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Status and perspective s o f accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe

Status and perspective s o f accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe. V. Palladino/INFN Workshop Neutrinophysik 06.-07. Oktober 2003 DESY, Hamburg. longer term aspects beyond present CNGS. on behalf of. the ECFA Muon Study Groups … http://muonstoragerings.web.cern.ch

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Status and perspective s o f accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe

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  1. Status and perspectives of accelerator based neutrinoprograms in Europe V. Palladino/INFN Workshop Neutrinophysik 06.-07. Oktober 2003 DESY, Hamburg longer term aspects beyond present CNGS

  2. on behalf of the ECFA Muon Study Groups … http://muonstoragerings.web.cern.ch active around CERN since 1998 (chair A. Blondel, H. Haseroth et al) in tight collaboration with the US and Japan Muon Collaborations (yearly NuFact Int. Summer Workshop & School) now also the BENE EC Network Beams forEuropeanNeutrinoExperiments presently finalizing its contract with EC (coord. VP) First joint Study Week: Mon 17-Fri 21 November @ CERN yet onepromising meeting: NO Workshop Venice Dec 3-5

  3. Short biblio http://muonstoragerings.web.cern.ch The study of a EU Neutrino Factory at CERN http://nicewww.cern.ch/~molat/neutrino/nf103.pdf Oscillation Physics with a Neutrino Factory CERN-TH/2002-208 Physics with low energy muons at a Neutrino Complex http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/hep-ph/0109217 High intensity neutrino physics: Physics at the fron end of a Neutrino Factory: a quantitative appraisal CERN-TH/2001-131, hep-ph/0105155 Kaon Physics with a high intensity proton driver http://arXiv.org/ps/hep-ph/o107046 Physics opportunities at mm Higgs Factory http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/hep-ph/0109199 + Web sites of R&D projects: MUSCAT, HARP, TARGET, HORNS, MICE …etc This can also be at the proper places inside WP

  4. … from BENE proposal : coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities working together, in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior neutrino (ν) beam facilities for Europe. 1) to establish a road map for upgrade of our present facility and the design and construction of new ones 2) to assemble a community capable of sustaining the technical realisation and scientific exploitation of these facilities 3) to foster a sequence of carefully prioritized&coordinated initiatives capable to establish, propose and execute the R&D efforts necessary to achieve these goals. 220 signatures

  5. anticipating my conclusions ….. The physics of n transitions is proving extremely rewarding and demands long term experimentation with accelerator n European accelerator n are an endangered species may extinguish after CNGS & upgrades a strong initiative is needed 3 options: Superbeams, NuFact, Betabeam + specific detectors Preliminary conclusion: all options very promising NuFact most attractive & challenging Preliminary road map: head towards it ! pursue NuFact R&D … driver, target, collection …. m complex have CDR ready by LHC startup build a Superbeam along the way? almost free combine them with a Betabeam? may exploit sinergies with CERN & EURISOL & GSI

  6. becauseneutrino flavour transitions DO exist … beyond a reasonable doubt …. SNO by now, multiple evidence .. Solar  deficit no more …. … it is e active instead … appearance! almost max mix (12~p/6) lsolar~ 200 Km/1 MeV (Dm122 ~7.1 10-5 eV2) even visible @Japanese reactors Terrestrial (atmospheric) m deficit confirmed …. looks much like mt max mix (23~p/4) latmo~ 104 Km/1 GeV (Dm232~ 2 10-3 eV2) NB: thou lsolar surprisingly only ~30 times larger (MSW) still Dm122 << D m232 ≊D m132 so only 2 wavelenghts exist …. l13 ≊ l23 ≡latmo

  7. solar e active terrestrial mt e

  8. n3 Dm223 n2 n1 Dm223 Dm212 n2 n1 Dm212 n3 The PMNS matrix of neutrino mixings Solar Terrestrial CP-violation:   0

  9. The matrix of neutrino transition probability Pee=1- ….. Pem= Pet= Pme = Pmm=1- ….. P mt= Ptt=1- ….. Pte = ……. Ptm= …..

  10. The matrix of neutrino transition probability Pee=1- ….. • Pem= - 4 Re Jem12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jem13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jem23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 • Pet= - 4 Re Jet12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jet13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jet23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 • Pme = - 4 … • - 4 … • - 4 … • - (± 8J…. Pmm=1- ….. • P mt= - 4 Re Jm t12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jm t13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jm t23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 Pte = ……. Ptm= ….. Ptt=1- …..

