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Oleh : Beni Aditya N PM : 11100290

. Oleh : Beni Aditya N PM : 11100290. STMIK Pringsewu - Lampung. Private Sub cmdBersih_Click () ' Mengosongkan isi TextBox txtBil1.Text = "" txtBil2.Text = "" txtHasil.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdHitung_Click () ' Deklarasi Variabel Lokal Dim a As Single Dim b As Single

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Oleh : Beni Aditya N PM : 11100290

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Presentation Transcript

  1. . Oleh : Beni AdityaNPM : 11100290 STMIK Pringsewu - Lampung

  2. Private Sub cmdBersih_Click() 'MengosongkanisiTextBox txtBil1.Text = "" txtBil2.Text = "" txtHasil.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdHitung_Click() 'DeklarasiVariabelLokal Dim a As Single Dim b As Single Hasil As Single a = txtBil1.Text b = txtBil2.Text Hasil = a * b txtHasil.Text = Hasil End Sub Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() 'Mengakhiri Program End End Sub

  3. Option Button Control, digunakandalamsuatu group, dimanaseorang user dapatmemilihsalahsatusajadalamsuatu group. Check Box Control, control inidigunakanuntukpilihanya/tidakataubenar/salah.

  4. Private Sub optRed_Click() ‘Membuatteksbewarnamerah lblTeks.ForeColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub chkBold_Click() ‘MembuatteksTebal If chkBold.Value = 1 Then lblTeks.FontBold = True Else lblTeks.FontBold = False End If End Sub ‘Untukpilihan font color yang ‘lain silakanAndacobamembuat ‘kodeprogramnya ‘Untukpilihan font style yang ‘lain silakanAndabuatkode ‘programnya

  5. Private Sub cmdHitung_Click() Dim A, B, C As Double txtB.Text = Val(txtA.Text) * 0.1 txtC.Text = Val(txtA.Text) - Val(txtB.Text) End Sub Private Sub cmdQuit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdUlangi_Click() txtA = "" txtB = "" txtC = "" End Sub

  6. Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdProses_Click() Dim A, B, C, D, E, F As Double txtD.Text = Val(txtA.Text) + Val(txtB.Text) - Val(txtC.Text) txtE.Text = Val(txtD.Text) * (0.1) txtF.Text = Val(txtD.Text) - Val(txtE.Text) End Sub Private Sub cmdUlang_Click() txtA = "" txtB = "" txtC = "" txtD = "" txtE = "" txtF = "" End Sub

  7. ComboBox Control, control inimerupakangabunganantaraTextBoxdanListBox Control, dimanadaftar item hanyaakanditampilkanjika user men-click padapanahkebawahdisebelahkanan Control tersebut

  8. Private Sub Cbonpm_Click() Dim nama, jurusan, HM As String Select Case Cbonpm.Text Case "09100027" nama = "AFNAN ZALFA SALSABILA A" jurusan = "SistemInformasi" Case "09200048" nama = "AMALIA AMANAH" jurusan = "ManajemenInformatika" Case "09300024" nama = "SASKIA MECHA" jurusan = "TehnikInformatika" End Select txtnama.Text = nama txtjurusan.Text = jurusan txtquis.SetFocus End Sub

  9. Private Sub Cmdbatal_Click() Cbonpm.SetFocus Cbonpm.Text = "" txtnama.Text = "" txtjurusan.Text = "" txtquis.Text = "" txttugas.Text = "" txtuts.Text = "" txtuas.Text = "" txtna.Text = "" txthm.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Cmdkeluar_Click() Unload Me End Sub

  10. Private Sub Cmdproses_Click() Dim NA As Integer Dim HM As String QUIS = Val(txtquis.Text) TUGAS = Val(txttugas.Text) UTS = Val(txtuts.Text) UAS = Val(txtuas.Text) NA = (QUIS + TUGAS + UTS + UAS) / 4 txtna.Text = NA Select Case txtna.Text Case Is > 80 HM = "A" Case Is > 70 HM = "B" Case Is > 60 HM = "C" Case Is > 50 HM = "D" Case Is < 50 HM = "E" End Select txthm.Text = HM End Sub

