measures More complex key measures

  4. Phase I implementation Base Campaign Allows the end user to view campaigns and drill down by dimensions : Total Campaign, Cell, Offer and compare Mailed to responders to control groups(where available) Data is available as either tabular or graph time series for key performance Measures as requested in the BRD Portfolio Allows the user to view the same key performance measures as for base campaign but at the portfolio level. The portfolio dimensions that can be selected are : product, revolving status, market segment, loyalty, scheme, acquisition channel, customer segment, bill code By providing this information users can compare campaign performance versus portfolios in addition to controls.

  5. Monthly Updating Campaigns Data on a campaign becomes available once responders are loaded, a parameter file drives the number months of data presented pre and post campaign. Typically, the campaign will be tracked for 6 months of historic data pre mail date and 2 yrs post mail date. All campaigns will be updated monthly, with data typically available mid month. Portfolios Portfolio measures will be updated monthly in line with campaigns going forward. The Statement measures are available for 27 months.The End of Month measures will start from July 2002 Niche Typically 12 months of historic data (where available) will be loaded and subsequently tracked forward according to requirements

  6. Building a system – Key milestones • Design and build key cyclic measures table (AUSSCORE) including initial population of 24 months data and monthly load process - 1 record per account,(1.87m records) - 1923 fields per record - 27 months of rolling data - approx 36K cylinders of data storage ($8k per month) - approx CPU cost of $60K to load initial data • Develop Weekly loading procedures to AUSPROMO • Develop monthly extract and merge process from AUSPROMO and AUSSCORE to SAS • - approx cost of $30K to extract to date, approx $10K per month ongoing • Develop Driver file for campaign monitoring (start and end dates) • Develop in SAS summarised data for Essbase cube load • Develop Essbase reporting suite • Load past campaigns to AUSPROMO

  7. MONTHLY AUSSCORE Current AUSSCORE Previous... Banking & Demog Data x Campaign / Portfolio x Account Market Pulse Campaign Module (CTAM Phase II) AUSPROMO All Customer Contact x Campaign x Cell x Response Summarise by Segment / Cell Contact Selection (Market Pulse, DMIS, SAS) WEEKLY Selected Mailhouse & Systems Excludes Contacted REPORTING Customer Segments x Month x Performance Response Response Rules (Market Pulse, DMIS, SAS) CTAM structure

  8. Loading campaigns to AUSPROMO

  9. CAMPAIGN BRIEF(Business Case, Extract, Analysis, Fulfil) Historical SelectedTarget & Control Weekly Change Report SELECTION DATASETS Extract targets from Market Pulse / DMIS AUSPROMO All Customer Contact x Campaign x Cell x Response SelectedTarget & Control WEEKLY APPEND FORMAT Manipulate data in SAS and assign cells BACKOUT CODE MAILHOUSE SYSTEMS SYSTEMSAUSSTMT fields – Statement mailed, hopper code WEEKLY UPDATE Exclusions – Address, block code, delinquency Direct Mail Statement FORMAT ContactedTarget PIF FORMAT Triad MAILHOUSEReturned mailfile - formatted with required fields Acquire Historical ContactedTarget MAILFILE DATASETS Insurance Campaign selection and contact …

  10. Extracting and manipulating performance data

  11. AUSSCOREAccount dimensionsDemographyAccount status AUSSCORE Statement dimensions Spend,FeesInterest Loyalty Match each Campaign / Portfolio / Niche record in AUSPROMO with banking behaviour and demographic profile and tag with processing month Automatically identify Portfolio or Niche membership and extract data DIMENSION: Campaign / Portfolio / Niche DATA: Banking / Demographic / Time LEVEL: Account Autotag records if Campaign analysis required for processing month SUMMARISE / AVERAGE FOR EACH DIMENSION AUSPROMO All Customer Contact x Campaign x Cell x Response DIMENSION: Campaign / Portfolio / Niche DATA: Banking / Demographic / Time LEVEL: Dimension Statement & EOM Collating performance data by segment … The whole process requires automation, driven by Campaign analysis periods and Portfolio / Niche segment definitions. It will run automatically when calendar month data is available each month.

  12. Reporting to Portfolio Management

  13. Reporting Campaign Choose campaign Choose cell Choose period Choose view Control (Type = C) Mailfile (Type = M) Responded (Y, N or P) ~ Campaign specific View results

  14. AUSSCORE The file Purpose: Predictive Datamart Extracts Initial subset of around 20,000 accounts Validation of key algorithms pre campaign CTAM Extract Application of key algorithms over whole base Scoring and cycling of bad and doubtful debts Features: Combined account view covering transferred accounts There is no central account number. Identifies and uses the correct statement Changes in cycle date can cause statement skips Transferred before / after statement date

  15. Preselection process Extract 20000 Records Measures by Dimensions AUSSCORE SAS Dataminer produces Algorithm Convert to M204 UL SASResults Compare Results M204 Results AUSSCORE Results stored

  16. AUSSCORE The file File size: Uses 36730 Cylinders 70 fields have 27 months history 33 fields are either Static or Invisible Design: Monthly update Single or many records Single record chosen Multiple or Single Occurrences Due to potential Data Quality we chose Single Move monthly 1 to 2 ,2 to 3 etc User Language only available

  17. AUSSCORE The file Features: About 1200 fields are Non Occurs Scanning time and space used (3600 bytes) Define fields as occurs fields limit of 743 individual fields Multiply Occurs could solve this Maximum of one page of occurs fields Define first occurrence as occurs front of record Fast access as the latest is access most often Using Float 4 could cause rounding errors Account number is 16 digits cannot be Ordered Number Packed with DP would save space Extension records using Prime IRNs Increased

  18. AUSSCORE The file

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