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Descripciones. How to describe people – including yourself!. Tengo I have. Tienes You have. tiene he/she has. ojos azules blue eyes. ojos azules blue eyes. ojos verdes green eyes. ojos pardos brown eyes. pelo rubio blond hair. pelo moreno brown hair. pelo rojo red hair.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Descripciones How to describe people – including yourself!

  2. Tengo I have

  3. Tienes You have

  4. tiene he/she has

  5. ojos azules blue eyes

  6. ojos azules blue eyes

  7. ojos verdes green eyes

  8. ojos pardos brown eyes

  9. pelo rubio blond hair

  10. pelo moreno brown hair

  11. pelo rojo red hair

  12. pelo oscuro dark hair

  13. bigote moustach

  14. barba beard

  15. lentes glasses

  16. frenillos braces

  17. Soy I am

  18. eres you are

  19. es he/she is

  20. alto, alta tall

  21. bajo, baja short

  22. artístico, artística artistic

  23. deportista athletic

  24. callado, callada quiet

  25. Trabajador, trabajadora hard-working

  26. flojo, floja lazy

  27. gracioso, graciosa funny

  28. serio, seria serious

  29. prudente cautious

  30. tímido, tímida shy

  31. guapo, guapa nice-looking

  32. feo, fea ugly

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