  11. Private Sub Form_Load() Cbonpm.AddItem "09100027" Cbonpm.AddItem "09200048" Cbonpm.AddItem "09300024" End Sub Private Sub txtquis_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txttugas.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub txttugas_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtuts.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub txtuts_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtuas.SetFocus End If End Sub

  12. Private Sub Command1_Click() Label2.Caption = Text1.Text End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Option1_Click() Label2.ForeColor = vbBlue End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() Label2.ForeColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() Label2.FontBold = Check1.Value End Sub Private Sub Check2_Click() Label2.FontItalic = Check2.Value End Sub

  13. Private Sub Cmdbatal_Click() kosong End Sub Private Sub cmdlagi_Click() kosong End Sub Private Sub Form_load() cbogolongan.AddItem "I" cbogolongan.AddItem "II" cbogolongan.AddItem "III" cbogolongan.AddItem "IV" End Sub Private Sub Cmdkeluar_Click() Unload Me End Sub

  14. Private Sub cbogolongan_Click() Dim gapok, pajak, tunjangan, total As Variant Select Case cbogolongan.Text Case "I" gapok = 1500000 tunjangan = 150000 Case "II" gapok = 2000000 tunjangan = 200000 Case "III" gapok = 2500000 tunjangan = 250000 Case "IV" gapok = 3000000 tunjangan = 300000 Case Else gapok = 0 tunjangan = 0 End Select total = gapok + tunjangan pajak = total * 0.1 txtgapok.Text = gapok txttunjangan.Text = tunjangan txtpajak.Text = pajak txttotal.Text = total - pajak End Sub

  15. Public Sub kosong() txtnidn.SetFocus txtnidn.Text = "" txtnama.Text = "" cbogolongan.Text = "" txtgapok.Text = "" txttunjangan.Text = "" txtpajak.Text = "" txttotal.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub txtnind_keypress(keyascii As Integer) If keyascii = 13 Then txtnama.SetFocus End If End Sub

  16. Private Sub Cmdbatal_Click() Txtnama.SetFocus Txtnama.Text = "" Txtnpm.Text = "" Txtjur.Text = "" Txtps.Text = "" TxtTm.Text = "" Txturut.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Cmdkeluar_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Cmdlagi_Click() Txtnama.SetFocus Txtnama.Text = "" Txtnpm.Text = "" Txtjur.Text = "" Txtps.Text = "" TxtTm.Text = "" Txturut.Text = "" End Sub

  17. Private Sub Cmdproses_Click() Dim S As String TxtTm.Text = "20" & Left(Txtnpm.Text, 2) S = Mid(Txtnpm.Text, 3, 1) If S = "1" Then Txtjur.Text = "SistemInformasi" ElseIf S = "2" Then Txtjur.Text = "ManajemenInformatika" ElseIf S = "3" Then Txtjur.Text = "TehnikInformatika" ElseIf S = "4" Then Txtjur.Text = "Manajemen & Komp. Akuntansi" End If S = Mid(Txtnpm.Text, 4, 2) If S = "01" Then Txtps.Text = "Strata Satu" ElseIf S = "02" Then Txtps.Text = "Diploma Tiga" ElseIf S = "03" Then Txtps.Text = "Diploma Empat" ElseIf S = "04" Then Txtps.Text = "Diploma Dua" End If Txturut.Text = Right(Txtnpm.Text, 3) End Sub

  18. Private Sub Form_activate() Txtnama.SetFocus Txtnama.Text = "" Txtnpm.Text = "" Txtjur.Text = "" Txtps.Text = "" TxtTm.Text = "" Txturut.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Txtnama_Keypress(Keyascii As Integer) If Keyascii = 13 Then Txtnpm.SetFocus End If End Sub

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