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HROB 101 Fall 2012

HROB 101 Fall 2012. Jerry D. Estenson College of Business Administration. The Human Side of Organizations. H U. Needed Skills and Behaviors. Self Reliance Personally Responsible Personally Accountable Highly Flexible Continual Learning. New text designed for this course.

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HROB 101 Fall 2012

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  1. HROB 101Fall 2012 • Jerry D. Estenson • College of Business Administration

  2. The Human Side of Organizations HU

  3. Needed Skills and Behaviors • Self Reliance • Personally Responsible • Personally Accountable • Highly Flexible • Continual Learning

  4. New text designed for this course • Management: A Practical Introduction 5th Ed. • Angelo Kinicki and Brian Williams • Boston: McGraw Hill

  5. CRITICAL CONTACT POINTS • A guide to make it through COURSE OUTLINE www.csus.edu/indiv/e/estenson Project Guidance Slides Points of Contact Best: jestenso@earthlink.net Good estenson@csus.edu OK 278- 6781

  6. SUCCESS TOOLS • Make sure you belong in this type of course (larger or small classes • Text • Look at High Lighted terms to build your business vocabulary • Go to the internet sites proved in the text. • Print out and use the Power Point slides on my web site • www.csus.edu/indiv/e/estenson

  7. Deliverables • High performance on three tests • If you choose – A well written significant case study • Weekly in class case analysis

  8. Leadership Challenges and Tensions • Incredible Rates of Change (Fast and Thoughtful) SPEED • More with LESS • Lack of STABLE structures (jobs, companies, society) • Conflict of Structures (Responsive, Fast Moving, Organizations Versus Bureaucratic Stable ) FLEXIBLE • Charismatic (Strong Personalities) Versus Operational (Know how to do things) Leadership COMPETENCY • Surviving While Looking Toward the Long View (Dealing with the alligators as you drain the swamp) STRATEGIC

  9. Rapid Change • Shifting Power in the Marketplace • War in 2010 • On Top of the World – Cantor Fitzgerald. Howard Lutnick • New Orleans • China and Asia in 2010 • Societal Structures

  10. Power Shifts • Land Owners • Manufacturing • Customers (Democratic Purchasing Power)

  11. War Fighting

  12. Cantor Fitzgerald Howard Lutnick

  13. Today • Honored commitment to continue to pay for medical coverage for families for ten years • Honored commitment to set aside 25% of profits to be placed in a trust for survivors children. To date $180 million set aside. • Company stronger than it was before the attack

  14. New Orleans

  15. “freaky improvisations of creatures under stress.”Saul Bellow in Ravelstein. • “ex-con, a newspaper reporter, an animal rights activist, an AIDS doctor, and a prep-school teacher became civic leaders while the New Orleans Police Department, with notable individual exceptions, was the face of fecklessness.” Douglas Brinkley in “The Great Deluge: Hurrician Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast”

  16. China and India • China’s rapid change in the how market economies and Communist philosophy blend • India as hot bed for technical innovation • Common theme: High commitment to educational excellence • High expectation of students • High expectation of teachers

  17. Educational Challenges in China 1,000,000 Functionally Illiterate Citizens Closed University System for 11 years 1966 - 1977

  18. Shanghai EMBA Students

  19. Government and Politics

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