  11. The matrix of neutrino transition probability Solar (SuperK,SNO) LBL Reactors (Kamland) Pee=1- ….. • Pem= - 4 Re Jem12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jem13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jem23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 • Pet= - 4 Re Jet12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jet13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jet23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 • Pme = - 4 … • - 4 … • - 4 … • - (± 8J…. Pmm=1- ….. • P mt= - 4 Re Jm t12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jm t13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jm t23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 Atmo K2K, NuMI, CNGS T & CP violating term e-iδ universal Pte = ……. Ptm= ….. Ptt=1- ….. Experiments ahead of us, for decades ……..

  12. What we do not know yet? 13 < p/20or so … sure smaller, but how much? CPno clue, so far the “holy grail of neutrino science ” an insight into antimatter suppression … CP odd leptogenesis? Sign Dm2 ……. hierarchy or degenaracy? matter effects …. explore the detailed mechanism Explain better All above emphasize subleading transition me

  13. What options do we have? NB: beam + detector configurations Conventional beamp decay channel… m (0.1-1% e) SuperBeam, if MW power ……. need Very Large Detector (water C, Li-Ar) the same as p-decay 50-500 Ktons ie new lab n o v e l b e a m s Neutrino Factorym storage ring ….. m & e manipulate & (& m accelerator complex! ) accelerate needs Large Magnetic Detector n parents ! (SuperMINOS, Li-Ar in B ) 30-100 Ktons LNGS ! new lab ? BetaBeamb storage ring … pure e (& EU accelerator complex)detectors as SuperBeams NB : p m b possible, in all cases, for CP, T & CPT studies

  14. Any option relies on a new powerful EU p-driver !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPL basics Study group since 1999  design of a Superconducting Proton Linac (H-, 2.2 GeV).  higher brightness beams into the PS for LHC  intense beams (4 MW) for neutrino and radioactive ion physics CERN 2000-012 NB Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons (RCS) also an option: HARP !

  15. Conventional SuperBeam: the CERN scheme Superbeam Few 100 MeV me me appearance

  16. Astroparticle Observatory N decay S-Novae atmo  UNO, Hyper-K Liquid Argon A. De Bellephon et al A. De Bellefon, J. Bouchez, L.Mosca et al. Few 100 MeV

  17. Neutrino Factory: CERN Scheme MultiGeV m eme m eme Disappearance e e deficit mm deficit Appearance me e excess t t excess Appearance … Wrong Charge Signature e mm excessGolden t t excessSilver ! Magnetic detector

  18. Betabeam & Eurisol Moriond Mar 03 Factor 2*3 ! E U Radio I Sotopes On Line Radio Isotopes b emitters Few 100 MeV! !!! Same detector as Superbeam. At the same time!

  19. The matrix of neutrino transition probability Pee=1- ….. • Pem= - 4 Re Jem12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jem13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jem23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 • Pet= - 4 Re Jet12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jet13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jet23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 golden BetaBeam, NuFact silver • Pme = - 4 … • - 4 … • - 4 … • - (± 8J…. Pmm=1- ….. • P mt= - 4 Re Jm t12sin2D12 • - 4 Re Jm t13sin2D13 • - 4 Re Jm t23sin2D23 • ± 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 SuperBeam, NuFact Pte = ……. Ptm= ….. Ptt=1- ….. The Neutrino Factory does them all !

  20. in addition Neutrino Factory again favoured however ….. Long BaseLines then …. Matter effects are important …. a bonus ? …. a problem?

  21. Sensitivity toCPV …. asymmetries can be sizeable ………. particularly for subdominant transitions me transitions again PCP --- PCP Pn- Pn ------- Pn+Pn 8J sinD12sinD23sinD13 ------------------ 4 [Re Jem + Re Jem12]sin2D23 = ACP = = = = Dm122 ------- 10-4 eV2 L ------- 732Km 10 GeV ------- E 0.3 ----- sin213 sind 5% possibly even big ……….. NB: L/E behavior

  22. Matter effects : Matter is CP odd (no e+) …. me again tg2 2matter13 =sin 13 /(cos 13 -Amatter/Dm23) Pn enhanced if Dm23 >0 Pn depressed viceversa if Dm23 <0 ACP + Amatter ! BUT A = Dm232 L2 (Km2) --------------- ------------ 3 10-3 eV2 E (GeV) Amatter  0.7 10-6 NB: L2/E behavior faster than CP short L, low En viable? Can syst error in the subtraction be controlled? YES! At Nufact 5s, if Nm * NKT * edetectors 6 1022 Nm  2 1021 /year NKTseveral 10 Ktons Mwatts & Mtons !! edetectors

  23. NuFact only can really map them Nufact SuperBeam

  24. Pn- Pn ------- Pn+Pn e m at NuFact Betabeam me Superbeam n/n asymmetry ACP = e m at NuFact? e m Betabeam + Superbeam asymmetry … AT = ACPT both asymmetries Betabeam + Superbeam All of great interest!

