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Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovations

Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovations. Workpackage 3. Research Group. Humboldt University team: Prof. Konrad Hagedorn Dr. Cathrine Murray Dr. Volker Beckmann Dr. Markus Hanisch CIRAD team: Dr. Emmanuelle Cheyns 2 trainees

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Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovations

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  1. Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovations Workpackage 3 HUB presentation

  2. Research Group • Humboldt University team: Prof. Konrad Hagedorn Dr. Cathrine Murray Dr. Volker Beckmann Dr. Markus Hanisch • CIRAD team: Dr. Emmanuelle Cheyns 2 trainees • PhD students: Ilona Banaszak (PL) Violeta Dirimanova (BG) HUB presentation

  3. Research Group II • Subcontractors: Dr. Frederic Morand Prof. A. Aleksiev and Dr. I. Penov (BG) Prof Csaba Forgacs (HU)Dr. Aija Zobena and Dr. Sandra Sumane (LV) Dr Romualdas Zemeckis (LT)Dr. Piotr Matczak (PL) Dr Tatiana Kulvankova-Oravska (SK) HUB presentation

  4. Research Framework HUB presentation

  5. Land Fragmentation in Bulgaria: Research questions, hypotheses and empirical methodology Producer Groups in Poland: Research questions, hypotheses and empirical methodology PhD Projects HUB presentation

  6. Case Study Projects • Cooperation for Rural Tourism Product - Comparative case study in Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. • Cooperation for Environmental Protection-Comparative case study of collective action in Polish and Slovakian National Park. • Cooperation for Market Development - Comparative case study of land market in Bulgaria and Hungary HUB presentation

  7. Factors affecting Cooperative Strategies HUB presentation

  8. Core Readings • Elinor Ostrom (1998). A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective Action. In: M.D. McGinnis (ed.), Polycentric Games and Institutions. Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press. 427-521. • Joel Sobel (2002). Can We Trust Social Capital? Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XL (March): 139-154. • Insa Theesfeld (2003). Constraints of Collective Action in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Bulgaria’s Irrigation Sector. World Development 32(2): 241-252. • Franz Gatzweiler (2003). Patterns of Institutional Change for Sustainability in Central and Eastern European Agriculture. Ceesa Discussion Paper No 16, Humboldt University Berlin, Chair of Resource Economics. HUB presentation

  9. Deliverables • D1:3: Report on the finalisation of doctoral training programme • D2.3: Working papers on theoretical aspects of the theme • D3.3: Working papers on personal PhD projects • D4.3: Report on operational concepts translated for CEE case studies • D5.3: Report on the description of CEE case study design (including selection of study regions) HUB presentation

  10. Deliverables II • D6.3: Finalisation of questionnaires and interview guidelines • D7.3: Report on Datasets • D8.3: Report on the methodology of implementation of CEE surveys • D9.3: Report on empirical work • D10.3: Reports on integrated results (options and policy recommendations) • D11.3: Reports on the progress of PhD thesis HUB presentation

  11. Deliverables III • D12.3: Working papers, consequently submitted to academic conferences and refereed journals • D13.3: Report on knowledge intensive dissemination products based on empirical work • D14.3: Report on contribution to the formation of a research network HUB presentation

  12. Timetable June 2004Kick-Off of Restructured Idari Project 06/112004 Preparation of empirical work for cross-country comparison Dec. 2004 Description of Case Studies and Empirical Research January 2005 4th Idari Workshop 01-08 2005 Analysis and Options Submission of Working papers Nov. 2005 Final Conference Dec. 2005 End of Project - Dissemination ongoing HUB presentation

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