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Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology

Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology. Food and Agriculture Bioengineering. “Green Science”.

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Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology

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  1. Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology Food and Agriculture Bioengineering

  2. “Green Science” • From fish to fungus, trees to turnips, potatoes to paper, green nanobiotechnology (science related to the raising of plants and animals to produce food, feed, fiber or fuel) is about more than pesticides and genetic engineering. How can small science have such a big impact? How can small science have such a big impact? http://en.epochtimes.com/news/6-2-15/38219.html http://www.kjbeath.com.au/photos/fungi%202/Pages/Red_Fungus.html

  3. How Big Is Nano? This is one nanometer! http://www.terressentials.com/exposure.html

  4. http://www.nano.gov/html/facts/The_scale_of_things.html

  5. Where is Nanoscience in Agriculture and Food Science? image from : http://members.ift.org/NR/rdonlyres/5F641E00-290A-4EB0-93D7-C02171FF5D17/0/1203moraru.pdf

  6. Areas of Nanoscience Research in Agriculture and Food Science • 1. Pathogen, (something that can cause • a disease), and contaminant detection • 2.Tracking crops and products • 3.Nanodevices for molecular and cell biology • 4.Nanoscale materials science and engineering • 5.Environmental issues and agricultural waste • 6.Educating the public and future workforce On the next few pages we’ll look at nanoscience research in some of these areas. http://www.lowimpactliving.com/pages/newsletters/newsletter-green-certifications

  7. 1.Pathogen and Contaminant Detection • Or sensors which can slow decomposition and detect pathogens before your nose does. Imagine using nanotechnology to create self-healing materials or coatings that can modify agricultural materials or packaging to prevent microbial contamination;

  8. Eat ‘em Up, Then… • The tiny pathogens (germs) get confused and bind to the particles instead of real cells, then “flush” - out they go through the digestive system—keeping chickens safer and healthier for human consumption. • If it works on chickens, who’s next? Researchers are experimenting with new pathogen-disabling nanoparticles to keep chickens healthy. Nano particles are added to feed and mimic cell surfaces inside the chicken. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/4270075.html

  9. Hand-Helds On the other hand, scientists are working on a simple inexpensive hand-held instrument that can detect bacteria in 15 minutes using nanotechnology. http://www.foodproductiondaily.com/news/ng.asp?n=72578-nano-pathogens-sensor http://www.thedarwinpapers.com/oldsite/number6/Number6_files/inspect1.gif

  10. 2.Tracking Crops and Products • Traceable nanotags and food quality sensors could • Improve food quality, taste and nutritional value • Preserve foods and extend nutritional stability http://nano.foe.org.au/image/view/222

  11. Food Poisoning • scientists are eager to develop nanosized geotracers that enable users to locate precisely the origin of agricultural products. In the wake of widespread food poisoning scares in spinach, tomatoes, cilantro, and peppers, http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-02/ir-tfp020706.php http://www.braintree.gov.uk/Braintree/environment/food/Food+Poisoning.htm http://www.nfis.com.au/foodbiz/Dec2005/images/food_cafe420.jpg

  12. 3.Nanoscience in Molecular and Cell Biology Nanotechnology is making revolutionary changes within cells which will improve agriculture and the food industry in amazing ways. • Develop surfaces that select, reject or bond to molecules based on nanotechnology. • Develop better soil additives, fertilizers, pesticides, and soil conditioners.

  13. And… • Explore more efficient methods of molecular modification. • Identify new agriculturally-derived molecules for industrial and biomedical applications. http://www.jnjgateway.com/home.jhtml?loc=USENG&page=viewContent&contentId=09008b9880ec8e18&parentId=09008b9880ec8c7 http://www.technologyreview.com/read_article.aspx?id=17578&ch=nanotech

  14. Healthy, Yet Tasty, Donuts? With the help of nanoscience, some foods might be taken off of the ‘no-no’ list: • By using water instead of oil in foods to reduce fat, • And creating textures that feel like high fat foods in your mouth. Wow! I’m really interested in that nanotechnology! http://www.isrealli.org/another-reason-to-trash-junk-food/

