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A handy guide to

A handy guide to. Education in the 21 st Century. From national teacher -of-the- year-guy, Michael Geisen. International Space Camp Opening Ceremonies, 2008. 1. science. 2. visual arts. 3. music. heroes of my youth. [ one ]. 1. science. science. imagination. 2.

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A handy guide to

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A handy guideto Educationin the21st Century From nationalteacher-of-the-year-guy,Michael Geisen

  2. International Space Camp Opening Ceremonies, 2008

  3. 1 science 2 visual arts 3 music heroes of my youth [ one ]

  4. 1 science science imagination 2 visual arts technical mastery math & chemistry innovation aesthetics 3 music heroes of my youth “Imaginationismore importantthan knowledge.” - Albert Einstein

  5. Analysis Mastery Creativity science imagination math & chemistry technical mastery aesthetics innovation

  6. science imagination math & chemistry technical mastery aesthetics innovation right brain left brain [ one ]

  7. 20th century 1 science 2 visual arts 3 music [ one ] whole-brain thinkers… …in a left-brain world

  8. 20th century 12 K …in a left-brain world knowledge achievement IQ “intelligence”

  9. typical 10th grade test question

  10. A traditional classroom doesnot fullyprepare kids for thereal world and it does a hugedisserviceto our most creativethinkers!

  11. typical kindergarten scenes

  12. We are allcreative, but by thetimewe are threeorfour years old, someone has knockedthecreativity outof us. ”

  13. Some people shut upthe kids who start totell stories. Kidsdanceintheircribs, but someone will insist theysit still. ”

  14. By the time creative people aretenortwelve, theywantto be like everyone else. -Maya Angelou ”

  15. Discuss: Why makes creativity so important, anyway?

  16. 21st Century 20th Century We are living in exponentialtimes

  17. Wherewill the21st centurytake us? No onereally knows. Consider this: Retirement year: My children 2070 Likely number of jobs: 15+

  18. 20thcenturyskills justwon’t cut itin the21st century Replaced by machines Jobs that rely on repetitive tasks, basic knowledge, or physical labor are quickly being replaced in the U.S. or outsourced overseas

  19. Tothrivein the21st century,citizens must be…  • Innovative / Creative • Collaborative • Adaptable • Continually learning • Knowledgeable • Conceptual thinkers • Empathetic / Relational • Globally focused     (inmathandreading)   

  20. rigorous curriculum of creativity creativity knowledge

  21. If you want tobuild a ship, don’tdrum up people togather wood, divide the work andgive orders. inspire Instead,teachthem toyearn for thevastandendless sea. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery ”

  22. The Night of the Electric Creation! Allows students to createsomethingthat ismeaningful to them while using the learning standards

  23. The Night of the Electric Creation! Jett, Paul and the Shock-a-DogTM

  24. Intermission II This time it’s personal. Think. Pair. Share. What has been most thought-provoking so far?

  25. analytical 1909 factual creative practical

  26. analytical creative 1959 factual practical

  27. analytical factual creative 2009 Dropout Zone practical

  28. analytical creative factual practical

  29. analytical factual balance creative practical

  30. Predict the effects of gravity on various objects Standards analytical creative factual practical menu

  31. Each “meal” should haveat least 3 “food groups” The overall “diet”should have several! Let studentschoose? Let students cook? menu

  32. “Predict the effects ofgravity on various objects” analytical creative factual practical • Verbal / Linguistic • Visual / Spatial • Logical / Mathematical • Bodily / Kinesthetic • Musical / Rhythmic • Interpersonal / Relational • Intrapersonal / Reflective

  33. 21st 20th 12 K intelligent how are you ? analytical creative factual practical

  34. 21st century classroom A rigorous and balanced education… 1. prepares students to participate effectively in a global society analytical 2. values students as complete human beings creative factual practical

  35. ntoy .blogspot.com national teacher of theyear

  36. “Imagination is more important thanknowledge.”

  37. balance

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