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Woodlin Elementary

Woodlin Elementary. State of the School Annual Summary of Data and Results leading into the 2012-2013 School Year. Together We Explore, Learn, and Succeed. Woodlin Performance Data. Enrollment Trends Population Demographics mClass Reading Reading benchmark testing-Grades K, 1, 2

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Woodlin Elementary

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  1. Woodlin Elementary State of the School Annual Summary of Data and Results leading into the 2012-2013 School Year

  2. Together We Explore, Learn, and Succeed Woodlin Performance Data • Enrollment Trends • Population Demographics • mClass Reading Reading benchmark testing-Grades K, 1, 2 • MAP-R Measures of Academic Progress in Reading –Grades 3, 4, 5 • MSA Maryland School Assessment-Grades 3, 4, 5 • Math Unit By course enrollment based on end of year mastery-Discontinued • TN2 Terra Nova Two-Grade 2-Discontinued • Climate Survey Data Annual survey-staff, random sample of parents, grade 3, 5 students

  3. Enrollment Trends

  4. 2012-2013Demographic Data

  5. 2012 Special Populations

  6. Reading End of Year BenchmarksmClass Data

  7. Reading BenchmarksSpring 2012 Data

  8. Spring 2012 MAP-R% Meeting Target RIT for Grades 3-4-5- combined

  9. Spring 2012 MAP-R% Meeting Target by Race for Grades 3-4-5

  10. MAP-R (Measures of Academic Progress- Reading)% Meeting Target RIT by Spring 2012

  11. MAP-P (Measures of Academic Progress-Primary Math)% Meeting Target RIT by Spring 2012

  12. Reading Math Grade Grade Proficient Proficient Advanced Advanced 3 388 456 3 379 441 4 371 437 4 374 433 5 384 425 5 392 453 MSA Cut Scores

  13. AMOTargets

  14. Maryland Accountability Program • AMO Progress • Reduce by half the percentage of students in the “all students” group and in each subgroup who are not proficient within six years. • School Progress Index • Achievement • Growth • Gap Reduction • College & Career Readiness

  15. Maryland School Progress Index Elementary/Middle Schools High Schools

  16. SPI Calculation Example: Elementary/Middle School School Index range from 0 to greater than 1. 0 = No targets met 1 = All targets met 1+ = Targets exceeded

  17. Reading MSA2012 The target for each group is different and based on 2011 baseline performance. The goal is to reduce The percent of students scoring “basic” by 50% Over the baseline by the year 2017

  18. Math MSA2012 The target for each group is different and based on 2011 baseline performance. The goal is to reduce The percent of students scoring “basic” by 50% Over the baseline by the year 2017

  19. MSA TrendsAchievement Gap [Reading]

  20. MSA TrendsAchievement Gap [Math]

  21. MSA TrendsReadingFARMS, SPED, LEP

  22. MSA TrendsMathFARMS, SPED, LEP

  23. 2012 Alt-MSA% Students Proficient/Advanced

  24. Selected Celebrations • All grade levels (K-2) had more than 90% of students meet the reading target! • 3% increase of last year’s 4th graders and 11% increase of 5th graders on MAP-R! • 7 of 8 subgroups met or exceeded the Reading MSAbenchmark of 90.6%! (benchmark prior to reauthorization) • FARMS students increase by 7% on Math MSA and almost 12.5% increase over the past 2 years!

  25. Climate SurveyBackground Information

  26. Student Survey Students are well behaved (↑19.5%) Students care about one another in this school (↑17.2%) There is an adult at school I can talk to when I have a problem (↑18.2%) It is easy to talk to teachers about things that bother me(↑18.5%) Bully and Teasing is a problem (26.3% and 23.8%) Parent Survey No gains of 3.0% or higher on the parent survey. Climate SurveyHighlighted Gains(Gains greater than 3.0% points)

  27. Student Survey I feel safe at school (↓6.7%) My teachers listen to my ideas (↓6.3%) I get along with students in this school (↓2.1%) Parent Survey School does a good job of welcoming families of diverse cultures (↓2.6%) School does a good job of informing me about meetings and special events (↓4.1%) The school has a clear process for addressing concerns (↓9.3%) Climate SurveyHighlighted Areas of Need

  28. Student Survey School staff encourages students to respect others (97.2%) My teachers help me when I don’t understand (96.3%) My teachers have high expectations for me to do well in school (95.3%) Parent Survey Teacher expect my child to do well in class (96.9%) My child feels safe at school (96.9%) My child’s teachers expect my child to do well in class (96.9%) Provides a variety of ways to volunteer (96.8%) School leadership is accessible when needed (98.9%) Climate SurveyTop 3 Areas

  29. Student Survey It is easy to talk to teachers about things that bother me (64.8%) If I got in trouble, the school staff would treat me fairly (68.6%) My belongings are safe in this school (69.0%) Parent Survey The school has a clear process for addressing my concerns (85.6%) My child’s teacher takes action to resolve my concerns (92.5%) It is easy for me to talk to my child’s teacher about things concerning my child (88.8%) Climate SurveyLowest 3 Areas

  30. Strengths (100%) Collaborate w/ colleagues Help & support from colleagues Teachers motivate students to learn School has high expectations for academic performance Teachers are well prepared to teach Safe place to work Would recommend as a good place to work Relative Areas of Need The number of students given to me is manageable (66.7%) I have time during workday to plan instruction for my students (50.0%) System-wide professional development opportunities meet my needs (68.9%) Bathrooms are kept well supplied (48.9%) Climate SurveyStaff Trends: Top 3

  31. Climate SurveyStaff Survey Strengths Comparison to County

  32. Trending downward Climate SurveyTeasing: Percent positive response

  33. Climate SurveyBullying : Percent positive response

  34. Action Items &Next Steps • Effective co-teaching • Relationships and High Expectations!!! • Academic Focus Clubs • Inquiry groups on areas of professional growth during staff meetings

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