  15. No Kidding? • Mask unwanted odors and flavors. • Make food packaging edible. Picture that! http://nyc.metblogs.com/archives/images/2007/01/smelly.bmp http://www.amazon.com/Eat-delicious-desirable-successful-packaging/dp/288046773X

  16. Let’s Have Some Ice Cream! • Not only is nanotechnology allowing oil to be replaced by water to make foods, like ice cream, healthier. It is also developing low fat ice creams by decreasing the size of the emulsion particles that give ice-cream its texture. Using up to 90% less of the emulsion and decrease fat content from 16% to about 1%! http://www.mylilypads.com/images/products/me-bath-ice-cream.jpg

  17. Eat Less, Gain More…Nutrients! • Some food and beverage products utilize nanosized-encapsulation to make the nutrients more easily absorbed by the organism (increase uptake). http://www.nutralease.com/company.asp

  18. Save Energy, Last Longer • Nanoscience can reduce oil use in all types of restaurants, including all fast food establishments, by half. As a result of the large surface area at the nanoscale, it can extend the useful life span of the oil and it heats up more quickly which reduces the energy required for cooking. http://files.nanobio-raise.org/Downloads/nfnaf.pdf http://www.oilfresh.com/of1000.html http://www.comesatradehub.com/images/products/8039972186.jpg

  19. 4. Nanoscale Materials Science and Engineering image: http://nanopedia.case.edu/NWPage.php?page=nanoagriculture

  20. Nanomaterials Engineering and materials science at the nanoscale is also improving agriculture and the food industry: • Conducting research to better understand the mechanics of nanomaterials such as self-assembly, like the self-assembled capsule on the right. • Developing nanomaterials using DNA as a building block, like DNA nanowires, DNA-microelectronic hybrids, bioseparation and biofilms. http://nanotechnologytoday.blogspot.com/2008/04/self-assembled-materials-form-mini-stem.htm l

  21. 5. Environmental Issues and Agricultural Waste Agriculture is utilizing nanotechnology as it works toward the following solutions: • Understanding the role of nanoparticles (inorganic and organic) in the movement and uptake of nutrients and pollutants; • And the movement and toxicity of nanoparticles in agricultural pollution (dust, feedlot runoff); • Reducing or converting animal or plant waste into useful products. http://www.ontariocorn.org/magazine/Issues/2006/12%20December/F1-2b-Stewart-Manure%20Equip-Fig%202b.JPG http://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/51200D74-A40B-4104-AE7E-BD2FED5F6A0E/0/pollution.jpeg

  22. Nanoscience Reducing Emissions • Nanoscience is also helping agriculture and the food industry reduce emissions from production operations.

  23. Nanoscience Reducing Waste • Designing and developing reusable nanomaterials, such as nanocatalysts, that help reduce waste materials. • Understanding the role of nanoparticles in the global carbon cycle.

  24. Nanotechnology Conserving Water • Understanding the role of nanoparticles in soil’s water retention.

  25. More Nanoscience Help for Soil • Create ammonia needed in fertilizer. • Create artificial iron in water. • Prevent erosion with soil binders that hold soils together. • Clean soils using nanoparticles in water that clean the soil as they pass through it. http://www.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech-Environ/LEACH/heap.htm

  26. Fewer Pesticides With Nanotechnology • In the near future nanostructured catalysts will be available which will increase the efficiency of pesticides and herbicides, allowing lower doses to be used. http://files.nanobio-raise.org/Downloads/nfnaf.pdf http://www.rsc.org/images/pesticide-300_tcm18-60750.jpg

  27. Did We Mention? • Enhance photosynthesis, Materials science and engineering also uses nanoscience to And improve germination. Read more about it by clicking here. http://www.laudu.realtownblogs.com/uploads/_seed_CORB2017.JPG http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/staff/lackey/pubs/S_I_FIG5.jpg http://iramis.cea.fr/en/meetings/2008TheorieIRAMIS/programme.php

  28. Another Kind of Agriculture Uses Nanoscience • Improve fishing practices, breeding and antibiotics. • Remove contaminants from water.