  25. Comparative Physics Reach …. 90% discovery contour for CPV =90° Mezzetto NuFact03

  26. A possible Road Map NuFact +LMD CP & possibly T MSW Matter Effects Muon IonizationCooling R&D (MICE) Muon Acceleration & Storage R&D MW Target & Collector R&D MW P driver Superconducting Proton Linac (few GeV/c) aim at CDR by LHC startup!

  27. A possible Road Map Ne18 ne Radioactive Ion Beams R&D Ion Acceleration & Storage R&D BetaBeam He6 ne CP T CPT 10% NuFact +LMD CP & possibly T MSW Matter Effects Muon IonizationCooling R&D (MICE) Muon Acceleration & Storage R&D MW Target & Collector R&D MW P driver 90% Superconducting Proton Linac (few GeV/c) nm Conventional SuperBeam, p+ nm Physics at new large u/ground lab 500 Kton Water Cerenkov? 50 kton Li A? 13 & maybe CP N decay ! SuperNovae Obs. ! p - nm conventional beam 2 * CNGS !!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. ) CARE Care Collaboration Council Dissemination Board . Networking Activities (3 subprojects) Joint Research Activities (5 subprojects) N2: ELAN (Electron linear accelerators & colliders) (F. Richard/Orsay) JRA1: SRFCAV (SRF Cavity) (D. Proch/DESY) JRA2: SRFTECH (SRF Technology) (T. Garvey/ORSAY ) JRA3: PHIN (Photo-Injector) (A. Ghigo/INFN) 600KE 2600KE 2600KE 3600KE ! N3: BENE (Beams for European NeutrinoExperiments) (V. Palladino/INFN) JRA4: HIPPI (High Intensity Proton Pulsed Injector) (R. Garoby/CERN) NB: this is the R&D towards a MW Injector for the p driver !!! (first 200 MeV) CNGS !!!! 500KE 3600KE N4: HEHIHB High Energy and High Intensity Hadron Beams (H. Haseroth/CERN) … JRA5: NED (Next European Dipole) (A. Devred/Saclay) … 400KE 1000KE … …

  29. Roadmap (1): 3 MeV injector 1) 3 MeV pre-injector 2006 at CERN On-going collaboration with CEA (Saclay-F) and CNRS (Orsay-F) to build, test and install at CERN a 3 MeV pre-injector based on the “IPHI” RFQ (Injecteur de Protons de Haute Intensité)

  30. Roadmap (2): Linac4 Idea: Take only the room temperature part of the SPL (120 MeV) and install it in the PS South Hall, to inject H- into the PSBooster  > twice the number of protons/pulse in the PSB (5 1013) 120 MeV, 80m, 16 LEP klystrons

  31. Roadmap (3): SPL … • LEP RF cavities are getting older... • New technology can provide better performance (=gradient!) • More EU-wide interest on 700 MHz frequency, bulk Nb • Consequences: • Slowly relax the option on the LEP cavities • Consider 700 MHz already for the 100-150 MeV at Linac4. • Start market survey for 700 MHz klystrons • R&D options must be valid for both frequencies

  32. Targetry(the most dangerous potential show stopper) Many difficulties: enormous power density lifetime problems pion capture Stationary target: Replace target between bunches: Liquid mercury jet or rotating solid target Proposed rotating tantalum target ring Sievers Densham

  33. Hg-jet system • Power absorbed in Hg-jet 1 MW • Operating pressure 100 Bar • Flow rate 2 t/m • Jet speed 30 m/s • Jet diameter 10 mm • Temperature- Inlet to target 30° C- Exit from target 100° C • Total Hg inventory 10 t • Pump power 50 kW

