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Ecosystem health – the perceptions and the reality

Ecosystem health – the perceptions and the reality. Abbie Spiers PhD candidate Institute for Land, Water & Society Charles Sturt University. Blackmore River, rural Darwin. Permanent lagoon on Blackmore River (Spiers/Martins property), northern Australia

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Ecosystem health – the perceptions and the reality

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  1. Ecosystem health – the perceptions and the reality Abbie Spiers PhD candidate Institute for Land, Water & Society Charles Sturt University

  2. Blackmore River, rural Darwin Permanent lagoon on Blackmore River (Spiers/Martins property), northern Australia Managed for conservation under ‘Land for Wildlife’ scheme

  3. Replanting riparian vegetation after weed control efforts, Darwin River property

  4. Threats to these wetlands include fire, weeds, feral animals, and people misusing them

  5. Monitoring programs include photopoints and surveying native mammals, birds & plants

  6. Work background Multidisciplinary interests • wetlands &wetland management • science communication and social issues, mediation Institute for Land Water & Society, Charles Sturt Univ. • supports multidisciplinary research in Australia and internationally Biological monitoring programs in Kakadu National Park Involvement in various research projects including: Global review of wetland resources for Ramsar Coordination of study tours for wetland managers Technician exchange to Papua New Guinea Coordination of science communication activities, e.g. workshops & conferences, publications, World Wetlands Day Consultant mediator, Northern Territory government

  7. 100% Pure NZ

  8. How pure?

  9. NZ wetland facts “...64% of monitored lakes in pastoral landscapes are already classed eutrophic or worse. Declining water quality impacts on biodiversity, aquatic ecosystems and instream uses. It can affect human and animal health. It affects the credibility of our international brand.” Land & Water Forum report (2010) 90% of wetlands lost in 200 years of ‘reclaiming’, draining, etc Many remaining wetlands are degraded and their biodiversity severely depleted; some wetland types face extinctionAusseil (2010) Many catchments are over-allocated or approaching full allocation Many rivers frequently exceed recomm. levels of nutrient concentrations &faecal bacteria Water clarity is often poor Phosphate & nitrogen fertiliser use is high Diffuse discharges (nutrients, sediment, microbes) now greatly exceed point source pollution(Land & Water Forum 2010) “the overall status of New Zealand’s wetlands can be considered to be poor”(Hughey et al 2010)

  10. Who cares?

  11. 100% pure myth?

  12. Sustainable NZ Green industries Ecotourism

  13. People forging the path

  14. Ecological health- defined in terms of ‘system organization, resilience and vigour, as well as the absence of signs of ecosystem distress’ (Rapport et al 1998) Ecological integrity • “The degree to which the physical, chemical and biological components (including composition, structure, and process) of an ecosystem and their relationships are present, functioning and maintained close to a minimally impacted reference condition.” (Schallenberg et al. 2011) • Assessing the ecological integrity of sites with inadequate information on reference conditions may require use of a ‘nearest-neighbour reference condition’ or a predicted reference condition. Ecological character (Ramsar) • Relates to the combination of ecosystem components, processes, benefits or services that characterise a wetland at a given point in time. • “...we use this construct to link human wellbeing with ecological character through the services that a wetland provides so that human well-being is included in wetland assessments...” (Horwitz & Finlayson 2011)

  15. Research questions From literature and ‘big picture’ research… • Do New Zealanders’ perceptions of ecosystem health in New Zealand differ from the reality? • For New Zealanders who are working to make New Zealand more clean and green, what are their primary motivations? (and how this relates to wetlands) From interviews & case studies of long-term projects… • What have been their experiences since taking action for wetlands? • What support do these individuals or community groups need, to help ensure their efforts are sustained in the longer-term? • How can we better encourage and motivate others to help make wetlands healthier?

  16. To investigate, in turn: • Scientific concepts of ecosystem health, wetland health and integrity, sustainability and restoration ecology (literature) • Community interviews and discussion groups • A small number of wetland case studies to explore in more detail both the scientific and wider community concepts: e.g. “Has this wetland changed? How has that affected you and/or the way you use the wetland? What is your vision for this wetland in the future?” ...What different views exist in the wider community? How are they reconciled? How can we help future wetland projects?

  17. Your advice is welcome! Relevant data sources & literature, e.g. • Health and ecological integrity of NZ wetlands • Extent of impacts, e.g. data on wetland drainage, erosion, eutrophication, agrichemical usage, land use changes Potential case studies – long-term projects that have been initiated by individuals/community Potential interviewees

  18. Abbie Spiers aspiers@csu.edu.au ph 0276150352

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