  29. Going to the Nano-Market • Nanofood market • – $2.6 billion 2004 • – $7.0 billion 2006 • – Projected$20.4 billion 2010 200 companies are currently engaged in nanoproduction, but only a handful of nano food products are market-available now. I wonder what nano food will be on your plate first? Helmut Kaiser Consultancy NWFPA 2007 Expo, Portland OR

  30. 6. Yummy AND Healthy • Nanotechnology can provide foods that look and taste better, are more nutritious and safer than what we eat today.  Nanoscience is also working to • Educate the public, • Develop regulations to manage and monitor nanotechnology developments in the food industry. Image: http://tiki.oneworld.net/food/food_home.html http://www.azonano.com/Industries.asp http://www.nanotechforest.org/dwnlds/Nano%20Workshop_Nano-Art%5B1%5D.ppt#357,13,Slide 13 http://nanoandcommodities.wordpress.com/tag/agricultural-and-food-commodities/agricultural-inputs-for-nanotechnology/ http://www.azonano.com/SearchResults.aspIndKeyWord=Agriculture+forestry+and+fishing http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VHY-4KFV3B4-2&_user=443835&_coverDate=10%2F31%2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000020958&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=443835&md5=5e50b64c59ca42a1e93b103b33d783a1

  31. Social, Environmental and Ethical Concerns • Might these nanotechnology developments in agriculture and food technology infringe on human rights?  • Could any of them decrease privacy of individuals?  • Could the use of nanotechnology for agriculture have unwanted and negative environmental effects? • What economic impact could the use of nanotechnology in agriculture have on farmers, consumers, and other industries? Might they be negative or positive?

  32. What About Your Rights? • If so, are these developments • more important than • Your privacy?  • Your rights as a citizen?  • Your rights as a human being? • Are the answers somewhere in between? http://www.info4security.com/Pictures/web/w/v/m/iStock_Law.jpg

  33. Planning Your Presentation • What can be done to maximize the chances that humans will benefit from, rather than be harmed by these new developments? • If we can develop these technologies, should we? Why? To prepare for your presentation, answer these questions using reference materials which can include the websites linked to this webquest: http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2007/02/15/PH2007021502068.jpg http://www.presentationalspeaking.com/images/pic_2.jpg

  34. Agricultural Websites • These are websites which are a good place to start in looking for more information on nanotechnology in the agriculture.  You may also wish to use the general website page linked at the bottom of this page. It is full of nanotechnology sites related to multiple areas including yours.  After exhausting these resources you may also wish to use your search engine and appropriate key words and phrases to find more information. • http://www.nano-and-society.org/commentaries/commentary_willow02.html • www.euronanotrade.com/news/Sources_of_Information.doc General Nanoscience Links

  35. More Help If you would like help breaking down your research into steps, click on the help button for an outline. http://www.nanotechproject.org/index.php?id=44&action=view&dbq=foodhttp://www.nanotechproject.org/index.php?id=44&action=view&product_id=1290http://nanotechwire.com/news.asp?nid=4556http://www.azonano.com/details.asp?ArticleID=1316 ‘Down on the Farm: the Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture’, ETC Group Report, November 2004. http://www.azonano.com/details.asp?ArticleID=1315http://www.azonano.com/Industries.asphttp://www.nanotechforest.org/dwnlds/Nano%20Workshop_Nano-Art%5B1%5D.ppt#357,13,Slide13http://nanoandcommodities.wordpress.com/tag/agricultural-and-food-commodities/agricultural-inputs-for-nanotechnology/http://www.azonano.com/SearchResults.aspIndKeyWord=Agriculture+forestry+and+fishinghttp://nsrg.neu.edu/resources/regulatory_capacity/documents/NanoAgFood.pdf Science and Engineering 2003 Reportimage: http://nanopedia.case.edu/NWPage.php?page=nanoagriculture http://www.nanotechforest.org/dwnlds/Nano%20Agriculture%20roadmap.pdf http://www.nwfpa.org/eweb/docs/Doc-to-pdf/ExpoPage/PowellNWFPA2007.pdf

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