  34. Jet test a BNL E-951 Event #1125th April 2001 K. Mc Donald, H. Kirk, A. Fabich Protons Picture timing [ms] 0.00 0.75 4.50 13.00 P-bunch: 2.71012 ppb 100 ns to = ~ 0.45 ms Hg- jet : diameter 1.2 cm jet-velocity 2.5 m/s perp. velocity ~ 5 m/s

  35. Pion Capture: Solenoid Pion Capture: Solenoids Kirk 20T 1.25T

  36. Pion Capture: Horn Current of 300 kA p To decay channel Protons B = 0 Hg target B1/R Gilardoni

  37. Ionization Cooling : the principle IN Liquid H2:dE/dx sol H2 rf Beam sol RF restoresonly P//: E constant OUT

  38. 10% cooling of 200 MeV/c muons requires ~ 20 MV of RF single particle measurements => measurement precision can be as good as D ( e out/e in ) = 10-3 never done before either…. Coupling Coils 1&2 Spectrometer solenoid 1 Matching coils 1&2 Matching coils 1&2 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Focus coils 1 Focus coils 2 Focus coils 3 m Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkov TOF 1 RF cavities 1 RF cavities 2 Downstream particle ID: TOF 2 Cherenkov Calorimeter Diffusers 1&2 Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Incoming muon beam Trackers 1 & 2 measurement of emittance in and out

  39. Status of MICE Recommended for approval on May 3 RAL International Peer Review Advisory Panel a team of international top experts (A. Atsbury et al) Funding becomes the driving issue MICE is estimated to cost 25 ME (hardware) + almeno altettanto di manpower, travel, contingency, TVA 1/4 to 1/3 UK …. 10 M - 15 M Pounds appears likely (PPARC, OST) … if good signals from other agencies negotiations will now resume USA ….. about as much INFN ? rest of Europe (FR, CH, Be … ?) Japan? Prototype work to continue meanwhile in all sectors so to avoid any additional delay

  40. Design studies FP6 foresees funding for design studies of new infrastructures. Encouraged by EU in reference with the (approved) CARE. In preparation is the proposal for a European based Design study of a neutrino factory and superbeam RAL as leading house. (Peach/Edgecock) Proton driver CERN in coll. With Saclay, RAL, etc., Target  many interested. Still searching a leading house. TTA at CERN under consideration. (pulsed beam important) Horn and collectors LAL Orsay CTF Cooling; MICE@RAL Acceleration, FFAG Saclay, Grenoble, Frascati CDR by LHC startup ! Storage ring and instrumentation …….. Detectors … Europe alone does not have critical mass for all this. => world collaboration with USA and Japan was launched at NUFACT03 in June 2003.

  41. ’s & EURISOL EURISOL and future  programs may share a new powerful European p driver      Eurisol Eurisol Eurisol Eurisol 20ms rep rate …. unique opportunity …

  42. The physics case for the SPL(*) 1)neutrino oscillations : conventional Superbeam 2)EURISOL … RIB … stability of nuclear matter 3)neutrino oscillations : Betabeam & NuFact 4)slow muon ….. Rare LFV decays 5) further sinergies to be energetically sought …… (*) Superconducting Proton Linac … many MW (1016 2-3 GeV/c p) presently favoured option for p driver (HARP) Document to the CERN Scientific Policy Committe in December Workshop late May 04 “Physics at the SPL”

  43. Conclusions again ….. The physics of n transitions is proving extremely rewarding and demands long term experimentation with accelerator n European accelerator n are an endangered species may extinguish after CNGS & upgrades a strong initiative is needed 3 options: Superbeams, NuFact, Betabeam + specific detectors Preliminary conclusion: all options very promising NuFact most attractive & challenging Preliminary road map: head towards it ! pursue NuFact R&D … driver, target, collection …. m complex have CDR ready by LHC startup build a Superbeam along the way? almost free combine them with a Betabeam? may exploit sinergies with CERN & EURISOL & GSI

  44. Conclusions The physics of n transitions is proving extremely rewarding and demands long term experimentation with accelerator n European accelerator n are an endangered species may extinguish after CNGS a strong initiative is needed 3 options: Superbeams, NuFact, Betabeam Preliminary conclusion: all options very promising NuFact most attractive & challenging Preliminary road map: head towards it ! pursue NuFact R&D … driver, target, collection …. m complex have CDR ready by LHC startup build a Superbeam along the way? almost free combine them with a Betabeam? may exploit sinergies with CERN & EURISOL & GSI

  45. NuFact cf. conventional sources (cont.):

  46. NuFact cf. conventional sources (cont.):

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