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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (9). 玉墜項鏈 億萬年 密密封存的 火種 你用指尖輕輕撩撥 胸前微溫的 綠焰 然後微笑著 直直向我走來. JADE NECKLACE a live cinder from the Creation stroking with your finger tips you stir up the green flame

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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

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  1. THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (9)

  2. 玉墜項鏈 億萬年 密密封存的 火種 你用指尖輕輕撩撥 胸前微溫的 綠焰 然後微笑著 直直向我走來 JADE NECKLACE a live cinder from the Creation stroking with your finger tips you stir up the green flame that flickers on your breast then smile and walk straight towards me

  3. MAKING OF A POEM when his wife's warm gaze turns into an icicle he knows there's a deep freeze on his own face but before the bloom of its first flower the earth must endure a long long winter so he once again attains though not without a qualm his peace of mind and arduously awaits the clear and crisp sound ice breaking brows relaxing composedly he spreads out a sheet of paper and puts down his first word 做詩 直到妻子溫存的眼光 也結了冰 詩人才驚覺 籠罩自己臉上的冷 竟是恁般深重 但大地 為了開出第一朵花 必須忍耐 長長的冬 就這樣 他又一次 理得而心不安 苦苦地等待 一聲清脆的爆響 冰破裂 眉頭舒展 安祥地他攤開稿紙 寫下了第一個字

  4. 扣入皮肉的粗繩 如扯不斷卸不掉的原罪 泥濘的岸上 每一個手腳並用的爬行 都是最後一個掙扎 一聲聲搖老和黑 咦老和黑 不是哀嘆 更不是謳歌 只告訴自己 還活著 縴夫之歌 ON THETOWPATH cut into the flesh the rope raw as original sin pulls them back on the muddy shore each step a struggle for the last stand the endless succession of ayo ayo is neither complaint nor song just to remind themselves still alive

  5. 聞鬧鐘起舞 一隻早起的 雞 在雞欄裡 DAWN awakened by the alarm clock he starts dancing an early-rising rooster in the chicken coop

  6. KISSING both trying so hard to suck out the words that neither dares to utter first 吻 猛力 想從對方口中 吸出一句 誰都不敢先說的 話

  7. 長城 是什麼樣的浪漫豪情 使我們爭先攀登 高聳嶙峋的背脊 去瞻望 自動調距的鏡頭裡 萋萋的歲月 蜿蜒萬里的 龍的殘骸 THE GREAT WALL What valor to climb the ragged ridge and to look long and hard through a self-adjusting lens at the skeleton of the dragon that sprawls miles and miles in the wasteland of time

  8. SPRING HAS BARELY BEGUN spring has barely begun the snow on the trees is yet to melt but they are already arguing where to place the vases 春分才過 春分才過了沒兩天 枝頭的雪才開始融化 他們已在爭論 如何擺置花瓶

  9. 條條大路 都通向 霓虹閃爍車水馬龍的 商業區 在一截野草叢生的廢道上 我看到左右跨開巨人般雙腿的 凱旋門 默默站在暮色蒼茫裡 想不起當年 凱旋的隊伍究竟從哪一頭 旌旗蔽天鼓角動地而來 只有頑皮的風 在它寬容的褲襠下 鑽來鑽去 不停地鑽來又鑽去 羅馬 凱旋門 ARCH OF TRIUMPH, ROME all roads lead to the business district of highrises and neon lights on a stretch of deserted road overgrown with wild grass I see the arch standing astride squinting in the evening light as if trying to recall from which side the returning triumphant troops approached flags covered the sky drums shook the earth but there is only the wind now mischievously playing between its legs back and forth tirelessly back and forth

  10. 風塵僕僕的 路 央求著 歇一歇吧 但年輕的一群 氣都不讓它喘一口 便嘻嘻哈哈 拖著它 直奔下山去 THE POOR OLD ROAD dusty and exhausted the poor old road keeps pleading for some rest but the boys keep laughing and shouting and drag him down the hill

  11. 流浪者 捏緊拳頭猛對自己鼻梁一擊 便有了滿天的繁星 甚至對這樣升起的燦爛夜空 他也已感到厭倦 A WANDERER stars fly when he hits his nose with his own clenched fist even the rise of such a brilliant sky can no longer excite him

  12. 勞動者的坐姿 四平八穩的寶座 專為勞動後的休息而設 這位名正言順的王者 卻忸怩不安 側著身子危坐 怕滴落的汗水 沾污 潔淨的椅面 POSTURE OF A PROLETARIAN the stable and sturdy throne was made especially for use after labors yet this true prince who deserves a good rest is bashful and restless awkwardly sitting sideways afraid lest his sweat should sully the clean upholstery of the chair

  13. 都市即景 慾望 同 摩天樓 比高 鋼筋水泥的 摩天樓 一下子便甘拜 下風 對著 自它陰影裡 裊裊升起的人類慾望 CITY SCENE when skyscrapers try to compete with human desires they find even with steel and concrete they are no match for materialistic cravings breeding and rising without end in their shadows

  14. 煙囪 在搖搖欲滅的 燈火前 猛吸煙斗的 老頭 只想再吐 一個 完整的 煙圈 EVENING SMOKESTACK frantically puffs his pipe under the dying sky trying in vain to make another ring of smoke

  15. 冬日 在一夜之間衰老 呆滯的眼直直瞪著 另一個世界 灰茫茫的天空 誰關心 一隻小鳥的下落 WINTER DAY grown old overnight his eyes stare in a stupor at another world oblivious of the whereabouts of a little bird on the vast grey sky

  16. 我知藍天 藍天是一個鐘形的玻璃罩 人的眼睛看不穿它的透明 于是我有被囚的難堪感覺 雖我無翅 THE BLUE SKY I know the blue sky a glass dome that no human sight can penetrate I thus have the terrible feeling of being imprisoned though I am wingless

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